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Short:SDK for the AmiTCP/IP protocol stack
Author: AmiTCP-Group at (Network Solutions Development Inc.)
Uploader:AmiTCP-Group nsdi fi
Download:comm/tcp/AmiTCP-SDK-4.3.lha - View contents

  This archive contains include files, some development tools, link
  libraries (with source) and programming examples for AmiTCP/IP 4.3.

  AmiTCP/IP is propiertary, copyrighted product of the NSDi - Network
  Solutions Development Inc, Finland.  See the file 'LICENCE.SDK'
  included in the archive for the licence conditions.

  See AmiTCP-demo-4x.readme for further information about AmiTCP/IP.

* Bug reports 

  Send any bug reports to <>.

* New Features, enchancements and bug fixes on each release of the SDK:

  NOTE: AmiTCP itself is not included in the SDK archive, but the
  relevant (from the programmers point of view) new features and bug
  fixes are mentioned here for completeness. 3.0 beta releases are not
  mentioned in this list for clarity and to avoid unnecessary confusion.

  New on 4.3 SDK:

    * examples/httpget:
	- An example code how to develop AmiTCP/IP programs without
	  any link libraries (and no startup code in this case).
	  Compiles with SAS C and GNU CC

    * netinclude:
	- Refinements made to better cope GCC. This package will not fully
	  support GCC. There are other packages for that purpose. There are
	  libnix and ixemul support for AmiTCP networking. Ixemul support
	  is currently most complete.
	- Added prototypes, pragmas, inlines and fd:s to 2 new libraries,
	  ifconfig.library and serscript.library. These are currently
	  NSDi private libraries for db/interfaces parsing and ARexx based 
	  serial scripting and the interface may change. These ade added to
	  the SDK for completeness.
	- BSD Socket function names has reverted back to original standard
	  lowercase format. <amitcp/bignames.h> is added to bring uppercase
	  names available (as macros) for those who has used those.
	- Added new/missing protypes, header files, definitions.

    * netlib:
	- All libraries compiled w/ SAS/C 6.56
	- Added checking of NIL: filehandle to _fstat.c

    * AmiTCP:
	- Added optional argument for ARexx RESET command:
	- Fixed bug in getprotobynumber(). Now it works.

  Fixes Bugs on 4.1:

    * AmiTCP:
	- Made IOC_VOID ioctl's to be accepted, too.
	- Fixed inconsistency in link level sockaddr.

    * usergroup.library:
	- Made root to be the default user (again).

    * net.lib, netnb.lib, src/netlib/popen.c:
	- Changed popen() to use SystemTags() redirection, since the
	  standard "more" did not work otherwise.

  New Features on 4.0:

    * AmiTCP:
	- Added new function: GetSocketEvents().
	- Added the link level address handling, changed if_type to use
	  hardware types.
	- Added new sana-II errors to the error lists.
	- Configured domain names are now used on internal host
	  searches, too.
	- Added error messages to startup failures.
	- Early error messages are now printed to the console.
	- db/resolv.conf is now read for DOMAIN and NAMESERVER entries.
	- db/netdb is not read any more, the individual files (hosts,
	  protocols, networks, sercives, resolv.conf and inet.access)
	  are read explicitly.
	- WITH keyword is removed from netdb parsing
	- Removed ARexx variables TASKNAME and NTHBASE (they were
	- Added new API function GetSocketEvents().
	- Added new SocketBaseTagList() tag SBTC_SIGEVENTMASK.
	- Added new socket option SO_EVENTMASK. Setting this option
	  will set the ASYNC mode on the socket also.
	- Socket owner is now set by default, _except_ after
	- FIOSETOWN ioctl now demands the caller to set itself as the
	- Added new callback functionality to coordinate fd tables
	  with the link library. (SocketBaseTags() tag
	- Made name server resolving multithreaded. Now each
	  application has it's own set of resolver state variables.
	  Before any name resolvation would block if another
	  resolvation was in progress.
	- Added h_errno setting via a pointer (SocketBaseTags() tag
	- Changed the AmiTCP ARexx port (AMITCP) to show only after the API
	  is up and running (no need to "wait" on the bin/startnet).
	- Added functions sendmsg() and recvmsg() for scatter/gather I/O.
	- First parameter to Dup2Socket() can now be -1 to mark the fd
          (the second parameter) as not to be used by AmiTCP.
	- Added function SocketBaseTagList(). Tag definitions for it are
          on netinclude:amitcp/socketbasetags.h.
	- Added function gethostid(), which returns the primary IP
          address of the host as the unique host id.
	- Implemented gethostname() API function and HOSTNAME ARexx variable
	  (QUERY/SET). The host name is queried from the netdb and/or name
	  server, if it is not explicitly given in db/AmiTCP.config _or_ set
	  with the ARexx SET command.
	- Added support for the BSD %m feature to the syslog() (%m is
          replaced by the error description of current errno value), Also
          changed the formatting code to not use the Exec's RawDoFmt()
          allowing 32 bit values to be printed without the 'l' size
	- Only the sizes 1, 2 and 4 are now allowed for the errno
	- SetErrnoPtr() has now return value. 0 on success and -1
          otherwise. The _old_ errno indicates the error causing the
	- "new" interface naming style (eg. slip.device/0 -> sl0).

    * netinclude:
	- Removed KERNEL specific definitions.
	- Added files stdio.h and fcntl.h supporing DOS stdio if
	  USE_DOSIO is defined. Otherwise they include the original
	  files from the INCLUDE:.
	  NOTE: socket stdio does not work with the USE_DOSIO. SAS/C
	  stdio must be used, if the sockets are to be used via the
	  stdio functions.
	- Added files: sys/file.h, net/if_types.h, net/if_dl.h
	- updated: device/sana2.h, devices/sana2.i,
	  devices/sana2specialstaats.h, devices/sana2specialstats.i
	- Added prototype, pragma, fd entry and inline function for the new
	  GetSocketEvents() function.
	- (sys/socket.c):
	  Added asynchronous socket event codes and a new socket option to
	  set per socket event mask.
	- (amitcp/socketbasetags.h):
	  Added tag code for event notification signal mask
	- (sys/syslog.h):
	  Removed AmiTCP's internal log path names.
	- Added arpa protocol headers (arpa/ftp.h, arpa/nameser.h,
	  arpa/tftp.h and arpa/telnet.h) to the distribution.
	- Added/deleted some files.
	- Added SocketBaseTagList() definitions to
	- GCC: Added inline functions from clib/socket_inlines.h to
	  inline/socket.h, since those had to be modified for gcc.
	  Generated big list of defines to make possible to use local
	  `SocketBase' variable in calls to bsdsocket.library calls.
	  This feature is invoked defining SOCKETBASE_IN_CONTEXT.
	- Added syslog.h (includes sys/syslog.h) for source
	- SAS/C: inline functions are defined only if OPTINLINE is
	  used, netlib stubs are used otherwise.
	- Added new prototypes and declarations for the
	  usergroup.library and its link library (grp.h, pwd.h,
	  unistd.h, utmp.h, clib/netlib_protos.h).
	- Changes for the short interface names, removed interface
	- Added include files for the netinfo.device.
	- Added RPC include directories rpc and rpcsvc.

    * net.lib:
	- Added tzset() to the timerinit.c to override the one from
	  the SAS/C sc.lib. ENV:TZ is just once, or not at all if
	  locale.library is present.
	- Added dosio_init.c, dosio_sprintf.c.
	- Added compiling the USE_DOSIO versions of the libraries (the
	  names of the USE_DOSIO versions contain 'd' after the base
	  name of the library, for example: net.lib -> netd.lib).
	- Added functions: link_addr(), link_ntoa().
	- Updated to open version 4 of the bsdsocket.library.
	- Moved usr.lib functionality to here.
	- Added implementation of SAS/C level 1 I/O functions, which
	  allows stdio on sockets (printf(), and a like).
	- Integrated inetd daemon startup code to here. Includes
	  functions init_inet_daemon() and set_socket_stdio(). See
	  src/examples/serv for an example.
	- Added some unix style functions (utime(), popen(), sleep()
	  etc.). See doc/netlib.doc for a full list and a reference.
	- Added real h_errno variable.
	- Added rcmd() and resvport(), removed getpwuid() and getgrgid().
	- Added syslog() support functions: openlog(), closelog() and
	- Removed errlst.c (error tables are now inside the AmiTCP to
	  decrease overall memory usage).
	- Removed gethostname(), now implemented in the AmiTCP.
	- Added strerror().
	- Added perror() and stubs for the inline functions (if the
	  inlining is not done).
	- Program name is passed to the AmiTCP at startup. It is used
	  in the syslog() messages.
	- New function herror() will print the host error code set
	  after host resolving failure (uses SocketBaseTags()).
	- New function GetHErrno() will return the host error code
	  using the SocketBaseTags().

    * libs/usergroup.library:
	- Added a new function call getcredentials() which returns all
	  credential for a process, updated library version to 4.
	- New library managing the user/group information.
	- The default user is now "nobody" (before it was "root").

    * devs/netinfo.device:
        - New device, which handles the actual user/group database

    * src/examples/serv:
	- New example of stdio and inetd usage.

    * rpc.lib:
	- AmiTCP implementation of the Sun RPC 4.0.
	- Added support for the USE_DOSIO. Now a
	  special version of the rpclib using the dosio is compiled by
	  default (rpcdr.lib). The dosio version of the rpclib uses BPTR
	  file descriptors (dos.library files) instead of FILE * (link
	  library stdio files) with the xdrstdio_create().
	  Using rpcdr.lib and netd.lib with a typical RPC program makes it
	  5k smaller wrt. link library stdio.

    * help/
	- Full documentation for the RPC in the AmigaGuide format.

    * rcsrev:
	- New development utility, which creates standard _rev.h files
	  from some files RCS id.

    * src/devtools, src/examples:
	- New directories to clean up the directory structure.

    * portmap:
	- RPC program,version to port mapper, needed to be run before
	  any RPC based servers.

    * rpcinfo:
	- Utility to show RPC bindings on a portmap on some host.

  Fixed Bugs on 4.0:

    * AmiTCP:
	- Fixed bug with configuration string setting. Too small buffer
	  restricted the configuration string sizes to less than 24 bytes.
	- Fixed syslog message level handling. It was broken if the facility
	  code was present.
	- Changed gethostbyname() not to treate the name as dot notation IP
	  address based on the first digit only. Full check for the dot
	  notation is now made.
	- Fixed bug in getservbyname() which now checks the protocol
	- Fixed the route dumping bug.
	- Logging information is now appended to the end of the old
          log file.

    * net.lib:
	- Added priority to usergroup autodestructor function.

    * inetd:
	- Fixed bugs in server argument parsing. Before any more than
	  one argument would not have worked. (Thanks to Magnus Lilja
	  for pointing this out).

  New Features on 2.3:

    * AmiTCP:
	- New ARexx command "KILL" and a new script, bin/stopnet,
          which sends this command to AmiTCP, causing it to try to
          stop all networking applications, and if successfull,
          itself, too.

  Fixed Bugs on 2.3:

    * AmiTCP:
	- Removed the incorrect use of M_EOR, which caused fragmented
          packets to be	truncated.

  New Features on 2.2:

    * AmiTCP:
 	- The interactive sessions have now a higher priority when
	  using rh(c)slip.device

  New Features on 2.1:

    * Inet-handler:
        - With Inet-Handler you can use AmigaDOS IO to access TCP protocol

    * AmiTCP:
	- A timestamp is added to the log messages
	- Faster checksum calculation implemented in assembler

    * net.lib: 
	- User and group database handling routines are added to the
	  net.lib. Release includes example databases for `ls' and `finger'
	  utilities, which use these databases
	- A real gettimeofday() using locale is also added


Contents of comm/tcp/AmiTCP-SDK-4.3.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
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-rwxr-xr-x  1096/100      2278    4020  56.7% -lh5- 0896 Dec 17  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/bin/rcsrev
-rwxr-xr-x  1096/100     30299   54944  55.1% -lh5- dd58 Dec 17  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/bin/rpcgen
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       279     632  44.1% -lh5- 95e1 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/doc/
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-rw-r--r--  1096/100       259     504  51.4% -lh5- a3ec May 15  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/help/
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-rw-r--r--  1096/100       704    1665  42.3% -lh5- 4a18 Jan 22  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/amitcp/bignames.h
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-rw-r--r--  1096/100       841    2010  41.8% -lh5- d9b1 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/arpa/ftp.h
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-rw-r--r--  1096/100       394     804  49.0% -lh5- 023f Mar 26  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/bsdsocket.h
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-rw-r--r--  1096/100       626    1349  46.4% -lh5- ff22 Feb 25  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/clib/ifconfig_protos.h
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-rw-r--r--  1096/100       918    2244  40.9% -lh5- d9c0 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/devices/netinfo.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2959    9642  30.7% -lh5- f1bf Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/devices/sana2.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2579    8275  31.2% -lh5- e203 Jul 24  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/devices/sana2.i
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-rw-r--r--  1096/100       723    1523  47.5% -lh5- 19a4 Jul 24  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/devices/sana2specialstats.i
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       266     427  62.3% -lh5- b095 Oct  5  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/errno.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       728    1645  44.3% -lh5- 3dee Mar 26  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/fcntl.h
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/fd/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       336     585  57.4% -lh5- 30ba Feb 25  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/fd/ifconfig_lib.fd
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       300     481  62.4% -lh5- 644c Jan 27  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/fd/serscript_lib.fd
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       973    2384  40.8% -lh5- 0399 Jan 22  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/fd/socket_lib.fd
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-rw-r--r--  1096/100       279     477  58.5% -lh5- e5b7 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/getopt.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       410     787  52.1% -lh5- 9de1 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/grp.h
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-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2590   20921  12.4% -lh5- 6e2b Mar  2  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/inline/socket.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       937    3558  26.3% -lh5- 185e Feb 16  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/inline/socket_context.h
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-rw-r--r--  1096/100       836    3066  27.3% -lh5- d138 Feb 16  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/inline/usergroup_context.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       375     697  53.8% -lh5- 8aaa Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/ios1.h
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/libraries/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2637    7298  36.1% -lh5- 2f2f Feb 25  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/libraries/ifconfig.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1036    2296  45.1% -lh5- 9d97 Jan 27  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/libraries/serscript.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       854    1859  45.9% -lh5- 5ff0 Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/libraries/usergroup.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       582    1225  47.5% -lh5- 544f Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/lineread.h
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/net/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1249    2989  41.8% -lh5- c137 Jan 27  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/net/if.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1961    4376  44.8% -lh5- f021 Dec  4  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/net/if_arp.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1025    1976  51.9% -lh5- 3c86 Jan 27  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/net/if_dl.h
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-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2031    4995  40.7% -lh5- f1ba Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/net/route.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       329     687  47.9% -lh5- 4fcb Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/net/sana2errno.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       364     819  44.4% -lh5- b93e Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/net/sana2tags.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1019    2208  46.2% -lh5- 338d Mar 27  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/netdb.h
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/netinet/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1683    4051  41.5% -lh5- d3fb Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/netinet/in.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       463     858  54.0% -lh5- e2d8 Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/netinet/in_systm.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1656    4102  40.4% -lh5- 8eef Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/netinet/ip.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1429    3748  38.1% -lh5- 586d Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/netinet/ip_icmp.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1306    3192  40.9% -lh5- d7b7 Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/netinet/ip_var.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       778    1571  49.5% -lh5- d209 Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/netinet/tcp.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       310     525  59.0% -lh5- b9ba Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/netinet/udp.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       411     769  53.4% -lh5- 1718 Jan 21  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/pkts.h
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/pragmas/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       299     683  43.8% -lh5- 5036 Feb 25  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/pragmas/ifconfig_pragmas.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       249     436  57.1% -lh5- cb53 Jan 27  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/pragmas/serscript_pragmas.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1192    6026  19.8% -lh5- 9b29 Mar  2  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/pragmas/socket_pragmas.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       629    2391  26.3% -lh5- 2426 Dec 17  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/pragmas/usergroup_pragmas.h
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/proto/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       355     638  55.6% -lh5- ddc7 Feb 26  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/proto/ifconfig.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       358     648  55.2% -lh5- 4552 Feb 26  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/proto/serscript.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       394     730  54.0% -lh5- a39d Feb 26  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/proto/socket.h
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drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/protocols/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1139    2596  43.9% -lh5- 1492 Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/protocols/dumprestore.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1153    2414  47.8% -lh5- 3f5d Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/protocols/routed.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       554    1065  52.0% -lh5- 8f8d Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/protocols/rwhod.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1368    3267  41.9% -lh5- fa1b Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/protocols/talkd.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1012    2369  42.7% -lh5- 5b5e Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/protocols/timed.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       448     922  48.6% -lh5- 647e Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/pwd.h
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1604    3945  40.7% -lh5- 9551 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/auth.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       782    1470  53.2% -lh5- 1b18 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/auth_unix.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2800    7767  36.0% -lh5- bb27 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/clnt.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       382     914  41.8% -lh5- 5c33 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/gst.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       853    2209  38.6% -lh5- c0eb Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/pmap_clnt.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1027    2415  42.5% -lh5- 1e23 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/pmap_prot.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       472     885  53.3% -lh5- 4e1f Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/pmap_rmt.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       981    2003  49.0% -lh5- 82d7 Oct  4  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/rpc.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1283    3211  40.0% -lh5- 4438 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/rpc_msg.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      3044    8208  37.1% -lh5- 0bf7 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/svc.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       355     602  59.0% -lh5- ad21 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/svc_auth.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       769    1694  45.4% -lh5- 0496 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/types.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      3522   10602  33.2% -lh5- cc45 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpc/xdr.h
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       761    2225  34.2% -lh5- e18a Mar  7  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       689    1554  44.3% -lh5- d565 Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/bootparam_prot.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       878    2217  39.6% -lh5- 8fd1 Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/klm_prot.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1275    3096  41.2% -lh5- e387 Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/mount.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2110    6415  32.9% -lh5- 15e1 Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/nfs_prot.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1247    3476  35.9% -lh5- a09d Mar  7  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/nlm_prot.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2014    5846  34.5% -lh5- 2967 Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/rex.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       388     882  44.0% -lh5- 924a Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/rnusers.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       693    1569  44.2% -lh5- 1a8b Mar  7  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/rquota.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       798    2219  36.0% -lh5- f1aa Mar  7  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/rstat.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       769    2425  31.7% -lh5- 3c61 Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/rstat.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2036    7527  27.0% -lh5- ee2d Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/rstat_proc.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       791    2277  34.7% -lh5- de59 Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/sm_inter.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       508     969  52.4% -lh5- 2f72 Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/spray.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1738    4861  35.8% -lh5- 96bc Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/yp.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       376     716  52.5% -lh5- b4f8 Oct  2  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/rpcsvc/yppasswd.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       222     339  65.5% -lh5- ea87 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/stat.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1754    4841  36.2% -lh5- f70c Mar 27  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/stdio.h
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/sys/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       963    2157  44.6% -lh5- 42c1 Sep  8  1995 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/sys/cdefs.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1849    4822  38.3% -lh5- 8697 Oct  5  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/sys/errno.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       247     388  63.7% -lh5- aeba Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/sys/file.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1566    4715  33.2% -lh5- 3554 Jan 27  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/sys/ioctl.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1011    2242  45.1% -lh5- c746 Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/sys/param.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2895    7577  38.2% -lh5- 6ed8 Mar 27  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/sys/socket.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1213    3251  37.3% -lh5- 8d6d Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/sys/stat.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1895    4736  40.0% -lh5- 1130 Mar 27  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/sys/syslog.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1228    2885  42.6% -lh5- 4431 Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/sys/time.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       746    1577  47.3% -lh5- 6a83 Oct  6  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/sys/types.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       206     303  68.0% -lh5- 0242 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/syslog.h
-r--r-----  1096/100       745    1931  38.6% -lh5- 01ab Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/unistd.h
-r--r-----  1096/100       301     492  61.2% -lh5- b047 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/utime.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       455    1032  44.1% -lh5- a536 Oct  3  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netinclude/utmp.h
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netlib/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100     11851   24844  47.7% -lh5- fc39 Feb 12  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netlib/net.lib
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      7371   14948  49.3% -lh5- e769 Feb 12  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netlib/netd.lib
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      7444   15388  48.4% -lh5- d855 Feb 12  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netlib/netdnb.lib
-rw-r--r--  1096/100     11931   25508  46.8% -lh5- be31 Feb 12  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netlib/netnb.lib
-rw-r--r--  1096/100     18260   37940  48.1% -lh5- 6bab Feb 12  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netlib/rpcdr.lib
-rw-r--r--  1096/100     18231   37656  48.4% -lh5- 6628 Feb 12  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netlib/rpcr.lib
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1343    2656  50.6% -lh5- 0ba8 Feb 12  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netlib/sana2.lib
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1339    2692  49.7% -lh5- ef38 Feb 12  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/netlib/sana2nb.lib
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1618    3699  43.7% -lh5- a37c Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/README.RPC
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       435     802  54.2% -lh5- e5e2 Feb 12  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/compile.lib
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       640    1451  44.1% -lh5- 0e94 Mar 26  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/GNUmakefile
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       503     909  55.3% -lh5- 626e Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/Smakefile
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/httpget/
-rw-rw-r--  1096/100       432     732  59.0% -lh5- a4c9 Mar  2  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/httpget/Makefile
-rw-rw-r--  1096/100       410     815  50.3% -lh5- a450 Feb 16  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/httpget/Smakefile
-rw-rw-r--  1096/100      1217    1780  68.4% -lh5- 5ca4 Mar  2  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/httpget/httpget.bin.gcc
-rw-rw-r--  1096/100      1033    1444  71.5% -lh5- c22d Feb 16  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/httpget/
-rw-rw-r--  1096/100      3140    7147  43.9% -lh5- fbd2 Mar  2  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/httpget/httpget.c
-rw-rw-r--  1096/100       202     487  41.5% -lh5- 7dbd Feb 16  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/httpget/
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/dir/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       218     346  63.0% -lh5- 42ae Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/dir/SCOPTIONS
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       512     969  52.8% -lh5- 9b6a Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/dir/Smakefile
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       401     780  51.4% -lh5- 6ebf Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/dir/dir.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       467     930  50.2% -lh5- 8e71 Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/dir/dir_proc.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       764    1592  48.0% -lh5- 6e65 Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/dir/rls.c
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/msg/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       218     346  63.0% -lh5- 42ae Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/msg/SCOPTIONS
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       593    1152  51.5% -lh5- 0853 Mar 26  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/msg/Smakefile
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       148     183  80.9% -lh5- 4343 Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/msg/msg.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       387     649  59.6% -lh5- 2e9b Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/msg/msg_proc.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       435     826  52.7% -lh5- bff0 Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/msg/printmsg.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       746    1584  47.1% -lh5- 4b3f Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/msg/rprintmsg.c
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/sort/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       218     346  63.0% -lh5- 42ae Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/sort/SCOPTIONS
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       557    1193  46.7% -lh5- 7e48 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/sort/Smakefile
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       468     883  53.0% -lh5- 3d8f Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/sort/rsort.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       274     455  60.2% -lh5- b15f Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/sort/sort.x
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       322     709  45.4% -lh5- 2421 Mar  9  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/rpc/sort/sort_proc.c
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/serv/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       128     151  84.8% -lh5- 5ad6 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/serv/Smake.def
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       732    1383  52.9% -lh5- 4f99 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/examples/serv/in.example.c
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       818    1652  49.5% -lh5- f4f3 Jan 21  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/GNUmakefile
-r--r-----  1096/100      2901    9515  30.5% -lh5- 60a5 Jan 21  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/Smakefile
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       541    1095  49.4% -lh5- afa6 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/_allocufb.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1274    2969  42.9% -lh5- 077b Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/_chkufb.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       651    1455  44.7% -lh5- cfb9 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/_close.c
-r--r-----  1096/100      1476    3327  44.4% -lh5- 232b Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/_dup.c
-r--r-----  1096/100       592    1286  46.0% -lh5- c5b4 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/_dup2.c
-r--r-----  1096/100       830    1733  47.9% -lh5- ed49 Sep 17  1995 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/_fstat.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       517    1026  50.4% -lh5- befd Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/_lseek.c
-r--r-----  1096/100      1211    2811  43.1% -lh5- dd0c Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/_open.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       944    2078  45.4% -lh5- 0595 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/_read.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       887    2268  39.1% -lh5- acf5 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/_write.c
-r--r-----  1096/100      1044    2359  44.3% -lh5- 5847 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/access.c
-r--r-----  1096/100      1958    4861  40.3% -lh5- 58bf Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/autoinit.c
-r--r-----  1096/100      2314    6132  37.7% -lh5- e3d3 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/chmod.c
-r--r-----  1096/100      2171    5117  42.4% -lh5- ad0c Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/chown.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1445    3364  43.0% -lh5- 958a Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/dosio_init.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1254    2958  42.4% -lh5- 49e4 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/dosio_sprintf.c
-r--r-----  1096/100      3026    9096  33.3% -lh5- 113d Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/dostat.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       292     539  54.2% -lh5- 4b8d Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/dummy.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       776    1618  48.0% -lh5- 92ad Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/fhopen.c
-r--r-----  1096/100       267     390  68.5% -lh5- a93d Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/fib.c
-r--r-----  1096/100      1057    2653  39.8% -lh5- 37c6 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/fibex.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1263    2516  50.2% -lh5- 6f62 Oct  4  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/getopt.c
-r--r-----  1096/100       285     433  65.8% -lh5- 1227 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/getpid.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1342    3180  42.2% -lh5- 0855 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/gettimeofday.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       785    1723  45.6% -lh5- aea1 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/herror.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       912    2124  42.9% -lh5- 36b1 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/init_inet_daemon.c
-r--r-----  1096/100      1729    4176  41.4% -lh5- a7ea Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/init_usergroup.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       365     614  59.4% -lh5- 19a2 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/ioctl.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       392     679  57.7% -lh5- f291 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/iomode.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       413     707  58.4% -lh5- bdbc Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/isatty.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      3668   11317  32.4% -lh5- 2e79 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/lineread.c
-r--r-----  1096/100       945    2200  43.0% -lh5- 7153 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/linkaddr.c
-r--r-----  1096/100       570    1097  52.0% -lh5- 0b86 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/linkntoa.c
-r--r-----  1096/100       364     710  51.3% -lh5- c30c Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/netlib.h
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       653    1483  44.0% -lh5- 37b6 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/perror.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1530    4314  35.5% -lh5- 5f36 Jan 21  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/pkts.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      3316    9050  36.6% -lh5- f445 Nov 17  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/popen.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       781    1766  44.2% -lh5- ce1c Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/printfault.c
-r--r-----  1096/100       824    1874  44.0% -lh5- 2ded Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/printuserfault.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      3693    9697  38.1% -lh5- 5e56 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/rcmd.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1434    3842  37.3% -lh5- b1fb Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/sana2errlist.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       856    2058  41.6% -lh5- 58df Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/sana2perror.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       835    1977  42.2% -lh5- 25fe Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/sana2printfault.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1333    3444  38.7% -lh5- b263 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/serveraccept.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       782    1836  42.6% -lh5- a2c5 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/set_socket_stdio.c
-r--r-----  1096/100       265     428  61.9% -lh5- 0bb7 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/setegid.c
-r--r-----  1096/100       265     428  61.9% -lh5- 632e Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/seteuid.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       618    1282  48.2% -lh5- 0329 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/sleep.c
-r--r-----  1096/100       867    2035  42.6% -lh5- 69cf Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/stat.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       743    1570  47.3% -lh5- 52e3 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/strerror.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       469     941  49.8% -lh5- 6cc6 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/stubs.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2315    6430  36.0% -lh5- b38f Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/syslog.c
-r--r-----  1096/100      2822    7264  38.8% -lh5- 79a8 Oct  4  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/timerinit.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       663    1395  47.5% -lh5- b212 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/usleep.c
-r--r-----  1096/100      1238    2880  43.0% -lh5- 2237 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/netlib/utime.c
drwxrwxr-x  1096/100         0       0 ****** -lhd- 0000 Apr  1  1996 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       687    1184  58.0% -lh5- db2e Mar  7  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/DISCLAIMER
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       717    1452  49.4% -lh5- dfba Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/GNUmakefile
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      4314   19057  22.6% -lh5- 4b44 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/Smakefile
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       978    2423  40.4% -lh5- cd06 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/auth_none.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      2399    7317  32.8% -lh5- 55aa Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/auth_unix.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       611    1324  46.1% -lh5- e02d Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/authunix_prot.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       662    1299  51.0% -lh5- 752a Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/bindresvport.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       512    1084  47.2% -lh5- 5fca Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/chkabort.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       981    2240  43.8% -lh5- a8d8 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/clnt_generic.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1829    5568  32.8% -lh5- 264b Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/clnt_perror.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1957    5155  38.0% -lh5- 7b85 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/clnt_raw.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1095    2538  43.1% -lh5- 0619 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/clnt_simple.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      4039   11592  34.8% -lh5- 5f81 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/clnt_tcp.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      4010   11776  34.1% -lh5- 8446 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/clnt_udp.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1158    2494  46.4% -lh5- a456 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/get_myaddress.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1522    4394  34.6% -lh5- e74c Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/getrpcent.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       512     894  57.3% -lh5- f03d Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/getrpcport.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       162     218  74.3% -lh5- 3438 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/gst.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       895    2431  36.8% -lh5- c3a0 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/pmap_clnt.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       850    1671  50.9% -lh5- 2def Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/pmap_getmaps.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       925    1846  50.1% -lh5- a209 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/pmap_getport.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       466     853  54.6% -lh5- b19d Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/pmap_prot.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1336    2783  48.0% -lh5- 9f22 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/pmap_prot2.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      3987   11000  36.2% -lh5- 3b4f Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/pmap_rmt.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1119    4622  24.2% -lh5- 96f8 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/rpc_callmsg.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       377     669  56.4% -lh5- d9c6 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/rpc_commondata.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       426     723  58.9% -lh5- 278b Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/rpc_dtablesize.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1999    6239  32.0% -lh5- 73f5 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/rpc_prot.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      3543   10926  32.4% -lh5- 4966 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/svc.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1215    2722  44.6% -lh5- 1362 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/svc_auth.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1371    3074  44.6% -lh5- 59a9 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/svc_auth_unix.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1140    3242  35.2% -lh5- d0ca Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/svc_raw.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       608    1098  55.4% -lh5- 1485 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/svc_run.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1276    3109  41.0% -lh5- b741 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/svc_simple.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      3277   10169  32.2% -lh5- f308 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/svc_tcp.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      3778   11636  32.5% -lh5- e1d1 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/svc_udp.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      3053   10079  30.3% -lh5- 007d Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/xdr.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1385    3234  42.8% -lh5- 15d0 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/xdr_array.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1711    6025  28.4% -lh5- 73f3 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/xdr_float.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1063    3282  32.4% -lh5- 0c0b Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/xdr_mem.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      4337   15142  28.6% -lh5- 621c Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/xdr_rec.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1211    2678  45.2% -lh5- 84f4 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/xdr_reference.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100      1501    4107  36.5% -lh5- 7708 Sep 30  1994 AmiTCP-SDK-4.3/src/rpclib/xdr_stdio.c
-rw-r--r--  1096/100       267     628  42.5% -lh5- df26 Apr  1  1996
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       305 files  631514 1770260  35.7%            Apr  2  1996
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