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docs/misc/AmiNet-On-Disk.lha |
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This disk describes how to get AmiNet-Files without having
access to the net or using a modem.
Available are all files on AmiNet since Jan 1994 'til today
and, of course, the files from the discs.
- Aminet-on-disk. You can order single Aminet files, per-directory
subscriptions or a whole month of Aminet from
Martin Schulze or Thomas Strauss
Parkstr. 14 Josefstr. 64
D-66806 Ensdorf D-66809 Nalbach
Germany. Germany.
Phone: +49 (0) 6831 506171 Phone: +49 6838 85218
email: masc@coli.uni-sb.de email: thst@outsite.saar.de
Send 3 DM in stamps or $2 on to get an index disk (updated monthly)
with instructions. The index disk is available on Aminet, too:
Aminet-on-disk is available on Amiga-Floppy, SyQuest 88/105/270MB,
128MB-Magneto-Optical and 2GB-DAT. See prices below.
Important note: all prices in DM (Deutsche Mark) DM 1.6 = US$ 1
media type fee for copying media costs
Magneto-Optical Disk 128 MB: 30 49 (*1)
SyQuest 5.25 ", 88 MB: 30 129
SyQuest 3,5", 105 MB: 30 99
SyQuest 3,5", 270 MB: 50 129 (*2)
DAT Streamer Tape, 2 GB: 50 29
Floppy Disk 880KB: 3 per Disk %
Floppy Disk 1.76MB: 5 per Disk %
Note: (*1) one month
(*2) two full months
How to order: get a RECENT-File or the Index-Files from
the aminet-on-disk-infodisk, delete all lines which contain
files you DON'T want, include your address and send it to us.
You can even order a whole month (approx. 120MB) on MO or SQ.
Well, the Instructions are still in german.
(We're looking for volunteers :))
Load the index-file into your favourite texteditor and remove all lines
which contain files, you DON't want! Do not alter the lines. Leave
them or delete them! After inserting your address, save the file. Now,
calculate how much disks are needed. Just add the single filesizes and
divide the total thru 820 (~820KB will fit onto one DD-disk). Each disk
costs DM 3.- Add DM 10 for shipping and handling outside of german
(sorry, the german postal service is very expansive) and send your
order-file and the money (cash or euro-cheque) to me. That's it. A few
days later (may depend on some factors :) you should find the disks with
all you requested files in your mailbox.
Architecture: generic
Contents of docs/misc/AmiNet-On-Disk.lha
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Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban
Müller and the Aminet team.
Aminet contact address: <aminet aminet net> |