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dev/m2/CycloneBinV094.lha |
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Cyclone is a new Modula-2 compiler for the Amiga. Although it can be used
for compiling standard Modula-2 programs, there is far more to Cyclone than
that. Cyclone has added many features to Modula-2, including many you will
recognize from Modula-3, Oberon, ADA, E and C++. What is more, it does
this without losing any consistency and Cyclone still feels like a Modula-2
compiler should. The extensions to the standard Modula-2 language include
objects with polymorphism, exceptions, lists (like in E) and many more.
This is a minor update of the compiler. Because of the new symbol and object
format you will need also the latest version (date) of CycloneModules.
For a complete development system you will also need to have:
If you like you can also download the demos for Cyclone (CycloneDemos.lha).
============================= Archive contents =============================
Listing of archive 'CycloneBinV094.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
76433 26532 65.2% 05-Jun-97 20:13:44 +Cyclone.guide
195072 195072 0.0% 07-Jun-97 19:57:46 +Cyclone.lha
19254 19254 0.0% 02-Jun-97 20:56:36 +debugger.gif
953 546 42.7% 07-Jun-97 20:20:10 +Debugger.gif.info
1688 769 54.4% 07-Jun-97 20:19:18 +ReadMe
964 673 30.1% 19-Dec-96 16:12:48 +ReadMe.info
907 516 43.1% 01-May-97 19:51:50 +Todo.txt
215 134 37.6% 07-Jun-97 19:36:58 +Versions
7629 3368 55.8% 12-Jan-97 14:11:42 +History.doc
8919 2037 77.1% 12-Jan-97 16:55:02 +Install_Cyclone
675 337 50.0% 12-Jan-97 16:48:06 +Install_Cyclone.info
21284 8088 61.9% 13-Nov-96 22:19:48 +Threads.guide
2149 1042 51.5% 29-Oct-96 22:21:20 +What's Cyclone
964 677 29.7% 12-Jan-97 16:48:06 +What's Cyclone.info
900 435 51.6% 12-Jan-97 16:48:06 CyclonePack.info
1248 623 50.0% 16-Nov-96 19:27:04 +ccc.doc
468 232 50.4% 12-Jan-97 16:48:06 +ccc.doc.info
468 252 46.1% 12-Jan-97 16:48:06 +Cyclone.guide.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
340190 260587 23.3% 07-Jun-97 20:21:46 18 files
Operation successful.
Contents of dev/m2/CycloneBinV094.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 26532 76433 34.7% -lh5- bcf9 Jun 5 1997 cyclonepack/Cyclone.guide
[generic] 195072 195072 100.0% -lh0- 4d1f Jun 7 1997 cyclonepack/Cyclone.lha
[generic] 19254 19254 100.0% -lh0- 2cdf Jun 2 1997 cyclonepack/debugger.gif
[generic] 546 953 57.3% -lh5- 1040 Jun 7 1997 cyclonepack/Debugger.gif.info
[generic] 769 1688 45.6% -lh5- ee39 Jun 7 1997 cyclonepack/ReadMe
[generic] 673 964 69.8% -lh5- 7ad2 Dec 19 1996 cyclonepack/ReadMe.info
[generic] 516 907 56.9% -lh5- e723 May 1 1997 cyclonepack/Todo.txt
[generic] 134 215 62.3% -lh5- fc7c Jun 7 1997 cyclonepack/Versions
[generic] 3368 7629 44.1% -lh5- 9eac Jan 12 1997 cyclonepack/History.doc
[generic] 2037 8919 22.8% -lh5- 9751 Jan 12 1997 cyclonepack/Install_Cyclone
[generic] 337 675 49.9% -lh5- 9754 Jan 12 1997 cyclonepack/Install_Cyclone.info
[generic] 8088 21284 38.0% -lh5- 0f71 Nov 13 1996 cyclonepack/Threads.guide
[generic] 1042 2149 48.5% -lh5- 46b0 Oct 29 1996 cyclonepack/What's Cyclone
[generic] 677 964 70.2% -lh5- ddc5 Jan 12 1997 cyclonepack/What's Cyclone.info
[generic] 435 900 48.3% -lh5- 472e Jan 12 1997 CyclonePack.info
[generic] 623 1248 49.9% -lh5- f2c0 Nov 16 1996 cyclonepack/ccc.doc
[generic] 232 468 49.6% -lh5- 8919 Jan 12 1997 cyclonepack/ccc.doc.info
[generic] 252 468 53.8% -lh5- e9a6 Jan 12 1997 cyclonepack/Cyclone.guide.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 18 files 260587 340190 76.6% Jun 8 1997
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