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Short:interactive fractal zoomer(aa,X11(gui))
Author:see README inside the archive
Uploader:megacz usa com
Download:dev/gg/xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k.lha - View contents

XaoS-3.0.001 - (aa-lib, X11("gui"))
------------ - --------------------



 XaoS is a fast portable real-time interactive fractal zoomer.
 It displays the Mandelbrot set (among other escape time 
 fractals) and allows you zoom smoothly into the fractal.  
 Various coloring modes are provided for both the points inside 
 and outside the selected set. In addition, switching between 
 Julia and Mandelbrot fractal types and displaying planes is 
 provided. The first version was a poorly written Mandelbrot 
 view by Thomas later modified by Jan to support high frame-rate 
 zooming. Other additions were later made including autopilot 
 (for those of you without drivers licenses), palette changing, 
 PNG saving, and fractal inversion.


      - weird memory trashes were not caused by the 'mulib' 68040.library
        and 'Muredox' as i thought, these were undetectable stack overflows.
      - this version uses highly optimized math functions, that are double
        precision(single precison are really fast with this progy, but unfortunately
        zooming is inaccurate with them). 
      - there is also stack checking built in, however read the 'STACK.amiga'
        to see when it works perfect, besides that this version is much safier
        to your OS! if there will be too less stack proggy will dump
        'Segmentation fault' and quit. Minimum stack that should be set
        before starting is 100000 bytes.
        (in case when 'Segmentation fault' happen when 'curses' has took control 
         over the cli, simply press RETURN key once, CTRL+J, type 'endcli'
         and press CTRL+J once again - this will close "broken" shell)
        NOTE: -engine- is not affected by the stack checking code, this would
              kill the performance, but i have checked maximum stack usage
              and it does not go beyond 18000 bytes, so there should not be
              any problems.

      - this thing requires 'ixemul.library' 48+, 2 megs+ of memory,
        68020+ with 68881/68882 and terminfo entry defined in a shell 
        variable 'TERM'(terminfo entries included.)

      - fast CPU with fast FPU and/or some good 68881/68882 intruction set
        emulator highly recommended!

      - 68040 version is significantly faster and smaller, all the link
        libraries except 'ncurses' were precompiled for this processor too.
        (nearly 18 fps on my 68040/33 with 6pack.font in 80x25 window)

      - if you are AGA user open custom screen in 4 colors or use
        all kind of speed up patches.

      - try other terminfo entries if the default one causes problems, 
        go 'usr/local/share/terminfo/a/' to see all of them.

      - there will be no long double version of 'xaos', since '__fabsl'
        is kinda intelish thing.

      - play with the options, there is plenty of possibilities!



        cd xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k
        set TERM amiga
        assign usr: usr
        stack 100000

      - please be very cautious about this port and read all the notes below
        carefully before u launch the executable!

      - first of all its rather stack hungry, default settings - window dimensions
        require 200000 bytes of stack, to enjoy full screen in 704x480 set to 500000,
        i know this is senseless and infunctional but there might happen a situation
        where u suddenly decide to resize the window and if there will not be enough
        stack it will quit/drop in the middle of some operation leaving its resources
        in the memory and u wont be able to close the window!

      - next thing is 'libx11:' assignment and its config files, dont forget to assign
        or it will quit leaving all the resources in the memory and u wont be able to
        close the window..., this is not 'xaos' nor mine fault, its 'libX11', since
        it doesnt really care about the configuration files...

      - if u are AGA user use '-shared' option or else 'xaos' will re-set the color
        table and ur workbench will be looking ugly, however previous palette will
        be restored on quit. additionally use '-display pubscreen-name' to open 'xaos'
        window on some other screen, use:
        to manage public screens without a pain(in the ass?).

      - use '-size 160x160' under 68040 on 7 bit screen for quite a smooth zooming,
        also do some test with different screenmodes and depths.

      - options:
                X11 driver options:

                 -display       string  Select display(public screen, like 'Screen.1')
                 -size          string  Select size of window (WIDTHxHEIGHT).
                 -sync                  Generate sync signals before looking for events. This
                                        helps on old and buggy HP-UX X servers.(***DONT CARE)
                 -shared                Use shared colormap on pseudocolor display.
                 -usedefault            Use default visual if autodetection causes troubles.
                 -nomitshm              Disable MITSHM extension.(***DONT CARE)
                 -fullscreen            Enable fullscreen mode.(similar to -shared)

        (***DONT CARE) - no effect in this build.

      - fucking flickering during "the trip" inside the fractal is what i was unable
        to fix, no idea why does it flicks, maybe setting synchronisation mode
        in 'fblit' could help?

      - dont change the position of the window, bitmaps r allocated statically only?

      - im afraid its the final release for now, im too tired and bored, i expected
        something in good quality and just lost lots of time grepping in the sources...




        cd xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k
        assign libx11: libx11/
        stack 500000
        bin/xaos.x11.040 -shared


catch me at:

Contents of dev/gg/xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]               322819  749764  43.1% -lh5- 9c3c Apr 12 13:36 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/bin/xaos
[generic]               292968  636636  46.0% -lh5- 838b Apr 12 14:22 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/bin/xaos.040
[generic]               248474  540188  46.0% -lh5- 34a6 Apr 15 00:02 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/bin/xaos.x11.040
[generic]                 6075   15398  39.5% -lh5- e767 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/catalogs/
[generic]                 6368   15398  41.4% -lh5- 2a09 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/catalogs/
[generic]                 7763   20216  38.4% -lh5- 8cb9 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/catalogs/
[generic]                 7824   20420  38.3% -lh5- d613 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/catalogs/
[generic]                 6984   19092  36.6% -lh5- 209f Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/catalogs/
[generic]                 7288   19054  38.2% -lh5- 1167 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/catalogs/
[generic]                10487   26351  39.8% -lh5- cc5f Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/ChangeLog
[generic]                 6986   17976  38.9% -lh5- b611 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/COPYING
[generic]                 3833    7736  49.5% -lh5- e8a5 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/ANNOUNCE
[generic]                 2372    5224  45.4% -lh5- 7450 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/compilers.txt
[generic]                  675    1684  40.1% -lh5- fe8b Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/file_id.diz
[generic]                  903    1756  51.4% -lh5- 3dbc Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/PROBLEMS
[generic]                 3964    8080  49.1% -lh5- 1329 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/README
[generic]                  549     905  60.7% -lh5- 94c3 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/README.BeOS
[generic]                  138     198  69.7% -lh5- 3560 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/README.bugs
[generic]                 4079   11852  34.4% -lh5- 84d6 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/README.dos
[generic]                 3080    6644  46.4% -lh5- decd Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/README.mac
[generic]                 1073    2031  52.8% -lh5- 3b00 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/README.OS2
[generic]                  544     950  57.3% -lh5- c8f5 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/README.plan9
[generic]                 1888    5562  33.9% -lh5- 6777 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/speed/2.1
[generic]                 1267    3356  37.8% -lh5- 0c27 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/speed/2.2
[generic]                  819    1563  52.4% -lh5- 86d9 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/SPONSORS
[generic]                 7506   21418  35.0% -lh5- 0ccb Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/tutorial.txt
[generic]                 1407    2919  48.2% -lh5- abb0 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/xaos.6
[generic]                32054   88818  36.1% -lh5- c9d6 Mar  8  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/
[generic]                  876    1595  54.9% -lh5- f1b6 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/XaoS.lsm
[generic]                31611   88779  35.6% -lh5- ac66 Mar  8  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/doc/xaos.texinfo
[generic]                  237     329  72.0% -lh5- 3d3f Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/0rfel1.xpf
[generic]                  238     326  73.0% -lh5- b801 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/0rfel2.xpf
[generic]                  259     377  68.7% -lh5- 2c0c Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/axe.xpf
[generic]                  225     313  71.9% -lh5- b986 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/barnsl1.xpf
[generic]                  224     310  72.3% -lh5- 2fc7 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/barnsl2.xpf
[generic]                  249     349  71.3% -lh5- bbe7 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/barnsl3.xpf
[generic]                  246     342  71.9% -lh5- aa9e Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/barnsl4.xpf
[generic]                  249     340  73.2% -lh5- 8b01 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/barnsl5.xpf
[generic]                  233     313  74.4% -lh5- 489c Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/barnsl6.xpf
[generic]                  243     333  73.0% -lh5- 687c Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/barnsl7.xpf
[generic]                  242     331  73.1% -lh5- e930 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/barnsl8.xpf
[generic]                  219     296  74.0% -lh5- bb55 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/barnsl9.xpf
[generic]                  229     312  73.4% -lh5- 1217 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/beatle.xpf
[generic]                  228     312  73.1% -lh5- 95eb Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/beatle2.xpf
[generic]                  204     271  75.3% -lh5- aa08 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/brown.xpf
[generic]                  212     285  74.4% -lh5- 6e78 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/crone.xpf
[generic]                  213     290  73.4% -lh5- d193 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/dblspira.xpf
[generic]                  227     304  74.7% -lh5- 9394 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/dragons.xpf
[generic]                  184     246  74.8% -lh5- cc02 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/edge.xpf
[generic]                  235     318  73.9% -lh5- 2b38 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/edge2.xpf
[generic]                  202     270  74.8% -lh5- b58e Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/edge3.xpf
[generic]                  206     279  73.8% -lh5- d3fa Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/eifell.xpf
[generic]                  205     282  72.7% -lh5- efe8 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/galaxy.xpf
[generic]                  228     318  71.7% -lh5- f009 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/goldrive.xpf
[generic]                  230     313  73.5% -lh5- 913c Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/head.xpf
[generic]                  226     313  72.2% -lh5- d90b Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/head2.xpf
[generic]                  251     354  70.9% -lh5- 28cf Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/head3.xpf
[generic]                  233     324  71.9% -lh5- e24b Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/incolor1.xpf
[generic]                  227     315  72.1% -lh5- 5e66 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/incolor2.xpf
[generic]                  202     270  74.8% -lh5- e0a6 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/incolor3.xpf
[generic]                  272     421  64.6% -lh5- e4fb Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/incolor4.xpf
[generic]                  233     324  71.9% -lh5- d4a4 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/incolor5.xpf
[generic]                  235     318  73.9% -lh5- 5928 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/julia.xpf
[generic]                  224     303  73.9% -lh5- 95ba Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/julia2.xpf
[generic]                  222     309  71.8% -lh5- 01f6 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/julia3.xpf
[generic]                  229     311  73.6% -lh5- 073b Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/lemon.xpf
[generic]                  233     328  71.0% -lh5- 5332 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/light.xpf
[generic]                  201     262  76.7% -lh5- 143e Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/magnet.xpf
[generic]                  209     272  76.8% -lh5- ad78 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/magnet1.xpf
[generic]                  212     282  75.2% -lh5- d10c Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/magnet2.xpf
[generic]                  209     280  74.6% -lh5- 3e4f Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/magnet3.xpf
[generic]                  196     259  75.7% -lh5- 395f Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/magnet4.xpf
[generic]                  231     312  74.0% -lh5- 2e30 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/mand1.xpf
[generic]                  236     328  72.0% -lh5- 5a62 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/mand2.xpf
[generic]                  199     268  74.3% -lh5- 76d4 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/minibrot.xpf
[generic]                  239     326  73.3% -lh5- f2f9 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/newton.xpf
[generic]                  231     316  73.1% -lh5- 8b18 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/palace.xpf
[generic]                  228     315  72.4% -lh5- 9330 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/perb1.xpf
[generic]                  194     269  72.1% -lh5- 858d Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/perb2.xpf
[generic]                  223     310  71.9% -lh5- fd10 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/perb3.xpf
[generic]                  249     352  70.7% -lh5- 2b9b Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/perb4.xpf
[generic]                  231     334  69.2% -lh5- 370d Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/perb5.xpf
[generic]                  243     327  74.3% -lh5- ff25 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/phoenix1.xpf
[generic]                  256     350  73.1% -lh5- 2aaf Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/phoenix2.xpf
[generic]                   99     119  83.2% -lh5- 8ea9 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/README
[generic]                  248     345  71.9% -lh5- 422e Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/redjulia.xpf
[generic]                  195     263  74.1% -lh5- e3ab Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/redmand.xpf
[generic]                  211     285  74.0% -lh5- 2a5b Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/redmand2.xpf
[generic]                  239     332  72.0% -lh5- efb1 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/rocks.xpf
[generic]                  237     324  73.1% -lh5- 16a8 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/something.xpf
[generic]                  187     251  74.5% -lh5- 0f7f Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/spiral2.xpf
[generic]                  240     341  70.4% -lh5- d43d Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/sprial.xpf
[generic]                  245     336  72.9% -lh5- 7491 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/sun.xpf
[generic]                  197     272  72.4% -lh5- c557 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/thebug.xpf
[generic]                  223     303  73.6% -lh5- 6b93 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/tower.xpf
[generic]                  224     305  73.4% -lh5- 85c1 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/tree.xpf
[generic]                  210     288  72.9% -lh5- 8816 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/triangle.xpf
[generic]                  274     411  66.7% -lh5- 23c2 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/truecol1.xpf
[generic]                  217     318  68.2% -lh5- 4fa3 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/truecol2.xpf
[generic]                  252     380  66.3% -lh5- a288 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/truecol3.xpf
[generic]                  252     354  71.2% -lh5- f903 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/truecol4.xpf
[generic]                  258     362  71.3% -lh5- 2a15 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/truecol5.xpf
[generic]                  197     272  72.4% -lh5- ef6d Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/examples/ufo.xpf
[generic]                  666    1358  49.0% -lh5- 425d Sep 22  1996 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/libx11/amigadefaults
[generic]                 3194    8502  37.6% -lh5- ff2b Sep 22  1996 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/libx11/
[generic]                 6500   21578  30.1% -lh5- 9a1c Sep 22  1996 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/libx11/rgb.txt
[generic]                 3964    8080  49.1% -lh5- 1329 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/README
[generic]                 2878    6191  46.5% -lh5- 8c07 Apr 15 14:00 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/README.amiga
[generic]                 1213    2483  48.9% -lh5- 0cc7 Apr 15 13:49 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/README.libX11
[generic]                18889   18978  99.5% -lh5- a91b Apr 15 00:32 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/screens/a-704x480.png
[generic]                29556   29639  99.7% -lh5- 77dc Apr 15 00:41 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/screens/b-704x480.png
[generic]                48374   48374 100.0% -lh0- 9881 Apr 15 00:41 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/screens/c-704x480.png
[generic]                  747    1337  55.9% -lh5- e84f Apr 12 20:41 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/STACK.amiga
[generic]                  585    1073  54.5% -lh5- 6ed2 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/TODO
[generic]                  152     200  76.0% -lh5- b814 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/anim.xaf
[generic]                 2193    8285  26.5% -lh5- 2804 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/anim.xhf
[generic]                  867    2439  35.5% -lh5- d71a Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/barnsley.xaf
[generic]                   75     179  41.9% -lh5- d7a5 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/features.xaf
[generic]                  158     208  76.0% -lh5- 70c8 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/filter.xaf
[generic]                  956    3179  30.1% -lh5- fcfe Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/filter.xhf
[generic]                  233     441  52.8% -lh5- ee81 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/fractal.xaf
[generic]                   12      12 100.0% -lh0- f077 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/head.xhf
[generic]                  680    2491  27.3% -lh5- 1afb Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/incolor.xaf
[generic]                 1786    7022  25.4% -lh5- 73a0 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/innew.xhf
[generic]                 2224    8815  25.2% -lh5- 8ed7 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/intro.xaf
[generic]                   70      85  82.4% -lh5- cdfb Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/keys.xhf
[generic]                 1039    3225  32.2% -lh5- b6aa Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/magnet.xaf
[generic]                  304    1169  26.0% -lh5- b005 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/new30.xaf
[generic]                  760    2506  30.3% -lh5- 2e36 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/newton.xaf
[generic]                  920    2717  33.9% -lh5- 5230 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/octo.xaf
[generic]                 3614   10861  33.3% -lh5- 5eac Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/other.xaf
[generic]                 1865    6615  28.2% -lh5- 561f Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/outcolor.xaf
[generic]                 1185    3858  30.7% -lh5- e1f5 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/outnew.xhf
[generic]                   71      86  82.6% -lh5- 4691 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/palette.xaf
[generic]                  444    1659  26.8% -lh5- a8c6 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/palette.xhf
[generic]                   56      91  61.5% -lh5- 5b1a Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/pause.xhf
[generic]                   70      85  82.4% -lh5- 60cf Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/pert.xaf
[generic]                  552    1578  35.0% -lh5- 26d0 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/pert.xhf
[generic]                 1033    3012  34.3% -lh5- d552 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/phoenix.xaf
[generic]                 2039    7841  26.0% -lh5- fa1c Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/plane.xaf
[generic]                  952    3120  30.5% -lh5- efaf Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/power.xaf
[generic]                  177     240  73.8% -lh5- bed2 Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/truecol.xaf
[generic]                  872    3436  25.4% -lh5- e88d Mar  4  1998 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/tutorial/truecol.xhf
[generic]                  343     682  50.3% -lh5- 33db Apr  5 15:09 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/usr/local/share/terminfo/a/amiga
[generic]                  410     719  57.0% -lh5- 6d8a Apr  5 15:09 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/usr/local/share/terminfo/a/amiga-8bit
[generic]                  406    1139  35.6% -lh5- c747 Apr  5 15:09 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/usr/local/share/terminfo/a/amiga-f
[generic]                  370     655  56.5% -lh5- 5f71 Apr  5 15:09 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/usr/local/share/terminfo/a/amiga-h
[generic]                  554    1456  38.0% -lh5- 4435 Apr  5 15:09 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/usr/local/share/terminfo/a/amiga-vnc
[generic]                  216    1032  20.9% -lh5- 1e5e Apr  5 15:09 xaos-3.0-aa-bin-m68k/usr/local/share/terminfo/c/commodore
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 Total       149 files 1183344 2602966  45.5%            Apr 15 08:15
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