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GNU Yahoo
GNU Yahoo is copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc., and
this software is protected by the GNU General Public License, which
should have been distributed along with this software as the file
This is a simple Yahoo Messenger client that requires no windowing system,
and it therefore can be quite useful in situations where a minimal system
is being used or when a windowing system is otherwise unavailable or
Please see AUTHORS file to more about the contributors involved
If you modify or improve this software, be sure to notify the developer.
Yahoo Pager interface provided by yahoolib, as distributed with GTKYahoo.
Latest update of this package can be found at http://amiga.sourceforge.net/
LhA Freeware Version 2.2
Copyright © 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright © 1998-2000 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher.
Listing of archive 'gnuyahoo-0.3.pre0.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1753 637 63.6% 05-Feb-02 14:56:14 +gnuyahoo.scm
1234 651 47.2% 05-Feb-02 14:56:14 +hello.scm
52518 15403 70.6% 10-Feb-02 15:03:12 +gnuyahoo.info
1589 822 48.2% 05-Feb-02 14:49:40 +gnuyahoo.man
46395 14286 69.2% 06-Feb-02 17:10:34 +gnuyahoo.texi
2679 1285 52.0% 05-Feb-02 14:49:40 +mdate-sh
73 64 12.3% 10-Feb-02 15:03:12 +stamp-vti
183111 59370 67.5% 05-Feb-02 14:49:40 +texinfo.tex
73 64 12.3% 10-Feb-02 02:29:12 +version.texi
1589 822 48.2% 29-Jun-02 05:22:56 +gnuyahoo.1
1901 936 50.7% 21-Dec-01 06:22:14 +alias.scm
1755 889 49.3% 21-Dec-01 06:22:14 +bounce.scm
1748 914 47.7% 21-Dec-01 06:22:14 +cc.scm
3910 1323 66.1% 27-Dec-01 08:12:10 +conference.scm
3338 1173 64.8% 25-Jan-02 13:24:52 +history.scm
1541 808 47.5% 25-Jan-02 13:24:52 +ignore.scm
1517 744 50.9% 19-Dec-01 13:22:22 +init.scm
500 296 40.8% 02-Jan-02 12:03:42 AUTHORS
16586 4872 70.6% 10-Feb-02 15:46:40 ChangeLog
21111 8132 61.4% 03-Jun-01 16:55:26 COPYING
1488 783 47.3% 15-Jan-02 10:07:20 +ping.scm
2212 978 55.7% 21-Dec-01 06:22:14 +proud-of-gnuyahoo.scm
1937 912 52.9% 21-Dec-01 06:22:14 +shell.scm
1702 739 56.5% 26-Dec-01 10:40:42 +utils.scm
636172 301844 52.5% 29-Jun-02 10:52:32 gnuyahoo
636168 301872 52.5% 29-Jun-02 10:51:44 gnuyahoo4gg
680 404 40.5% 22-Jun-01 00:49:14 README
535 328 38.6% 06-Feb-02 17:22:38 TODO
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1625815 721351 55.6% Operation successful.
.Readme created with: MRea \
>»>»>»>»> Some additional info about this archive:
Source: http://prdownloads.sf.net/amiga/gnuyahoo-0.3.pre0.lha?download
FileSize: 722545 Bytes
CRC: 4C07983C
MD5: 89E46B5D976D5E54C9B5A858B2ED535C
SHA: 065A5B70E8B6B57BE1C801C7C319DB308499C5CF
Contents of comm/tcp/gnuyahoo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 637 1753 36.3% -lh5- 9b96 Feb 5 2002 doc/examples/gnuyahoo.scm
[generic] 651 1234 52.8% -lh5- 53f7 Feb 5 2002 doc/examples/hello.scm
[generic] 15403 52518 29.3% -lh5- a435 Feb 10 2002 doc/gnuyahoo.info
[generic] 822 1589 51.7% -lh5- d0e6 Feb 5 2002 doc/gnuyahoo.man
[generic] 14286 46395 30.8% -lh5- 905c Feb 6 2002 doc/gnuyahoo.texi
[generic] 1285 2679 48.0% -lh5- 8664 Feb 5 2002 doc/mdate-sh
[generic] 64 73 87.7% -lh5- 4788 Feb 10 2002 doc/stamp-vti
[generic] 59370 183111 32.4% -lh5- b8d2 Feb 5 2002 doc/texinfo.tex
[generic] 64 73 87.7% -lh5- 4788 Feb 10 2002 doc/version.texi
[generic] 822 1589 51.7% -lh5- d0e6 Jun 29 2002 doc/gnuyahoo.1
[generic] 936 1901 49.2% -lh5- aa50 Dec 21 2001 extensions/alias.scm
[generic] 889 1755 50.7% -lh5- 22bf Dec 21 2001 extensions/bounce.scm
[generic] 914 1748 52.3% -lh5- 4bdd Dec 21 2001 extensions/cc.scm
[generic] 1323 3910 33.8% -lh5- 2e5b Dec 27 2001 extensions/conference.scm
[generic] 1173 3338 35.1% -lh5- e30d Jan 25 2002 extensions/history.scm
[generic] 808 1541 52.4% -lh5- f3e6 Jan 25 2002 extensions/ignore.scm
[generic] 744 1517 49.0% -lh5- 8efe Dec 19 2001 extensions/init.scm
[generic] 296 500 59.2% -lh5- d164 Jan 2 2002 authors
[generic] 4872 16586 29.4% -lh5- 6580 Feb 10 2002 ChangeLog
[generic] 8132 21111 38.5% -lh5- 7ece Jun 3 2001 copying
[generic] 783 1488 52.6% -lh5- e325 Jan 15 2002 extensions/ping.scm
[generic] 978 2212 44.2% -lh5- f288 Dec 21 2001 extensions/proud-of-gnuyahoo.scm
[generic] 912 1937 47.1% -lh5- d510 Dec 21 2001 extensions/shell.scm
[generic] 739 1702 43.4% -lh5- 2592 Dec 26 2001 extensions/utils.scm
[generic] 301844 636172 47.4% -lh5- 8579 Jun 29 2002 gnuyahoo
[generic] 301872 636168 47.5% -lh5- a904 Jun 29 2002 gnuyahoo4gg
[generic] 404 680 59.4% -lh5- eb74 Jun 22 2001 readme
[generic] 328 535 61.3% -lh5- ee3b Feb 6 2002 todo
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 28 files 721351 1625815 44.4% Aug 24 2003
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