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Short:Print Postscript calendars V4.9.1
Uploader:Thore Böckelmann <tboeckel gmx de>
Download:text/misc/pcal_os4.lha - View contents

Pcal is the combined effort of several people (see the included ReadMe-files).

   Pcal is a multi-platform program which generates annotated PostScript or
   HTML calendars in a monthly or yearly format.

   It is usually run from the command line but there is an HTML/CGI capability
   as well, to generate calendars from a web-browser interface.

   Various events can be defined in an external text file to control the
   appearance of the calendars generated by 'pcal'.  On monthly PostScript
   calendars, one or more EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) images (photos, icons,
   etc) can be displayed on any given day of the month.

   For much more detail on the available options and use of 'pcal', use any of
   the following sources:

      - View the manual page for 'pcal' by running 'man pcal' after

      - View any one of the supplied help files:

           '' -- PostScript (nicest to view)
           'pcal-help.html' -- HTML
           'pcal-help.txt' -- ASCII text

        These files contain the same content as the manual page ('man pcal')
        but in different formats.  They were generated prior to the release of
        'pcal' with these commands (on Unix-like systems):

           groff -man -Tps >
           groff -man -Thtml >pcal-help.html
           groff -man -Tascii >pcal-help.txt

        A simpler way to generate those files is to run 'make man', which
        should already have been done just prior to the release of a new
        version of 'pcal'.

      - Run the command 'pcal -h' to get a detailed list of help and
        command-line options.  This output is not always as thorough as the
        help sources mentioned above, but since it is generated directly from
        the program's internal variables, it will always show the most
        up-to-date information, in the rare case that the documentation
        mentioned above wasn't updated to match the program changes.

      - Here's a quick, current, alphabetical list of all the 'pcal' options
        and their associated meanings:

           ------------------------------- clip 'n' save -------------------------------

           -A  parse American date format		-a  select output language (for months/days)
           -B  don't fill unused day boxes		-b  print day in black
           -C  define centered footer string		-c  generate "calendar" utility input
           -D  define preprocessor symbol & value	-d  select alternate day font
           -E  parse European date format		-e  print empty calendar
           -F  define alternate starting day		-f  select alternate date file
           -G  print day as color-filled outline	-g  print days in special color (default gray)
           -H  generate calendar as HTML table		-h  generate full help message
           -I  re-initialize program defaults		-i  <unused>
           -J  print Julian day and days remaining	-j  print Julian day (day of year)
           -K  prev/next-month in 1st/last box		-k  prev/next-month in 1st 2 boxes
           -L  define left-justified footer string	-l  landscape mode
           -M  print all moons				-m  print new/half/full moons
           -N  define heading for notes box		-n  select alternate notes font
           -O  print day as empty colored outline	-o  select alternate output file
           -P  paper size (letter, legal, a4, tabloid)	-p  portrait mode
           -Q  <unused>					-q  generate yearly-planner style HTML calendar
           -R  define right-justified footer string	-r  remap fonts for 8-bit characters
           -S  suppress small prev/next-month calendars	-s  define date color & fill box shading color
           -T  select typeface for date/note text	-t  select alternate title font
           -U  undefine preprocessor symbol		-u  display parameter usage message
           -V  <unused>					-v  display version ID
           -W  <unused>					-w  print whole-year/page calendar
           -X  X-axis transformation			-x  X-axis scale factor
           -Y  Y-axis transformation			-y  Y-axis scale factor
           -Z  generate debugging information		-z  specify alternate time zone
           -#  print multiple copies of each page

   The 'pcal' (and 'lcal' [lunar calendar]) homepage is:

   The 'pcal' and 'lcal' applications are available at:

Contents of text/misc/pcal_os4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[unknown]                  880    1870  47.1% -lh5- dfb7 Mar 15 07:41 pcal/calendar.dat
[unknown]                 2289    5544  41.3% -lh5- 83c3 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/doc/obsolete/pscalendar
[unknown]                23027   63532  36.2% -lh5- 9508 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/doc/
[unknown]                31414   85088  36.9% -lh5- 3eb6 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/doc/ReadMe.txt
[unknown]                 2771    7511  36.9% -lh5- 96a2 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/eps/recycle.eps
[unknown]                  537    1225  43.8% -lh5- 1e4d Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/calendar_au.txt
[unknown]                  618    1117  55.3% -lh5- 568f Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/calendar_de.txt
[unknown]                  772    1862  41.5% -lh5- 136b Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/calendar_ee.txt
[unknown]                  608    1070  56.8% -lh5- 50bb Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/calendar_fi.txt
[unknown]                  928    2036  45.6% -lh5- 333b Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/calendar_fr.txt
[unknown]                 3990   16947  23.5% -lh5- 50bc Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/calendar_gr.txt
[unknown]                  936    2035  46.0% -lh5- eba5 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/calendar_hu.txt
[unknown]                  525    1535  34.2% -lh5- 8385 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/calendar_no.txt
[unknown]                  282     574  49.1% -lh5- 1417 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/calendar_nz.txt
[unknown]                  531    1076  49.3% -lh5- 921c Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/calendar_uk.txt
[unknown]                 1632    4053  40.3% -lh5- 2214 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/calendar_us.txt
[unknown]                  326     573  56.9% -lh5- c229 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_arabic
[unknown]                 1023    3081  33.2% -lh5- 1c51 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_cyrillic
[unknown]                 1102    2910  37.9% -lh5- a086 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_greek
[unknown]                  326     573  56.9% -lh5- 606a Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_hebrew
[unknown]                 1277    3883  32.9% -lh5- 05c9 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_koi8r
[unknown]                 1288    3898  33.0% -lh5- e91a Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_koi8u
[unknown]                 1839    6145  29.9% -lh5- b6a6 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_latin1
[unknown]                  333     575  57.9% -lh5- 416b Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_latin10
[unknown]                 1050    2917  36.0% -lh5- 0e3d Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_latin2
[unknown]                 1077    2995  36.0% -lh5- 80be Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_latin3
[unknown]                 1059    2946  35.9% -lh5- 3651 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_latin4
[unknown]                 1127    2981  37.8% -lh5- 698e Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_latin5
[unknown]                 1063    2927  36.3% -lh5- 7d57 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_latin6
[unknown]                 1124    3003  37.4% -lh5- 3c8b Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_latin7
[unknown]                 1071    2951  36.3% -lh5- d3a2 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_latin8
[unknown]                 1111    2949  37.7% -lh5- 7262 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_latin9
[unknown]                 1574    5191  30.3% -lh5- c371 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_roman8
[unknown]                  991    2884  34.4% -lh5- cf57 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/fonttest_thai
[unknown]                 1392    2878  48.4% -lh5- 8671 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/moon98
[unknown]                 3787    9893  38.3% -lh5- 4b94 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/examples/pcal-cfg.txt
[unknown]                 1658    3921  42.3% -lh5- 23d8 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/html/pcal.cgi
[unknown]                 2344    8383  28.0% -lh5- f41f Mar 15 07:40 pcal/html/pcal.html
[unknown]                 2408    6101  39.5% -lh5- e127 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/html/
[unknown]                 1884    6255  30.1% -lh5- 102d Mar 15 07:40 pcal/html/pcalw.html
[unknown]                 4314   12407  34.8% -lh5- 90bd Mar 15 07:40 pcal/Makefile
[unknown]                  428    1188  36.0% -lh5- 5378 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/Makefile.Amiga
[unknown]                 1466    4274  34.3% -lh5- 4fe9 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/Makefile.DOS
[unknown]                  904    2095  43.2% -lh5- 27c1 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/Makefile.MMS
[unknown]                  508    1510  33.6% -lh5- 431b Mar 15 07:40 pcal/
[unknown]                  203     342  59.4% -lh5- 1946 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/obj/unused.txt
[unknown]               126805  302228  42.0% -lh5- 40ca Mar 15 07:41 pcal/pcal
[unknown]                  335     661  50.7% -lh5- b32b Mar 15 07:40 pcal/
[unknown]                 3491    9202  37.9% -lh5- 16b7 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/exprpars.c
[unknown]                 7577   19645  38.6% -lh5- e6d1 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/moonphas.c
[unknown]                21453   60279  35.6% -lh5- 35f1 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/pcal.c
[unknown]                12202   33756  36.1% -lh5- 50fe Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/pcaldefs.h
[unknown]                 2365    6928  34.1% -lh5- 5fab Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/pcalglob.h
[unknown]                 2571    7029  36.6% -lh5- bf96 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/pcalinit.c
[unknown]                18243   90864  20.1% -lh5- 0767 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/
[unknown]                20046   59808  33.5% -lh5- 22aa Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/pcallang.h
[unknown]                 1537    3932  39.1% -lh5- 79dc Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/pcalpapr.c
[unknown]                  874    1863  46.9% -lh5- da82 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/pcalpapr.h
[unknown]                10933   31232  35.0% -lh5- 9c57 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/pcalutil.c
[unknown]                 2432    8214  29.6% -lh5- f4ce Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/protos.h
[unknown]                17762   54901  32.4% -lh5- 4ae0 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/readfile.c
[unknown]                19149   58984  32.5% -lh5- 447a Mar 15 07:40 pcal/src/writefil.c
[unknown]                   31      31 100.0% -lh0- bdf6 Mar 15 07:40 pcal/VaxCrtl.opt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        63 files  379603 1059261  35.8%            Mar 15 15:59
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