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Short: | Excellent online Yahtzee door for Xenolink |
Author: | robdale darkside.demon.co.uk (Robert Dale) |
Uploader: | robdale darkside demon co uk (Robert Dale) |
Type: | comm/xeno |
Version: | 1.0 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1996-04-20 |
Download: | comm/xeno/XYaht.lha - View contents | Readme: | comm/xeno/XYaht.readme |
Downloads: | 404 |
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### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### v1.0x
An Online Door for Xenolink BBS Systems.
Coded by Robert Dale
What is it?
Have you ever played Yahtzee? If so, this is the Xenolink online version.
If you haven't, instructions are an option from the main menu, but, simply
put, it's a damned addictive dice game where you throw and hold 5 dice and
try to match the scores against a set scorecard. Try it and see!
Simply Unarchive the executable to Doors:XYaht/ - The path is hardcoded for
the scores data file only, so if you don't like this, and feel adventurous,
you can always hack the executable. Alternatively I would have to hard-code
a path to a config file, so it's six of one and half a dozen of another...
Add the following to your Doors sourcefile and re-compile it.
CMD = "<Key required>"
XenolinkDoor "Doors:XYaht/XYaht"
NB: I've read reports that some systems require the Callback data tilde ~20
before some of their doors work (ie Doors:XYaht/XYaht ~20) but this seems
to work fine here without.
The XYaht.scores is a plain textfile, so you can easily cheat ;).
This is my first online game door in C, and it's taken me just under a week
from scratch, including learning most of the coding from scratch.
I've got the bug now, so if anyone has any ideas for games they'd like to
share, throw them this way and I'll take a look. Asci, ANSI and RIP artists
also required!!
Tested - A3000 with Xeno 1.96beta only, although it should work fine on any
system from A500 Z3a upwards.
Please report any bugs (Nah, surely not!?) to me, Robert Dale via any of the
following mediums (in order of preference!)...
e-mail robdale@darkside.demon.co.uk
Fidonet 2:254/524.0 or 2:254/525.0
Robert Dale
Contents of comm/xeno/XYaht.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 212 406 52.2% -lh5- 63b8 Jul 28 1995 File_id.diz
[generic] 12036 25500 47.2% -lh5- 0c0c Jul 28 1995 xyaht/XYaht
[generic] 1139 2490 45.7% -lh5- f345 Jul 28 1995 xyaht/XYaht.doc
[generic] 46 139 33.1% -lh5- 2756 Jul 28 1995 xyaht/XYaht.scores
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 13433 28535 47.1% Apr 20 1996
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