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These MIDI Music instruments for ADoom sound much, much better than
the ones included in the ADoom-0.5.lha archive. They need a bit more
disk space though.
To use them, unpack the archive into your ADoom directory, overwriting
the old MIDI_Instruments and MIDI_Instruments.s files. Then start
ADoom with the -music option or MUSIC icon tooltype.
Here's what Joe Fenton wrote to me about the new instruments:
"I just re-did the MIDI_Instruments
file. I'm sending you my new one; INCREDIBLE difference in audio.
Occasionally, you get a pop as too many loud instruments get added
together; if you add 2 to the shift value instead of 1 (as it is
right now), the pops go away, but the music is on avergae half
the volume. Let me know what you think of the new file. The
instruments are sampled at 11025 Hz; the engine plays at 11048
because Paula can't do 11025 exactly, but it's only .2% off;
I can't hear the difference.
"MUS files are capable of panning, but I haven't seen many;
I'll update my engine in a few days or so to support stereo
and 22KHz samples along with 11KHz (use 22KHz MIDI_Instruments
file instead of normal one).
"The new file is bigger, but arcs pretty well
and is VASTLY better than the previous one.
"I don't plan on doing another MIDI file for
some time; even when I add 22KHz ability,
I won't do a 22KHz file. I'll leave that to
someone with nothing else to do.
Peter McGavin.
Contents of game/shoot/ADoom_Instr.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
-rw-r--r-- 111/101 857 1556 55.1% -lh5- bca5 Jan 13 1998 ADoom_Instruments.readme
[generic] 1297568 2520972 51.5% -lh5- 58e7 Jan 12 1998 MIDI_Instruments
[generic] 3507 11957 29.3% -lh5- 5566 Jan 12 1998 MIDI_Instruments.s
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 1301932 2534485 51.4% Feb 20 1998
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