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Short:IFF-RGFX graphics file format
Author:Andreas Kleinert
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 IFF-RGFX: An extended graphics file format for
           Win/AOS/MOS/AROS - opt. using libz/zlib

 Author:  Andreas R. Kleinert
 Date:    V1.0 16 Nov 1997 (16.11.1997)
          V1.1 26 Nov 1997 (26.11.1997)
          V1.2 07 Dec 1997 (07.12.1997)
          V2.0 28 Aug 2004 (28.08.2004)
          V3.0 31 Jan 2006 (31.01.2006)
          V3.1 01 Feb 2007 (01.02.2006)
          V3.2 17 Apr 2007 (17.04.2007)
          V3.3 03 Feb 2008 (03.02.2008)
          V3.4 28 Mar 2009 (28.03.2009)
          V3.5 07 Jan 2010 (07.01.2010)      
          V3.6 17 Jan 2010 (17.01.2010)
          V3.7 18 Jan 2010 (18.01.2010)   
          V3.8 26 Apr 2010 (26.04.2010)   
          V3.9 15 Jul 2012 (15.07.2012)
          V4.0 16 Aug 2012 (16.08.2012)   
          V4.1 31 Aug 2012 (31.08.2012) 

 Contact: Andreas Kleinert <>
 Credits: Peter Bornhall, Marcel Offermans, Achim Stegemann

 RGFX currently supports compressed and uncompressed:

  -  planar graphics                    (  <=     8 Bit integer)
  -  chunky graphics                    (  <=     8 Bit integer)
  -  15 Bit graphics as  RGB            (     3x  5 Bit integer)
  -  16 Bit graphics as ARGB            (1  + 3x  5 Bit integer)
  -  24 Bit graphics as  RGB triples    (     3x  8 Bit integer)
  -  32 Bit graphics as ARGB quadruples (8  + 3x  8 Bit integer)
  -  48 Bit graphics as  RGB triples    (     3x 16 Bit integer)
  -  64 Bit graphics as ARGB quadruples (16 + 3x 16 Bit integer)
  -  96 Bit graphics as  RGB triples    (     3x 32 Bit float  )
  - 128 Bit graphics as ARGB quadruples (32 + 3x 32 Bit float  )

 With optional PNG-style alpha channel for each 24/48/96 bit pixel
 or a single transparent color for colormapped images (upto 8 bit).
 HDR compliance via 32 bit IEEE float support.
    (* integer formats using full range (0 .. max),
       float formats normalized (0.0f .. 1.0f)

 Typical structure of a RGFX file (recommended):


       RGHD     image header
       RSCM     viemode information
       RDIP     DIPF information
       RCOL     color and transparency information
       RFLG     optional; further flags       
       NAME     optional
       AUTH     optional
       ANNO     optional
       Copy     optional
       EXIF     optional; see IFF-META spec
       IPTC     optional; see IFF-META spec
       XMP0     optional; see IFF-META spec
       XMP1     optional; see IFF-META spec
       GEOT     optional; see IFF-META spec       
       GEOF     optional; see IFF-META spec       
       ICCP     optional; see IFF-META spec       
       ICCN     optional; see IFF-META spec       
       GAMA     optional; see IFF-META/ILBM64 spec       
       CHRM     optional; see IFF-META/ILBM64 spec       
       SRGB     optional; see IFF-META/ILBM64 spec       
       RBOD     the graphics itself

  All additional (optional) chunks should appear
  somewhere between RCOL and RBOD.

  Please refer to rgfx.h for the chunk specifications
  and permitted standard chunks as far as not specified

  A few optional third party RGFX chunks are also discussed.

  These are not part of the format specification and
  should be considered  private, proprietary extensions.

Contents of dev/misc/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//dev/misc/
 Length   Method    Size  Cmpr    Date    Time   CRC-32   Name
--------  ------  ------- ---- ---------- ----- --------  ----
    3407  Defl:X     1276  63% 2012-09-01 08:50 f56cddce  IFF-RGFX/IFF-RGFX.readme
    2882  Defl:X     1190  59% 2012-08-16 22:21 d18ee158  IFF-RGFX/RGFX-Chunks.txt
    3727  Defl:X     1701  54% 2012-09-01 08:50 b62a3de8  IFF-RGFX/RGFX-Remarks.txt
   16310  Defl:X     4772  71% 2012-08-16 22:20 4cd11836  IFF-RGFX/rgfx.h
       0  Stored        0   0% 2012-09-01 08:47 00000000  IFF-RGFX/
--------          -------  ---                            -------
   26326             8939  66%                            5 files
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