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Short:3D Tetris
Author:Jean Luc PONS, AROS port by submitter
Uploader:mrustler gmx de (Matthias Rustler)
Download:game/actio/ - View contents

BlockOut® II is a free adaptation of the original
BlockOut® DOS game edited by California Dreams in 1989.
BlockOut® II has the same features than the original game
with few graphic improvements. The game has been designed
to reproduce the original game kinematics as accurately as
possible. The score calculation is also nearly similar
to the original.
BlockOut® II also features an online score database where
you can upload your high-scores with their replays and get
various statistics. The score registering system also includes
an efficient fake score detection.

Switching to fullscreen mode crashes!
BlockOut II needs mesa.library from current nightly build.

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Contents of game/actio/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//game/actio/
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-10-09 10:04  00000000  blockout.i386-aros/
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-10-09 09:24  00000000  blockout.i386-aros/images/
  167502  Defl:N   163681   2%  09-10-09 09:24  9f238bbb  blockout.i386-aros/images/background.png
   35843  Defl:N    35847   0%  09-10-09 09:24  c6a96964  blockout.i386-aros/images/marble.png
   35814  Defl:N    35824   0%  09-10-09 09:24  7be6f353  blockout.i386-aros/images/star_crystal_grid.png
    2927  Defl:N     2815   4%  09-10-09 09:24  3e8ccb38  blockout.i386-aros/images/spark.png
  140636  Defl:N   137715   2%  09-10-09 09:24  a62a9b83  blockout.i386-aros/images/background2.png
   84777  Defl:N    83957   1%  09-10-09 09:24  e06b8c6f  blockout.i386-aros/images/menucredits.png
    2410  Stored     2410   0%  09-10-09 09:24  e32a28cb  blockout.i386-aros/images/online.png
   20857  Defl:N    20289   3%  09-10-09 09:24  0c663f59  blockout.i386-aros/images/menupit.png
   20854  Stored    20854   0%  09-10-09 09:24  f1cf0286  blockout.i386-aros/images/spritesa.png
   37469  Defl:N    37377   0%  09-10-09 09:24  febcf08f  blockout.i386-aros/images/menufont.png
    6447  Defl:N     5760  11%  09-10-09 09:24  8a47e332  blockout.i386-aros/images/menufont2.png
    1472  Stored     1472   0%  09-10-09 09:24  33a4e35b  blockout.i386-aros/images/onlinea.png
   10032  Defl:N     9792   2%  09-10-09 09:24  de54ce76  blockout.i386-aros/images/gameovera.png
   93078  Defl:N    86542   7%  09-10-09 09:24  8558e423  blockout.i386-aros/images/allPieces.png
   37348  Defl:N    37339   0%  09-10-09 09:24  2314f7cd  blockout.i386-aros/images/sprites.png
     928  Defl:N      323  65%  09-10-09 09:24  22e4f7da  blockout.i386-aros/images/menuback.png
  550383  Defl:N   549381   0%  09-10-09 09:24  eae6ba3b  blockout.i386-aros/images/background3.png
    4016  Defl:N     3959   1%  09-10-09 09:24  c829c8b1  blockout.i386-aros/images/font.png
    1645  Defl:N     1599   3%  09-10-09 09:24  fed2d328  blockout.i386-aros/images/sparka.png
   54076  Defl:N    53866   0%  09-10-09 09:24  20a3d45b  blockout.i386-aros/images/gameover.png
  129974  Defl:N   129994   0%  09-10-09 09:24  f0799168  blockout.i386-aros/images/marbleg.png
    3068  Defl:N     3046   1%  09-10-09 09:32  f9f560d8  blockout.i386-aros/
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-10-09 09:25  00000000  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/
   18512  Defl:N      558  97%  09-10-09 09:25  a468fec4  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/line2.wav
 2942431  Defl:N  2869487   3%  09-10-09 09:25  b81733d5  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/music.mp3
   47880  Defl:N    39036  19%  09-10-09 09:25  e83b4681  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/empty.wav
   11136  Defl:N    10191   9%  09-10-09 09:25  e34f3e03  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/empty2.wav
   24614  Defl:N    20814  15%  09-10-09 09:25  25b896dc  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/line.wav
   39006  Defl:N    31125  20%  09-10-09 09:25  48d1d83c  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/welldone2.wav
    5168  Defl:N     4727   9%  09-10-09 09:25  8d67eb5b  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/hit.wav
    5090  Defl:N     4600  10%  09-10-09 09:25  e988b676  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/blub.wav
   92888  Defl:N    79528  14%  09-10-09 09:25  31b9ddc9  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/level.wav
    4632  Defl:N     4056  12%  09-10-09 09:25  f14d2fca  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/tchh.wav
   50674  Defl:N    44668  12%  09-10-09 09:25  7cc83fcf  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/wozz.wav
   59626  Defl:N    54470   9%  09-10-09 09:25  1d0a9b09  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/welldone.wav
    4904  Defl:N     4455   9%  09-10-09 09:25  31a6576a  blockout.i386-aros/sounds/level2.wav
 1185404  Defl:N   450083  62%  09-10-09 10:04  70f170f3  blockout.i386-aros/blockout
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 5933521          5041640  15%                            39 files
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