TogMi 1.1 by Mat Bettinson
* What is TogMi?
TogMi is an Arexx script for controlling the new Miami TCP/IP stack by
Holger Kruse. Normally to dial up and hang up, you will need to open the
Miami GUI and click on the buttons. With TogMi and it's launch icon, you
only need to click on an icon to Toggle Miami's state, hence the name.
* How does it work?
TogMi is configurable in as far as what little it does. If it's activated
but Miami is not currently running, it has the option of launching Miami
and then dialling up. If Miami is running, it will instruct Miami to dial
up. Likewise if Miami is on-line it will instruct Miami to hang up.
* Requirements?
1. RexxMast active, TogMi is an Arexx script.
2. TogMi.rexx in the rexx: assign.
3. The Miami TCP/IP stack. Dow!
4. The rexxtricks.library but not essential.
5. OS 2.x I guess though only tested on 3.x
* Installation;
1> Copy TogMi.rexx to rexx:
2> Copy rexxtricks.library to libs: if tooltype reading is required. This
is a 50K library or so, perhaps low memory users might like to skip it.
3> Drag TogMi icon to where it's required. Highlight it and select 'Leave
Out' from the Workbench menus. Simple move the icon on WB to where you want
it to stay and then use the icon snapshot function.
* Configuration;
TogMi has it's configuration in two places. One in the icon tooltypes and
the other in the header of the script file. If for any reason TogMi can not
read the icon tooltypes, the defaults in the header of the script file will
be used.
A word of warning, because the TogMi script is activated from a small DOS
script via IconX, any REAL tooltypes will cease to make it work. I don't
really understand why but the workaround is by using fake tooltypes. By
this I mean that there is simply no '=' sign between the tooltype label and
the value. Just click on the TogMi icon, select icon information and see
for yourself.
Description of Tooltypes;
MiamiDir - Followed by the path where Miami resides. TogMi uses this path
to find 'Miami' to run if it is instructed to do so (and it's not running
already obviously).
Default setting: MiamiDir Store:Miami (Miami path)
NB Useless setting obvious. If you don't change this, TogMi will complain
it can't find Miami to run it.
RunMiami - YES or NO, simply whether or not to run Miami if it's not
running already. Make sure your Miami configuration is Miami.default in
this case as that's all it'll load before Miami dials out.
Default setting: RunMiami YES (If not running)
KilMiami - YES or NO, dubious setting that when instructed to hang-up Miami
will QUIT Miami totally. This usually doesn't have pleasant side effects
for any TCP clients currently running. Not recommended.
Default setting: KilMiami NO (On hang-up)
Window - Top left X pos, Top left Y pos, width, height. Sets the size of
the CON: which TogMi will open to report it's status. You obviously don't
want it too large, TogMi is supposed to be a Stealth App TM :-)
Default setting: Window 300,20,400,50 (x,y,wid,height)
Iconify - YES or NO. Tricky one since at time of writing Miami was, rather
oddly for a MUI app, not paying attention to 'SHOW' and 'HIDE'. Holger has
been told so I'm sure it'll reappear in the next release. This Deiconifies
Miami during the dial phase and reiconifies Miami after it. For those who
must watch a dial script in action. :-)
Default setting: Iconify YES (spesh iconify)
SetMiami - The name of a configuration file in Miami's directory. This way
you can specify what configuration to load up and dial out. A nice
application would be to have different copies of the TogMi icon with
different configurations specified in the tooltypes. I use this myself for
the different providers I use. The hassle is, I'm afraid, you can't rename
the TogMi icon since I can't tell the name of the
Default setting: SetMiami Miami.default (configuration)
* Future?
That depends on what Miami gets as far as an Arexx port and what really
needs to be done. Basically not much extra I can think of but I'm open to
Mat Bettinson -