The enlosed patchfile was written to overcome the Y2k bug that MM
suffers from. This is the authors fifth patchfile and so far the most
The files are respectively...
MM.pch 7908 bytes The Y2K fix patch.
README.TXT 1766 bytes These instructions
spatch 14636 bytes The executable which will apply the patchfiles
I have patched my copy of MM and done quite a deal of testing that has
shown nothing but positive results, including the dates added to ticks
both tossed by MM and generated locally.
The patch is designed to work on MailManager v1.22x '030 which has a file
size of 305,040 I have found another copy of MM at this size on which the
patch WILL NOT work.
If when trying to update your copy of MM, the spatch executable reports
you have the wrong version, the correct version can be found on Aminet.
To apply the patch, make a copy of MM in the same directory as the two
files included with this text. (MM.pch and spatch) Keep a copy of your
original binary in MM:Bin as MM.orig in case things don't quite work out.
Next, open a shell window and CD to the directory containing the three
files. Enter the command "spatch mm" and you will shortly find a copy of (size 304,592) is built in your working dir. From here, it's simply
a matter of copying back across to MM:bin/MM and restarting
I'd like to thank the author for the work he's put into this. I've put
quite a deal of work into my own Y2k patches, but this should make all
my work obsolete, for which I'm extremely grateful.