Readargsgroup.mcc is used by AmigaMesaRTL's prefs program and Mesa.mcc
class. You can use it for free if you find it useful.
The entire GUI is described by a single ReadArgs template line so it's
the most compact representation in the world... Some special argument
names can change GUI element's appearance, eg. "Name" is ordinary
string argument, but "_FN_Filename" would have a filename popup
because of "_FN_" prefix.
See developer documentation for full list of enhancements.
Copy Readargsgroup.mcc from 'libs' to your MUI:libs/mui directory.
You can also copy demos/ReadArgsGUI to one of your path locations
if you are going to use it in scripts.
Supplied ReadArgsGUI is a very simple example of the MUI application
using Readargsgroup. It builds a GUI, based on the supplied template.
After the user fills in the fields and clicks on 'OK', the arguments
string (ReadArgs compatible, of course) is returned to the standard
output. 'Cancel' is indicated by return value of 5 (can be easily
checked by IF WARN or FAILAT 5).
It could be useful in scripts for getting user input. You can even do:
(under v39 only)
Consequent parameters are parsed with ReadArgs and put into the GUI.
For example:
ReadArgsGUI Your_Name,Age/N John 22
...so you can supply the default values (or preserve the previous ones).