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-- What? --
This archive contains the file "amiga-win95gb.map", a keymap file that
maps well the Window95 keyboards for use with Amiga under Linux.
I'm using it with an A1200, PowerComputing tower (and keyboard adapter),
a standard BRITISH Window 95 keyboard, running Linux Apus (PPC).
I think it should work with Linux68k, too.
-- Why? --
One month ago I finally bought a tower for my good old A1200.
Since the beginning I noticed that the keyboard mapping was not perfect
using the standard british keymap of the OS 3.1: several keys missing, and
others bad mapped.
Few days later I've found a good keymap for the Amiga side:
/hard/drivr/Win95MapGB (by Kyzer/CSG <kyzer@4u.net>)
and it works really good!!!
Unfortunately the problem was still not solved while running LinuxAPUS, so
I decided to find out how to create my own keymap.
Fortunately it was veeeery easy, since the map file for Linux is just a
plain text file.
-- How? --
This is for my old(?) RedHat installation:
1. Put the file "amiga-win95gb.map" in the directory
"/usr/lib/kbd/keytables/" togheter with all the other keymaps.
2. Edit the file "/etc/sysconfig/keyboard" to point the file you just
copied instead of the old one.
-- Who? --
If you find bugs or problems for some Hardware configuration let me know,
please. And we can put an update on the net.
The only bug I've found is that sometimes the CONTROL key is not working.
A quick press-and-release to the Win**** key and everything is ok. (!)
Mail me at:
Contents of driver/input/Linux-W95GBMap.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2827 11513 24.6% -lh5- a5b6 Nov 4 1999 amiga-win95gb.map
[generic] 980 1794 54.6% -lh5- 3d63 Nov 4 1999 Linux-Win95GB-Keymap.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 3807 13307 28.6% Nov 4 1999
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