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Short:Source code for Blockout II
Author:Jean Luc PONS, AROS port by submitter
Uploader:mrustler gmx de (Matthias Rustler)
Download:game/actio/ - View contents

Source code for BlockOut II with some fixes for AROS.

To cross-compile it from Linux do:
cd ImageLib/src
make -f Makefile.aros
cd ../../BlockOut
make -f Makefile.aros

Uploaded using:

Contents of game/actio/
Archive:  /home/aminet/aminet_root/doc//game/actio/
 Length   Method    Size  Ratio   Date   Time   CRC-32    Name
--------  ------  ------- -----   ----   ----   ------    ----
       0  Stored        0   0%  01-09-08 10:35  00000000  bl24_lin_src/
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-10-09 10:16  00000000  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/
    2523  Defl:N     1097  57%  01-09-08 10:29  d0684c02  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PolyCube.h
       0  Stored        0   0%  01-09-08 10:44  00000000  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/
  167502  Defl:N   163681   2%  01-09-08 10:44  9f238bbb  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/background.png
   35843  Defl:N    35847   0%  01-09-08 10:44  c6a96964  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/marble.png
   35814  Defl:N    35824   0%  01-09-08 10:44  7be6f353  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/star_crystal_grid.png
    2927  Defl:N     2815   4%  01-09-08 10:44  3e8ccb38  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/spark.png
  140636  Defl:N   137715   2%  01-09-08 10:44  a62a9b83  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/background2.png
   84777  Defl:N    83957   1%  01-09-08 10:44  e06b8c6f  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/menucredits.png
    2410  Stored     2410   0%  01-09-08 10:44  e32a28cb  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/online.png
   20857  Defl:N    20289   3%  01-09-08 10:44  0c663f59  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/menupit.png
   20854  Stored    20854   0%  01-09-08 10:44  f1cf0286  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/spritesa.png
   37469  Defl:N    37377   0%  01-09-08 10:44  febcf08f  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/menufont.png
    6447  Defl:N     5760  11%  01-09-08 10:44  8a47e332  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/menufont2.png
    1472  Stored     1472   0%  01-09-08 10:44  33a4e35b  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/onlinea.png
   10032  Defl:N     9792   2%  01-09-08 10:44  de54ce76  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/gameovera.png
   93078  Defl:N    86542   7%  01-09-08 10:44  8558e423  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/allPieces.png
   37348  Defl:N    37339   0%  01-09-08 10:44  2314f7cd  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/sprites.png
     928  Defl:N      323  65%  01-09-08 10:44  22e4f7da  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/menuback.png
  550383  Defl:N   549381   0%  01-09-08 10:44  eae6ba3b  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/background3.png
    4016  Defl:N     3959   1%  01-09-08 10:44  c829c8b1  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/font.png
    1645  Defl:N     1599   3%  01-09-08 10:44  fed2d328  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/sparka.png
   54076  Defl:N    53866   0%  01-09-08 10:44  20a3d45b  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/gameover.png
  129974  Defl:N   129994   0%  01-09-08 10:44  f0799168  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/images/marbleg.png
    2620  Defl:N      930  65%  01-09-08 10:29  fc0435c4  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Menu.cpp
    2261  Defl:N      756  67%  01-09-08 10:29  67a566a4  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Makefile
    3370  Defl:N     1333  60%  01-09-08 10:29  23ba296d  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageHallOfFame.cpp
   14995  Defl:N     2665  82%  01-09-08 10:29  6f8dc566  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PolyCube.cpp
    1385  Defl:N      730  47%  01-09-08 10:29  ed31a4f3  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/BlockOut.h
    2846  Defl:N     1035  64%  01-09-08 10:29  c7d6e54b  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageMainMenu.cpp
    2323  Defl:N      793  66%  09-09-09 14:51  7f728966  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Makefile.aros
    9514  Defl:N     2904  70%  09-10-09 09:59  d6831653  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Http.cpp
    1418  Defl:N      756  47%  01-09-08 10:29  c6f80a69  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageStartGame.cpp
    7850  Defl:N     1720  78%  01-09-08 10:29  094acc8d  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageGSOptions.cpp
   10520  Defl:N     2912  72%  01-09-08 10:29  f63e5f23  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageControls.cpp
    4284  Defl:N     1312  69%  01-09-08 10:29  f33f7130  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageHttp.cpp
    4004  Defl:N     1265  68%  01-09-08 10:29  224021cf  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/SoundManager.cpp
    4137  Defl:N     1481  64%  01-09-08 10:29  ea71ba57  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/MenuPage.h
    1431  Defl:N      731  49%  01-09-08 10:29  cd32dc96  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/EditControl.h
    1545  Defl:N      725  53%  01-09-08 10:29  1e4f8e92  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageOptions.cpp
   35356  Defl:N     7959  78%  01-09-08 10:29  f0beb810  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Game.cpp
    4604  Defl:N     1214  74%  01-09-08 10:29  b6833e35  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageChangeSetup.cpp
       0  Stored        0   0%  01-09-08 10:44  00000000  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/
   18512  Defl:N      558  97%  01-09-08 10:44  a468fec4  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/line2.wav
 2942431  Defl:N  2869487   3%  01-09-08 10:44  b81733d5  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/music.mp3
   47880  Defl:N    39036  19%  01-09-08 10:44  e83b4681  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/empty.wav
   11136  Defl:N    10191   9%  01-09-08 10:44  e34f3e03  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/empty2.wav
   24614  Defl:N    20814  15%  01-09-08 10:44  25b896dc  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/line.wav
   39006  Defl:N    31125  20%  01-09-08 10:44  48d1d83c  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/welldone2.wav
    5168  Defl:N     4727   9%  01-09-08 10:44  8d67eb5b  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/hit.wav
    5090  Defl:N     4600  10%  01-09-08 10:44  e988b676  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/blub.wav
   92888  Defl:N    79528  14%  01-09-08 10:44  31b9ddc9  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/level.wav
    4632  Defl:N     4056  12%  01-09-08 10:44  f14d2fca  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/tchh.wav
   50674  Defl:N    44668  12%  01-09-08 10:44  7cc83fcf  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/wozz.wav
   59626  Defl:N    54470   9%  01-09-08 10:44  1d0a9b09  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/welldone.wav
    4904  Defl:N     4455   9%  01-09-08 10:44  31a6576a  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/sounds/level2.wav
    2929  Defl:N     1134  61%  01-09-08 10:29  8a6bf17f  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageScoreDetails.cpp
   13494  Defl:N     1525  89%  01-09-08 10:29  07941bdc  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/InitPolyCube.cpp
    2635  Defl:N      921  65%  01-09-08 10:29  8e61260a  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageChooseSetup.cpp
    3359  Defl:N     1240  63%  01-09-08 10:29  4be27d17  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Pit.h
    9748  Defl:N     2298  76%  01-09-08 10:29  8d837a05  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Sprites.cpp
    3815  Defl:N     1327  65%  01-09-08 10:29  96a64bfb  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/SetupManager.h
    2718  Defl:N     1102  60%  01-09-08 10:29  7605b220  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/BotPlayer.h
    2130  Defl:N      870  59%  01-09-08 10:29  1a0f816c  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Sprites.h
    3787  Defl:N     1288  66%  01-09-08 10:29  42b04fcd  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/EditControl.cpp
    9881  Defl:N     2862  71%  01-09-08 10:29  4f2e4ec3  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/BlockOut.cpp
   11702  Defl:N     2120  82%  01-09-08 10:29  f2d156ca  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/MenuGrid.cpp
    1697  Defl:N      752  56%  01-09-08 10:29  fd18f840  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/MenuGrid.h
    5835  Defl:N     1990  66%  01-09-08 10:29  58bb3828  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageHallOfFameOnLine.cpp
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-09-09 15:01  00000000  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/.bl2/
     836  Defl:N      299  64%  09-10-09 09:43  d7c8191d  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/.bl2/hscore.dat
   41164  Defl:N     6336  85%  01-09-08 10:29  921cd8ea  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Pit.cpp
    1837  Defl:N      891  52%  01-09-08 10:29  5952ad3e  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Http.h
    5255  Defl:N     1804  66%  01-09-08 10:29  55300d2e  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Game.h
    9471  Defl:N     2663  72%  09-09-09 14:53  2961b445  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Utils.cpp
   18445  Defl:N     3859  79%  01-09-08 10:29  0cf5134d  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/MenuGraphics.cpp
    2954  Defl:N     1228  58%  01-09-08 10:29  2212478f  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/PageCredits.cpp
    1870  Defl:N      776  59%  01-09-08 10:29  47bfe4b7  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/SoundManager.h
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    5368  Defl:N     1151  79%  01-09-08 10:29  343c8dd8  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/GLApp/GLMatrix.cpp
    3284  Defl:N     1222  63%  09-09-09 14:23  63a4fed3  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/GLApp/GLFont.cpp
    2427  Defl:N      973  60%  09-09-09 14:15  8c5ff57d  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/GLApp/GLApp.h
    4442  Defl:N     1375  69%  09-09-09 14:23  437f2cbd  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/GLApp/GLSprite.cpp
     980  Defl:N      443  55%  01-09-08 10:29  c3695592  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/GLApp/GLSprite.h
     917  Defl:N      330  64%  01-09-08 10:29  52d05bc6  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/GLApp/GLMatrix.h
     653  Defl:N      350  46%  01-09-08 10:29  b92d5439  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/GLApp/GLFont.h
    6794  Defl:N     1923  72%  09-09-09 14:57  0046f7a4  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/GLApp/GLApp.cpp
   12415  Defl:N     3457  72%  01-09-08 10:29  e5745dde  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/BotPlayer.cpp
    3690  Defl:N     1348  64%  01-09-08 10:29  8b78f645  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Menu.h
    3801  Defl:N     1423  63%  01-09-08 10:29  3a62239e  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/Types.h
   21816  Defl:N     5961  73%  01-09-08 10:29  d1683903  bl24_lin_src/BlockOut/SetupManager.cpp
       0  Stored        0   0%  01-09-08 10:36  00000000  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-10-09 10:16  00000000  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/
    2108  Defl:N      605  71%  01-09-08 10:35  f56b6ca3  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/Makefile
    2956  Defl:N      919  69%  01-09-08 10:35  228b89b6  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/CImage.cpp
    2128  Defl:N      615  71%  09-09-09 13:59  340550ee  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/Makefile.aros
       0  Stored        0   0%  09-10-09 10:15  00000000  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/jpg/
   19081  Defl:N     5052  74%  01-09-08 10:35  f2388ab6  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/jpg/jpegdecoder.h
   57206  Defl:N    12264  79%  01-09-08 10:35  2d6ab0fb  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/jpg/jpegdecoder.cpp
    1858  Defl:N      753  60%  01-09-08 10:35  47d236f7  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/jpg/main.h
   10507  Defl:N     2303  78%  01-09-08 10:35  65310d44  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/jpg/H2v2.cpp
    4965  Defl:N     1623  67%  01-09-08 10:35  24a6c15d  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/jpg/jpegdecodermain.cpp
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       0  Stored        0   0%  09-10-09 10:15  00000000  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/
   48769  Defl:N    10456  79%  01-09-08 10:35  e4ce3a63  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/pngwrite.c
   46213  Defl:N     7053  85%  01-09-08 10:35  49adebcb  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/pngpread.c
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   40199  Defl:N     8111  80%  01-09-08 10:35  b34d9802  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/pngset.c
  144442  Defl:N    20726  86%  01-09-08 10:35  783de0c9  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/pngrtran.c
  235427  Defl:N    29012  88%  01-09-08 10:35  877d3bc9  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/pnggccrd.c
  144576  Defl:N    33150  77%  01-09-08 10:35  ae815051  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/png.h
   44603  Defl:N    12157  73%  01-09-08 10:35  cfbf9b0c  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/pngconf.h
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   20571  Defl:N     4394  79%  01-09-08 10:35  bc833e84  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/pngtrans.c
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    7451  Defl:N     2468  67%  01-09-08 10:35  03bb73f9  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/pngwio.c
   83790  Defl:N    16860  80%  01-09-08 10:35  60ff320f  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/pngwutil.c
   91014  Defl:N    15636  83%  01-09-08 10:35  8f1a26d0  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/png/pngrutil.c
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   12163  Defl:N     4455  63%  01-09-08 10:35  dc7e6188  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/deflate.h
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    9591  Defl:N     3064  68%  01-09-08 10:35  5ad5fd8f  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/zconf.h
    2539  Defl:N      994  61%  01-09-08 10:35  aa8dfac6  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/compress.c
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     407  Defl:N      270  34%  01-09-08 10:35  be1dfeb8  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/inffast.h
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   13240  Defl:N     4008  70%  01-09-08 10:35  d42d1698  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/crc32.c
   66188  Defl:N    18339  72%  01-09-08 10:35  e6723800  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/zlib.h
    7183  Defl:N     2602  64%  01-09-08 10:35  11c2ff0c  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/zutil.c
   13756  Defl:N     4424  68%  01-09-08 10:35  335dd8fa  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/inftrees.c
   31149  Defl:N     7912  75%  01-09-08 10:35  f7943259  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/gzio.c
   30568  Defl:N    12504  59%  01-09-08 10:35  f4e5ec2a  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/crc32.h
   64212  Defl:N    15219  76%  01-09-08 10:35  179a6155  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/deflate.c
    4608  Defl:N     1394  70%  01-09-08 10:35  4a2c4836  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/zlib/adler32.c
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     551  Defl:N      279  49%  01-09-08 10:35  f27e493b  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/hpng.h
    4772  Defl:N     1532  68%  09-09-09 14:01  706f5a58  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/png/hpng.c
    1241  Defl:N      553  55%  09-09-09 14:21  86450b26  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/CImage.h
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   22635  Defl:N     4623  80%  09-09-09 14:00  4eaeb0ea  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/gif/gif.c
    2490  Defl:N      698  72%  01-09-08 10:35  671fad67  bl24_lin_src/ImageLib/src/gif/gif.h
--------          -------  ---                            -------
 6858599          5043709  27%                            156 files
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