84782 packages online
game/hint/SolveKnight.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Solve the Knight games from any start position. |
Author: | http://drhirudo.hit.bg (Ventzislav Tzvetkov) |
Uploader: | drHirudo Amigascne org (Ventzislav Tzvetkov) |
Type: | game/hint |
Version: | 1.1 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos,ppc-morphos,ppc-warpup,ppc-powerup |
Date: | 2003-12-21 |
Download: | game/hint/SolveKnight.lha - View contents | Readme: | game/hint/SolveKnight.readme |
Downloads: | 1401 |
This little program shows all the possible solutions of the game Knight
and the game KnightMoves. The games are available from:
To get the solve just type coordinates of the start position for example:
A1 or 11, B1, B2, C4, 34 etc... The program then will start computing all
the possible travels and will output them as move numbers shown on ASCII
drawn chess board. More descriptions of the algorithm and the methods of
program flow are in the source code (SolveKnight.c).
68000, 68020, 68040, PowerUP, WarpOS, MorphOS, PC and GameBoy versions
The Amiga versions were compiled with VBCC v0.8. The PC version was
compiled with Borland Turbo C++ v1.01 (The freeware compiler from their
community site), using PC-Task. The GameBoy version was compiled with
GBDK from Aminet.
Òàçè ìàëêà ïðîãðàìà ïîêàçâà âñè÷êè âúçìîæíè ðåøåíèÿ íà èãðàòà Knight è
íà èãðàòà KnightMoves, êîèòî ìîãàò äà ñå èçòåãëÿò îò:
Çà äà ïîëó÷èòå ðåøåíèåòî, ïðîñòî âúâåäåòå êîîðäèíàòèòå íà íà÷àëíîòî ïîëå
íàïðèìåð çà A1 èëè 11, B1, B2, C4, 34 è ò.í... Ñëåä òîâà ïðîãðàìàòà ùå
èç÷èñëè âñè÷êè âúçìîæíè òóðîâå íà êîíÿ è ùå ãè èçâåäå êàòî íîìåðà íà
õîäîâå íà ASCII íàðèñóâàíî øàõìàòíî ïîëå. Ïîâå÷å îïèñàíèå íà àëãîðèòúìà è
íà÷èíà íà äåéñòâèå íà ïðîãðàìàòà èìà â èçõîäíèÿ êîä (SolveKnight.c).
Ïðîãðàìàòà èìà èçïúëíèìè âåðñèè çà 68000, 68020, 68040, ÏàóúðÚÏ, ÓàðïÎÑ,
ÌîðôÎÑ, ÏèÑè è ÃåéìÁîé.
Àìèãà âåðñèèòå áÿõà êîìïèëèðàíè ñ VBCC v0.8. ÏèÑè âåðñèÿòà áåøå
êîìïèëèðàíà ñ Borland Turbo C++ v1.01 (Áåçïëàòíèÿò êîìïèëàòîð îò òåõíèÿ
îáùíîñòåí ñàéò), èçïîëçâàéêè PC-Task. ÃåéìÁîé âåðñèÿòà áåøå êîìïèëèðàíà
ñ GBDK îò Àìèíåò.
Contents of game/hint/SolveKnight.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 6716 19725 34.0% -lh5- 3a00 Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight.c
[generic] 1094 1971 55.5% -lh5- 0dc3 Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight.readme
[generic] 10260 22324 46.0% -lh5- cb3e Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight_000.exe
[generic] 10225 21924 46.6% -lh5- c566 Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight_020.exe
[generic] 10251 21980 46.6% -lh5- fcdd Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight_040.exe
[generic] 10426 28000 37.2% -lh5- 2c38 Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight_elf.exe
[generic] 1438 2844 50.6% -lh5- a689 Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight_GB.c
[generic] 6551 32768 20.0% -lh5- ae71 Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight_GB.gb
[generic] 10538 27844 37.8% -lh5- 633a Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight_mos.exe
[generic] 1354 2774 48.8% -lh5- b04a Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight_PC.c
[generic] 19526 32324 60.4% -lh5- 79a8 Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight_PC.exe
[generic] 7383 20176 36.6% -lh5- 2598 Dec 21 2003 SolveKnight_wos.exe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 12 files 95762 234654 40.8% Dec 21 2003
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