84783 packages online
comm/tcp/gofish-0.27.lha |
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Gofish is my attempt to boost the performance of the current
gopherds. However, I do have some design goals. I am running GoFish on
my 'Winder <http://seanm.ca/>. While it is a great machine, it is not
the most powerful machine in the world.
Design Goals
1) Secure. I do not plan on letting the server run executables.
2) Fast. At least as fast as a web server. I am using thttpd as my
3) Low resource usage. Single process.
4) Simple. The daemon will only serve files. Directory listings will
be read from the .cache files verbatim. I think this is an
important decision. It gives maximum flexibility to the
users. They can go from the exteme of writing all the cache files
by hand, to having some form of custom, fully automated file
insertion program. I plan on providing one such program called
`mkcache', but it will not be required.
GoFish is hosted on SourceForge. Go to the project page
<http://gofish.sourceforge.net> and follow the instructions.
I am currently using the Linux mmap(2) call to write out the
files. Because of this, I do not process the files. The following
assumption must hold:
Files must not have any lines containing only a ".".
There is a script called check-files that will verify that the above
is true. If you have changed the GOPHER_ROOT, you must change it in
the check-files script also.
GoFish supports log rotation. Move the log to a new name. Then send a
USR1 signal to GoFish. It will close the old log and create a new
file. No log entries will be lost. After the signal, the old log
should be up to date.
Example: (note that kill line uses backwards ticks, not single quotes)
mv /var/log/gopherd.log /var/log/gopherd.log.1
kill -USR1 `cat /var/run/gopherd.pid`
Latest update of this package can be found at http://amiga.sourceforge.net/
LhA Freeware Version 2.2
Copyright © 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright © 1998-2000 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher.
Listing of archive 'gofish-0.27.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
15 15 0.0% 24-Aug-02 20:56:24 +AUTHORS
2825 1165 58.7% 11-Jan-03 08:02:00 +ChangeLog
18063 7022 61.1% 24-Jul-02 05:16:22 +COPYING
919 473 48.5% 08-Feb-03 04:42:06 +gofish-www.conf
872 451 48.2% 08-Feb-03 04:42:04 +gofish.conf
1237 673 45.5% 08-Feb-03 04:42:22 +gmap2cache.1
1162 702 39.5% 08-Feb-03 04:42:10 +gofish.1
18 18 0.0% 08-Feb-03 04:42:14 +gopherd.1
1309 724 44.6% 08-Feb-03 04:42:18 +mkcache.1
3349 1608 51.9% 08-Feb-03 04:42:32 +dotcache.5
2184 1096 49.8% 08-Feb-03 04:42:28 +gofish.5
73 71 2.7% 24-Aug-02 20:37:16 +NEWS
2914 1477 49.3% 14-Dec-02 03:51:50 +README
52 52 0.0% 07-Dec-02 23:34:30 +Readme.AMIGA
658 368 44.0% 14-Dec-02 03:51:50 +TODO
1 1 0.0% 08-Feb-03 04:54:58 +dummy
50 49 2.0% 08-Feb-03 04:41:58 +.cache
208 174 16.3% 08-Feb-03 04:41:58 +.gopher+
3625 1574 56.5% 08-Feb-03 04:41:56 +Configure_GoFish
1051 1051 0.0% 08-Feb-03 04:42:00 +gofish.gif
103 103 0.0% 08-Feb-03 04:42:00 +gopher_binary.gif
87 87 0.0% 08-Feb-03 04:42:00 +gopher_html.gif
97 97 0.0% 08-Feb-03 04:42:00 +gopher_image.gif
90 90 0.0% 08-Feb-03 04:42:02 +gopher_menu.gif
90 90 0.0% 08-Feb-03 04:42:02 +gopher_text.gif
90 90 0.0% 08-Feb-03 04:42:02 +gopher_unknown.gif
305 205 32.7% 08-Feb-03 04:41:46 +check-files
15812 7983 49.5% 08-Feb-03 04:41:44 +gmap2cache
18264 9192 49.6% 08-Feb-03 04:41:42 +mkcache
39160 21381 45.4% 08-Feb-03 04:41:50 +gofish
39160 21381 45.4% 08-Feb-03 04:41:50 +gopherd
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
153843 79463 48.3% Operation successful.
.Readme created with: MRea \
>»>»>»>»> Some additional info about this archive:
Source: http://prdownloads.sf.net/amiga/gofish-0.27.lha?download
FileSize: 81137 Bytes
MD5: 7282C23F6A2297E5B5760C17B5D751AB
SHA: 94205539726130F9DEF88DCBFF6873B914E3EC61
Contents of comm/tcp/gofish-0.27.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 15 15 100.0% -lh0- c6cb Aug 24 2002 gofish-0.27/AUTHORS
[generic] 1165 2825 41.2% -lh5- d602 Jan 11 2003 gofish-0.27/ChangeLog
[generic] 7022 18063 38.9% -lh5- 4660 Jul 24 2002 gofish-0.27/COPYING
[generic] 473 919 51.5% -lh5- e899 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/etc/gofish-www.conf
[generic] 451 872 51.7% -lh5- 1a6c Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/etc/gofish.conf
[generic] 673 1237 54.4% -lh5- 2b02 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/man/man1/gmap2cache.1
[generic] 702 1162 60.4% -lh5- 6d25 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/man/man1/gofish.1
[generic] 18 18 100.0% -lh0- e396 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/man/man1/gopherd.1
[generic] 724 1309 55.3% -lh5- 7f18 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/man/man1/mkcache.1
[generic] 1608 3349 48.0% -lh5- 524f Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/man/man5/dotcache.5
[generic] 1096 2184 50.2% -lh5- 7668 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/man/man5/gofish.5
[generic] 71 73 97.3% -lh5- 6ad3 Aug 24 2002 gofish-0.27/NEWS
[generic] 1477 2914 50.7% -lh5- c9d5 Dec 14 2002 gofish-0.27/README
[generic] 52 52 100.0% -lh0- 9319 Dec 7 2002 gofish-0.27/Readme.AMIGA
[generic] 368 658 55.9% -lh5- f01e Dec 14 2002 gofish-0.27/TODO
[generic] 1 1 100.0% -lh0- d801 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/var/run/dummy
[generic] 49 50 98.0% -lh5- c2c8 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/var/gopher/.cache
[generic] 174 208 83.7% -lh5- f68c Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/var/gopher/.gopher+
[generic] 1574 3625 43.4% -lh5- 7748 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/var/gopher/Configure_GoFish
[generic] 1051 1051 100.0% -lh0- 0d8c Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/var/gopher/icons/gofish.gif
[generic] 103 103 100.0% -lh0- 18b3 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/var/gopher/icons/gopher_binary.gif
[generic] 87 87 100.0% -lh0- e341 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/var/gopher/icons/gopher_html.gif
[generic] 97 97 100.0% -lh0- 1d0f Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/var/gopher/icons/gopher_image.gif
[generic] 90 90 100.0% -lh0- 7fb7 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/var/gopher/icons/gopher_menu.gif
[generic] 90 90 100.0% -lh0- 9bb3 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/var/gopher/icons/gopher_text.gif
[generic] 90 90 100.0% -lh0- 86ca Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/var/gopher/icons/gopher_unknown.gif
[generic] 205 305 67.2% -lh5- 3d22 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/bin/check-files
[generic] 7983 15812 50.5% -lh5- dbd4 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/bin/gmap2cache
[generic] 9192 18264 50.3% -lh5- 283c Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/bin/mkcache
[generic] 21381 39160 54.6% -lh5- 82e1 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/sbin/gofish
[generic] 21381 39160 54.6% -lh5- 82e1 Feb 8 2003 gofish-0.27/sbin/gopherd
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 31 files 79463 153843 51.7% Aug 24 2003
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