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dev/m2/GUITools_src.lha |
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This is the complete modula-2 source code of the guitools.library
version 38.1.
The source is not documented (sorry) but it is possible to use
these modules within the M2Amiga modula-2 programming enviroment
to develope programs which take advantage of GUITools without
needing the guitools.library (because these modules can be used
as standard modula-2 library modules).
Now follows a short description of the guitools.library which can
be found in the AMINET dev/gui drawer !
This is the new release (V38.1) of the guitools.library.
It does a lot of work for you while creating, checking and
handling GUIs.
This can be done in an "object orientated way", because GUITools
does nearly most of the intuition/gadtools message handling
WITHOUT bothering the application !
All gadtools gadgets and menus can be used along with some own
GUITools gadgets like a progress indicator kind or a bevelbox kind.
In addition it is possible to handle automatically key equivalents,
and GUITools is also capable of resizing GUIs with any applications
help !
GUITools is a shared library and can be used within every programming
language. But for now there are only interface modules for SASC and
M2Amiga !
GUITools requires at least OS2.04, because the gadtools and the
asl library are used !
Changes to V38.0:
- english documentation
- object orientated defining of the GUI
- some bugs fixed
Enjoy it !
May 1994, Carsten Ziegeler
Contents of dev/m2/GUITools_src.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 560 1159 48.3% -lh5- 20aa May 20 1994 GUIToolsV38_1_SRC/GTRequester.def
[generic] 2458 8663 28.4% -lh5- 8428 May 20 1994 GUIToolsV38_1_SRC/GTRequester.mod
[generic] 6423 27828 23.1% -lh5- ac25 May 20 1994 GUIToolsV38_1_SRC/GUITools.def
[generic] 16753 77892 21.5% -lh5- 6f47 May 20 1994 GUIToolsV38_1_SRC/GUITools.mod
[generic] 3856 10560 36.5% -lh5- c410 May 22 1994 GUIToolsV38_1_SRC/GUITools_SRC.guide
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 30050 126102 23.8% May 25 1994
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