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Short:Fully featured paint program from 5DL
Author:phil drake
Uploader:phil ware5d demon co uk
Download:gfx/edit/BPaint.lha - View contents

5DL  are  proud  to  announce  the release of an exciting new paint package
created by Portia Software©, Belle's Paint v2.0.

Belle's  Paint  is  an  easy  to  use  paint  package  which  contains many
innovative  ideas.   Originally  designed  for  children the program as now
grown  to  include  a  "Dot2Dot"  module, an entire image processing suite,
enhancements to the video titling system, plus many other refinements.  The
interface  is  simple to operate with no dropdown menus, making it suitable
for all age groups.

      Requires an Amiga with a minimum of 1MB chip ram and WorkBench 2.

         *** This is the fully working PD demo version (v1.0) ***

For the latest 5DL catalogue download 'FDLinfo.lha' from the Aminet in the
`docs/lists' drawer.

Original  Packed Ratio    Date    Name
-------- ------- ----- ---------  -------------
      26      26  0.0% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/.info
  108948  108948  0.0% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Belle's Paint
     264      30 88.6% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Fonts/BPaint.font
    2072     336 83.7% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Fonts/BPaint/16
     264      27 89.7% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Fonts/Scala.font
    3856    1814 52.9% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Fonts/Scala/11
      80      75  6.2% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Palettes/Miss Sunshine.PPAL
    6150    1564 74.5% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Vid.07.PSWB.05.01.02
   22366    7948 64.4% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Miss-Sunshine2.iff
   27016   13570 49.7% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Miss-Sunshine4.iff
   15500    7454 51.9% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Vid.02.Background.00.99.99
    6178    1796 70.9% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Vid.05.Wipes.10.05.06
    2234     150 93.2% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Vid.06.Blank.00.99.99
   21950   10220 53.4% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Miss-Sunshine1.iff
   26028   11705 55.0% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Miss-Sunshine3.iff
   13646    4267 68.7% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Vid.01.Welcome.04.08.08
   11546    3117 73.0% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Vid.03.Created.04.10.10
   15526    5727 63.1% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Vid.04.Includes.04.03.04
    2541    1017 59.9% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/BPaint.Err
   26430   12857 51.3% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/50.Donna
     128      12 90.6% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/50.Donna.CTXT
   24592   12434 49.4% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/56.Batman
     128      12 90.6% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/56.Batman.CTXT
   45584   26093 42.7% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/64.Fire
     128      12 90.6% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/64.Fire.CTXT
   24108    9960 58.6% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Pictures/Advert.iff
     989     379 61.6% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/Belle's
   38146   12450 67.3% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/48.Ballball
     128      12 90.6% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/48.Ballball.CTXT
   12422    5051 59.3% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/48.Bananna
     128      12 90.6% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/48.Bananna.CTXT
   18122   10455 42.3% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/50.Donn
     128      12 90.6% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/CFonts/50.Donn.CTXT
   45806   11535 74.8% 16-Sep-96  BPaint/BPaint.Res
      85      79  7.0% 16-Sep-96  C/Add.txt
   17216    9859 42.7% 16-Sep-96  C/MmPp
      50      50  0.0% 16-Sep-96  Devs/Keymaps/Add.txt
     232     115 50.4% 16-Sep-96  Devs/System-configuration
     264      29 89.0% 16-Sep-96  Fonts/Boston.font
    6020    2697 55.1% 16-Sep-96  Fonts/Boston/23
     784      49 93.7% 16-Sep-96  Fonts/Siesta.font
    3192    1574 50.6% 16-Sep-96  Fonts/Siesta/11
    2584    1403 45.7% 16-Sep-96  Fonts/Siesta/8
    3220    1694 47.3% 16-Sep-96  Fonts/Siesta/9
    1281     342 73.3% 16-Sep-96
    2025     441 78.2% 16-Sep-96
    7577    3044 59.8% 16-Sep-96  Docs
    1570     558 64.4% 16-Sep-96
     264      27 89.7% 16-Sep-96  Fonts/News.font
    5248    2288 56.4% 16-Sep-96  Fonts/News/23
      85      72 15.2% 16-Sep-96  Libs/Add.txt
      80      76  5.0% 16-Sep-96  S/Startup-sequence
 -------- ------- ----- ---------
  574935  305474 46.8% 16-Sep-96   52 files


Contents of gfx/edit/BPaint.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   26      26 100.0% -lh0- d967 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/.info
[generic]               108948  108948 100.0% -lh0- e1ee Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Belle's Paint
[generic]                   30     264  11.4% -lh5- 994e Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Fonts/BPaint.font
[generic]                  336    2072  16.2% -lh5- 2b27 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Fonts/BPaint/16
[generic]                   27     264  10.2% -lh5- 7815 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Fonts/Scala.font
[generic]                 1814    3856  47.0% -lh5- 6807 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Fonts/Scala/11
[generic]                   75      80  93.8% -lh5- 6d42 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Palettes/Miss Sunshine.PPAL
[generic]                 1564    6150  25.4% -lh5- c60f Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Vid.07.PSWB.05.01.02
[generic]                 7948   22366  35.5% -lh5- 23cd Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Miss-Sunshine2.iff
[generic]                13570   27016  50.2% -lh5- a1e0 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Miss-Sunshine4.iff
[generic]                 7454   15500  48.1% -lh5- 5689 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Vid.02.Background.00.99.99
[generic]                 1796    6178  29.1% -lh5- d40b Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Vid.05.Wipes.10.05.06
[generic]                  150    2234   6.7% -lh5- b5ee Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Vid.06.Blank.00.99.99
[generic]                10220   21950  46.6% -lh5- 1c97 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Miss-Sunshine1.iff
[generic]                11705   26028  45.0% -lh5- 8083 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Miss-Sunshine3.iff
[generic]                 4267   13646  31.3% -lh5- 7035 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Vid.01.Welcome.04.08.08
[generic]                 3117   11546  27.0% -lh5- 2675 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Vid.03.Created.04.10.10
[generic]                 5727   15526  36.9% -lh5- 69de Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Vid.04.Includes.04.03.04
[generic]                 1017    2541  40.0% -lh5- 9870 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/BPaint.Err
[generic]                12857   26430  48.6% -lh5- fc1d Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/50.Donna
[generic]                   12     128   9.4% -lh5- acaa Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/50.Donna.CTXT
[generic]                12434   24592  50.6% -lh5- 616e Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/56.Batman
[generic]                   12     128   9.4% -lh5- f110 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/56.Batman.CTXT
[generic]                26093   45584  57.2% -lh5- 23f3 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/64.Fire
[generic]                   12     128   9.4% -lh5- 6ec1 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/64.Fire.CTXT
[generic]                 9960   24108  41.3% -lh5- f0dc Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Pictures/Advert.iff
[generic]                  379     989  38.3% -lh5- c07e Sep 16  1996 BPaint/Belle's
[generic]                11535   45806  25.2% -lh5- 21f4 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/BPaint.Res
[generic]                12450   38146  32.6% -lh5- 36bc Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/48.Ballball
[generic]                   12     128   9.4% -lh5- 71d1 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/48.Ballball.CTXT
[generic]                 5051   12422  40.7% -lh5- a487 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/48.Bananna
[generic]                   12     128   9.4% -lh5- f110 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/48.Bananna.CTXT
[generic]                10455   18122  57.7% -lh5- 0544 Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/50.Donn
[generic]                   12     128   9.4% -lh5- b38d Sep 16  1996 BPaint/CFonts/50.Donn.CTXT
[generic]                   79      85  92.9% -lh5- 6381 Sep 16  1996 C/Add.txt
[generic]                 9859   17216  57.3% -lh5- 8b91 Sep 16  1996 C/MmPp
[generic]                   50      50 100.0% -lh0- dcd0 Sep 16  1996 Devs/Keymaps/Add.txt
[generic]                  115     232  49.6% -lh5- e0e7 Sep 16  1996 Devs/System-configuration
[generic]                   29     264  11.0% -lh5- 9b42 Sep 16  1996 Fonts/Boston.font
[generic]                 2697    6020  44.8% -lh5- b626 Sep 16  1996 Fonts/Boston/23
[generic]                   27     264  10.2% -lh5- 52fa Sep 16  1996 Fonts/News.font
[generic]                 2288    5248  43.6% -lh5- 91d0 Sep 16  1996 Fonts/News/23
[generic]                   49     784   6.2% -lh5- 084b Sep 16  1996 Fonts/Siesta.font
[generic]                 1574    3192  49.3% -lh5- f016 Sep 16  1996 Fonts/Siesta/11
[generic]                 1403    2584  54.3% -lh5- db5a Sep 16  1996 Fonts/Siesta/8
[generic]                 1694    3220  52.6% -lh5- 75bc Sep 16  1996 Fonts/Siesta/9
[generic]                  342    1281  26.7% -lh5- d4e7 Sep 16  1996
[generic]                 1559    4081  38.2% -lh5- 0d8b Sep 16  1996 BPaint.readme
[generic]                  440    2025  21.7% -lh5- 929e Sep 16  1996
[generic]                 3044    7577  40.2% -lh5- 815a Sep 16  1996 Docs
[generic]                  558    1570  35.5% -lh5- 2821 Sep 16  1996
[generic]                   72      85  84.7% -lh5- 19da Sep 16  1996 Libs/Add.txt
[generic]                   76      80  95.0% -lh5- c511 Sep 16  1996 S/Startup-sequence
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        53 files  307032  579016  53.0%            Oct  2  1996
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