When one of my friends started to make money on installing Amitcp,
I decided to take a look at what he had set-up. The result, more
powerful and more flexible scripts for use w/ Amitcp and serial ppp
You will need to have a look at most of the included files I'm afraid,
there are numerous var=xxx statements that can be adjusted to fit your
needs. Although these scripts are fairly general, you'll probably have
something to modify...
$VER: Startnet 3.2 (09.03.97)
$Id: Startnet,v 3.2 1997/03/07 DaddyB@@ze $
- Looks for Amitcp's PORT to determine if Amitcp is already running
instead of looking for the library - the lib could be there even if
Amitcp wasn't!
- This startnet will also execute Amitcp:ssrx/Parsedb.ssrx if it exists.
This is an ARexx script that is used to convert the files db/GROUP.txt
and db/PASSWD.txt to remove TABS. The converted files will replace the
normal db/group and db/passwd files - I use it to be able to align all
the fields, using tabs, when editing large databases...
1 - DEBUG/S for debug mode - debug mode will also set up a CON: window,
and the debug level to 7 for Amitcp to use. This is important since
I set con=NIL: in the config file. This will also cause startnet to
try to add ".debug" to the provider configuration file so you can have
2 configs per provider...
2 - SRV/S to load-up the internet server on start-up.
3 - PROV is the name of your provider file, w/o the .conf extension, so
you can connect to any provider w/o having to rename files and so on.
Ex: Amitcp:bin/startnet DEBUG
Will try to find Amitcp:providers/, and fall
back to Amitcp:providers/ when no specific debug
version of the provider configuration file can be found.
$VER: Stopnet 3.2 (09.03.97)
$Id: Stopnet,v 3.2 1997/03/07 DaddyB@@ze $
- Looks for Amitcp's PORT to determine if Amitcp is already running
instead of looking for the library - the lib could be there even if
Amitcp wasn't!
- This is a more persistent stopnet script than the original one since
Amitcp has a tendency to hang around even if you tell it to quit...
Have a look at the script itself for more information.
- Includes an OFFLINE PPP command, remove it if you use something else :)
$VER: Serial_TCP 1.1 (09.03.97)
$Id: SeriaL TCP Dialer,v 1.1 1997/03/09 DaddyB@@ze $
- A SeriaLPPP provider configuration file that uses ppp.device. The main
dial script is in there now, so this is required...
- You can configure the login parameters by editing the file, this is
also required:
UPROMPT="username:" /* Username login prompt, leave blank for manual login */
UNAME ="myname" /* The username you use for this provider */
PPROMPT="password#" /* Password login prompt */
PASSWD ="mypasswd" /* Your password */
LPROMPT="selection:" /* Login mode prompt, leave blank if none */
LMODE ="1" /* Login mode to select PPP */
- Here's what it does:
It first calls Amitcp:ssrx/COMMANDSTATE.SSRX to try to get the modem to
command mode - if the modem is already online, CommandState will put it
in send/receive mode and return.
When CommandState returns, it calls Amitcp:ssrx/DIAL.SSRX if the modem
wasn't online, otherwise it starts Amitcp right away to re-negociate the
ppp link, useful if you set your modem to ignore DTR and your provider
supports this. Dial.ssrx will try to obtain a good quality connection,
and may refuse slow connects if you decide so - look at the Arexx
If the dial script failed to connect after numerous redials (default 30)
you'll be prompted to continue or abort (requires RexxReqTools).
If a valid connection was established, it'll try to log you in and switch
to PPP mode, and then exits, so that Amitcp's BootpConfig can negociate
the link...
$VER: CommandState.ssrx 1.1 (09.03.97)
$Id: CommandState.ssrx,v 1.1 1997/03/09 DaddyB@@ze $
- Amitcp usually uses ENV:ModemInitString, but it's lenght is limited, so
this version of commandstate can be edited to supply a longer init string
if needed.
- To put the modem to attention, handles all DTR settings (&d0/1/2):
Ignore DTR: If AT\n gets no response, modem is either off, or online;
I assume it's online and return.
Command DTR: If ATo1 doesn't return ERROR, modem was set to go to
command mode on DTR toggle, and is now online, return.
Track DTR: AT\n got OK, ATo1\n got ERROR, we are now in command mode,
initialize the modem and return.
$VER: Dial.ssrx 1.1 (09.03.97)
$Id: Dial.ssrx,v 1.1 1997/03/09 DaddyB@@ze $
- Handles dialing, connecting, and redials. Will terminate with a connect
of acceptable speed, of when MAXREDIAL attempts have been made w/o success,
or if RETRY number of commands sent to the modem failed (ERROR).
Set WaitForTimeout 60 /* Timeout in seconds for WAITFOR instructions */
Retry = 6 /* Number of tries on various modem commands */
MinBaud = '21000' /* Minimum acceptable CONNECT rate */
RedialDelay = 10 /* Delay, in seconds, between redial attempts */
MaxRedial = 30 /* Maximum number of redial attempts */
If you wish to use the Minimum Connect Speed feature, you will have to set
your modem to return proper results (CONNECT 26400/ARQ).
Well, that's it - It's not much of a docs file, but there isn't much in there
in the first place, just have a look at the scripts; this whole mess should
be easier to understand than UUCP, don't worry ;-)
L8r, B@@ze...