Just a short demo thing .. has been dubbed
"were not fancy but where cheap #4"
but it is not related in any wya .. other than bad grafix and sound :P .
neway nuff sed .. read the .nfo ...
From the guys who brought you Australian Style #1 and
Something Is Out There
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2 U
9th of the 9th
100% By Bhodi-Li :P
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Whos wacked up mind thought it up:
Which bloody fool did the code:
Whos crazy mouse did the grafix:
Which friggin moron did the ascii:
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---------- Old stuff ..
Basically, i got bored and had to do something for the 9th of the 9th 1999,
and well .. allthough this aint got jack shit to do with it .. at least
its something .. :P .. it was originally intended to be a big thing but i
just couldnt be fucked .. so ya got a lame piece of shit instead .. oh
well ... officially release 9/9/99 at 9:00 .. if ya got it b4 then ..
good for you! .. outta here .. have fun .. Bhodi-Li Signing off.
---------- New Stuff ..
BAH! there was a problem with the paths .. so there is a new version :P
ya get that when your a wanker i guess ... oh welll here it is (should
work now)