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comm/tcp/RNOXfer_OS4.lha |
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RNOXfer is a graphical multipurpose file transfer client with support for
FTP, FTPS, and SFTP protocols. It's the first all-in-one program for any
Amiga compatible operating system!
Please consider the time and effort I put in to create this utility for your
use and enjoyment. If you feel it is useful to you, please send a donation
that represents the benefit you gain from using it to me at the address found
in this ReadMe.txt file (Uploader) or click the Donate button at
- Supports FTP(S) and SFTP protocols
- Supports both explicit and implicit FTPS connections
- Recursive file transfers
- Resume support
- Large files support
- Online editing of files (automatic uploading)
- Create new files using the specific editor setup in Settings
- Open double-clicked files using the program defined in Settings
- Edit filenames and permissions
- File search functionality
- Calculate directory sizes
- Import addresses in URL format
- Configurable IP address and port range for the active mode
- Ability to send custom FTP commands to servers
- File selection functionality by pattern matching
- AmiSSL v5 (http://aminet.net/search?query=amissl)
- Copy the whole directory anywhere you want and just launch the program.
- If the program fails to start, copy .hwp files to LIBS:Hollywood/
- To add a new entry to the Server List, enter the server information in the
main window, test that it connects, and click the Add button on the Server
List window.
- To modify an entry in the Server List, select and modify it, and click the
Add button again.
- Double-clicking a Server List entry may cause it to react in various ways
related to its configuration in the Settings window.
- Server List entries can be copied as URLs to the Clipboard using the right
mouse button context menu.
- To search for files or to calculate directory sizes, select the required
directories and use the right mouse button context menu option.
- Double-clicking a search result entry selects the file, and thus opens the
corresponding directory in the program GUI.
- There are some "hidden" keyboard shortcuts in addition to marked shorctuts:
l - Activates the local path field
r - Activates the remote path field
, - Opens the parent directory on the local file list
. - Opens the parent directory on the remote file list
o - Cycles the protocol option
? - Opens the pattern selection window for the local lister
* - Opens the pattern selection window for the remote lister
Program settings are found in the program's pull-down menu and they will be
saved to the ENVARC:Hollywood/com.wmhost.jpv.rnoxfer file.
The "Settings -> Save" pull-down menu option also saves the server list
entries, selected server, and the open states of individual windows.
There is also an advanced configuration file (advanced.conf), which is used
to pass custom curl options to the program. Check the provided example file
for more information.
RNOXfer uses non-standard command line arguments. Arguments must be given
in the form of (note the "-" prefix): -argument parameter
Allowed arguments:
-url <URL> . . . . . - Imports a URL at startup
-select <hostname> . - Selects a server from the server list
-select <position> . - Selects a server using its position (No.) in the list
-passive <on|off> . - Enables (default) or disables the passive mode
-connect . . . . . . - Auto-connect to the current server
-localdir <path> . . - Sets the local directory (path:to/dir)
-remotedir <path> . - Sets the remote directory (/path/to/dir/)
-forceutf . . . . . - Disables the UTF-8 check (not recommended)
-debug . . . . . . . - Enables the debug output
RNOXfer -url "ftp://main.aminet.net/new" -connect
The same arguments can be used as icon tooltypes, by omitting the "-" prefix.
Version 1.4:
- Added editing fields in the server list window
- Added the comment column on the server list
- Added the default local path setting
- Added the private keyfile setting for SFTP connections
- Added a check for server list changes at exit
- Added UTF-8 support to be RFC 2640 compliant
- Massive speedup in directory handling
- More verbose file size comparison when a file exists
- Added an option to save selected files/dirs as a text file
- Fixed advanced.conf handling
- Fixed issues with the settings file format
- Adjusted window sleep modes
- Disconnects from the previous server when double-clicking a new server from
the server list
- Uses hURL 2.0 (requires MorphOS 3.16, AmiSSL 5 on AmigaOS, AmiSSL 4 on AROS)
Version 1.3:
- Added support for the SFTP protocol
- Added support for large files
- Added an option to use graphic enhanced buttons in the program GUI
- Transfer speeds are displayed in the progress gauge
- Added an option to show directory names in bold text
- Directory creating failures are handled better
- Fixed handling of links with the full path
- Added an option to verify uploads
- Added selection information within the status line
- Status line indicates if the selected files are equal on both sides
- Better URL encoding when copying URLs to the clipboard
- Pattern selection interprets #? as a wildcard now
- More verbose delete requester
- Added a password requester if no password is set when connecting
- Added a command line argument for the passive mode (defaults to pasv now)
- Minor tweaking
Version 1.2:
- An overlooked debug line broke recursive downloading in v1.1
- Drag & drop failed for icons with no actual file or directory
- Added options to launch external programs after transfers
Version 1.1:
- Fixed handling of certain special characters in filenames
- Added drag & drop uploading
- Added an option to hide the local lister
- Added file selection functionality by pattern matching
- Added an option to view or download double-clicked files
- Improved local drag & drop
- Improved advanced.conf functionality
- Changed the default viewer setting to C:WBRun on OS4
- Minor tweaking
- Please visit https://jpv.amigaaa.com/ for screenshots, support, donations,
and other software
- This program is made with Hollywood: http://www.hollywood-mal.com/
- Neil Pearson for testing and proof-reading
- Densho/RNO for the logo
- Martin 'Mason' Merz for AISS toolbar icons
This software is made available to you as DONATIONWARE. If you use this
software, please make a PayPal donation to the author.
The author accepts no liability for any damage caused to your system, other
connected peripherals, or data files in any way by using this software.
Contents of comm/tcp/RNOXfer_OS4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 292 420 69.5% -lh5- ed6f Apr 21 18:06 RNOXfer_OS4/advanced.conf
[generic] 783 783 100.0% -lh0- 8119 Oct 4 2009 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/copy_left
[generic] 763 763 100.0% -lh0- b63a Oct 4 2009 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/copy_right
[generic] 1142 1142 100.0% -lh0- ae04 Mar 12 2009 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/delete
[generic] 927 927 100.0% -lh0- 5b78 Mar 1 2009 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/edit
[generic] 778 778 100.0% -lh0- 97db Aug 23 2010 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/new
[generic] 1380 1380 100.0% -lh0- e17a Aug 23 2010 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/newdrawer
[generic] 1206 1206 100.0% -lh0- 8a00 Dec 22 2016 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/parent
[generic] 714 714 100.0% -lh0- 0cff Oct 10 2009 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/protect
[generic] 1464 1464 100.0% -lh0- e40a Mar 2 2009 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/refresh
[generic] 940 940 100.0% -lh0- fe87 Sep 19 2009 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/rename
[generic] 528691 1215924 43.5% -lh5- 5323 Apr 29 23:33 RNOXfer_OS4/hurl.hwp
[generic] 3064 7204 42.5% -lh5- 9a96 Jun 7 20:41 RNOXfer_OS4/ReadMe.txt
[generic] 1998922 4147020 48.2% -lh5- a34e Jun 7 19:56 RNOXfer_OS4/RNOXfer
[generic] 934565 934565 100.0% -lh0- 250c Aug 26 2021 RNOXfer_OS4/RNOXfer_Tutorial.pdf
[generic] 5816 7414 78.4% -lh5- ec7e Jul 27 2020 RNOXfer_OS4/RNOXfer_Tutorial.pdf.info
[generic] 127 157 80.9% -lh5- d945 May 27 2021 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/license.txt
[generic] 1450 1450 100.0% -lh0- 15c5 Oct 4 2009 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/pattern
[generic] 924 924 100.0% -lh0- 4b85 Jan 2 2010 RNOXfer_OS4/gfx/server
[generic] 225641 551744 40.9% -lh5- 42fe Oct 1 2017 RNOXfer_OS4/muiroyale.hwp
[generic] 9539 11420 83.5% -lh5- fbf8 Aug 5 2019 RNOXfer_OS4/PNG-icon.info
[generic] 5714 5714 100.0% -lh0- c4c1 Jan 7 2020 RNOXfer_OS4/PNG-icon/RNOXfer.info
[generic] 3126 5092 61.4% -lh5- 8a46 Apr 7 2017 RNOXfer_OS4/ReadMe.txt.info
[generic] 9539 11420 83.5% -lh5- fbf8 Apr 7 2017 RNOXfer_OS4/Screenshots.info
[generic] 29992 29992 100.0% -lh0- f8f8 Feb 14 2020 RNOXfer_OS4/Screenshots/RNOXfer_Search.png
[generic] 21395 21395 100.0% -lh0- f10d Feb 14 2020 RNOXfer_OS4/Screenshots/RNOXfer_Servers.png
[generic] 60872 60872 100.0% -lh0- f505 Feb 14 2020 RNOXfer_OS4/Screenshots/RNOXfer_Settings.png
[generic] 77058 77058 100.0% -lh0- 8f2f Sep 7 2021 RNOXfer_OS4/Screenshots/RNOXfer_SingleView_GFX.png
[generic] 9539 11420 83.5% -lh5- fbf8 Apr 7 2017 RNOXfer_OS4.info
[generic] 1139 2988 38.1% -lh5- 8bf2 Feb 9 2020 RNOXfer_OS4/RNOXfer.info
[generic] 21019 21019 100.0% -lh0- 2e51 Feb 14 2020 RNOXfer_OS4/Screenshots/RNOXfer_Import.png
[generic] 29593 29593 100.0% -lh0- a387 Feb 14 2020 RNOXfer_OS4/Screenshots/RNOXfer_Log.png
[generic] 95847 95847 100.0% -lh0- 0d6f Feb 14 2020 RNOXfer_OS4/Screenshots/RNOXfer_Main.png
[generic] 18028 18028 100.0% -lh0- a6bd Feb 14 2020 RNOXfer_OS4/Screenshots/RNOXfer_Permissions.png
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 34 files 4101989 7278777 56.4% Jun 9 01:51
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