Photogenics Companion Release 1.1
© 1998 by Ben Matthew
(this program is "GuiltWare" - see docs for more info.)
[this has been hacked together pretty quickly so excuse errors!]
--- Notes about 1.1 ---
- Removed 2b binary patch due to bug reports, will look into
a full bug-fix (esp with regards to Picasso96 in near
- PCD.gio now has Arexx support again!
Companion aims to add a few enhancements to your Photogenics 2 installation:
* Patches main executable to 2b + library updates
* New Amigascreen GIO (allows grabbing of high-depth screens)
* New PhotoCD GIO (large res versions as well as preview window)
* New datatype support (incl. 24-bit ones)
* Changes to RAW GIO (bug fix + enabling of virtual image loading)
* GIF, Targa and PNG GIOs have Arexx Support
* Quadanim GIO fixed for 3-bitplane anims
** Brand NEW fractal effect for users of FPU version ONLY **
* Some other miscellenous "effects" - fairly trivial.
* New "Widget" user interface libraries
Main attractions will be the new PCD loader and fractal effect.
Please read the changes to the online help files.
Probs with install? email