### New in v1.0
· Load/Save
· TA could now be started from CLI (really).
### Manual
This little programm gives you much lives and money. And you could
save and load the game, only in one session! Tower Assault must be
installed on HD.
1st install TA to your HardDisk, using your Manual (and disk 2).
2nd Drag'n'Drop the TA-Hack drawer to where ever you want.
Make sure, that TA is called 'AB' (case insensitive). Now TA can be
started from CLI. (Sorry for v0.2) Start and play TA. Pause the
game using the 'P'-Key. Then leave TA temporary, using the 'ESC'-
Key. Use TA-Hack from Workbench or CLI.
Start TA-Hack, it tells you the lives and money from both players.
With the arguments PL1LIVES and PL2LIVES you could change the
lives from the 1st or the 2nd player. The argument MONEY will
change the money of both players. Thats all, no the parameter GUI
or MUI will start the GUI, using MUI, see also WB.
With LOAD and SAVE you can save and load the game. See Load/Save.
To use the GUI you need at least MUI3. The GUI is self declaratory
(I hope so). You could make the same like with the CLI-parameters.
If you have started TA-Hack from CLI with the GUI parameter, only
the FILE/NAME and FORCE option will be supported, all others will
be ignored. From WB it is'nt possible to specify any option.
The Load and the Save button are equialent to the CLI-parameters.
See Load/Save for more details.
This is only a very dirty trick, but it does.
To save the game TA-Hack saves only all hunks of TA to disk. This
will not work, if you have left TA, because than the Hunks will be
placed to another position in memory, and all the addresses, TA
have stored in, are bad. Only with the FORCE-switch you could force
TA-Hack to load such a file. If the length of the saved hunks and
the hunks in memory are different, it is'nt possible to load.
If TA-Hack could'nt identify TA corecctly, you could only FORCE him
to do load/save.
With the option FILE or NAME you can specify the file to load/save
to. The default is "AB.save" in the current dir.
I gurantee for nothing!
No, it's FreeWare. The Source is included.
For Hackers only:
Look for the TA-Process, into the 2nd Hunk (try scout).
Player1, Lives: Ofs 0x12ed, (U)BYTE.
Player1, Money: Ofs 0x136c, (U)LONG.
Player2, Lives: Ofs 0x14ed, (U)BYTE.
Player2, Money: Ofs 0x156c, (U)LONG.
Alex Kazik
Stapenhorststr. 81
33516 Bielefeld
E-Mail: akazik@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE
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