NoGo 1.0
(Magritte's greeting)
(c) 1997 by Andreas Schmitz
0. Introduction
Go is a very old Asian board game. Although the rules are very simple, the
game can be very interesting and difficult. Of course Go is most enjoyable
when played against a human opponent. But finding a playing partner is
sometimes difficult, so I started searching a computer program playing Go.
I found AmiGo, GNUGo and Wally from which the last was supposed to be the
strongest. Unfortunately it had no GUI and was not much fun to play. So I
started writing a MUI-GUI. I have to say that Wally is still a very weak
player and games are only interesting if you give him handicap stones.
1. Requirements
NoGo should run on any Amiga with MUI installed.
2. Usage
Starting the game from Workbench or Shell should be straight forward :-)
The meaning of the menu items should also be clear, but a few notes have to
be made:
o Wally always begins the game (to get a little advantage)
o Handicap stones are only possible on 9x9, 13x13 and 19x19 boards
o Wally is much better on smaller boards
o At the end of the game you will be asked to remove dead stones and fill
the neutral points (the computer trusts you, so don't cheat here)
3. Author
For ANY suggestions, bug-reports or whatever-you-can-think-of's please
feel free to knock at my door (you're welcome). Especially if you are
interested in a future development.
o email: (home) (at work)
o homepage:
o my address: Andreas Schmitz
Lenneper Strasse 44a
51688 Wipperfuerth
Germoney :)
4. Future
o GNUGo is much better structured than Wally and I think about giving
GNUGo 1.2 the same MUI-GUI. Including the source code will be more
likely then.
o Of course it would be nice if the program would be a stronger player.
7. Thanks to
o Bill Newman (newman@tcgould.TN.CORNELL.EDU) for the original wally.c
whom I was unable to reach.
o Stefan Stuntz for MUI, which makes programming a lot easier.
o SAS for still supporting the Amiga