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Short:VideoToaster software that runs w/o VT
Author:emufan-eab (at)
Uploader:emufan-eab yandex com
Download:gfx/edit/VT42-Toasterless-0.1.lha - View contents


Something special for all those, never had the chance to play with
Newtek's VideoToaster system.

Provided are compiled binaries of the VideoToaster switcher.
The switcher is the main driver program of the VideoToaster system.
It is the bridge between the Amiga and the VideoToaster hardware.
The switcher runs on the Amiga, it will be invoked when starting the
VideoToaster software.

Additionally compiled Master and Slave version of the switcher.
The source code talks about some special test version.

Next to the Toasterless binaries (folder Toasterless) you will find
binaries for the VideoToaster hardware (folder VideoToaster).
This version will work with the VideoToaster hardware only.

Both versions includes compiled Edit binary. This is the Editor,
which will be shown right after the start of the VideoToaster software.

Only the version strings have been changed, to make identification



8+ years ago, the latest VideoToaster source code was released to the public.
The project was called OpenVideoToaster, but nothing evolved from it.

With an option (TOASTERLESS) recently discovered in the switcher source code,
it is possible to compile the switcher binary, so it does work without
the VideoToaster hardware.

The provided binaries are either for AGA or ECS systems. The correct version
will be choosen upon start automaticaly.
Some effects will work on AGA machines only, this is by design.

By replacing the original binaries of the VideoToaster installation,
you can now discover the VideoToaster software without the VT hardware:
ChromaFX, ToasterCG, ToasterPaint, Lightwave.

Next to these binaries, we now know for a fact, the public VideoToaster
source code is actually useable and ready to be compiled.
It gives the possibility to investigate the VideoToaster system even further,
for those interested in this piece of Amiga history.

Happy testing :)


Requirements / Installation:

- You need to install Newtek's VideoToaster 4.2 Software.
  Iso image and install disk - use "4.2install" on installer floppy.

- Create a backup of your SYS:Newtek/Programs/ folder, incase you want
  switch back to the original files, if something goes wrong.

- Extract the archive and copy the content of the Toasterless folder
  to the VideoToaster installation directory. The default location is
  SYS:Newtek/Programs/  Replace all existing files including subfolder.

- If you own the VideoToaster hardware, you can test the binaries in
  the VideoToaster folder. Replace all files in SYS:Newtek/Programs/


- The Toasterless release is a prove of concept - the full functionality
  of the VideoToaster system is not given. There is no video in or out.
  Missing colors when playing video effects or wipes. ToasterCG does not
  display colored fonts.
  Options which require the Flyer hardware do not work.
  While some effects are AGA only, other effects and wipes are more
  visible on ECS machines, ECS emulation.


- Switch your Amiga or emulation to NTSC.
- Start the software with SYS:Newtek/Programs/StartToaster
  Workbench icon.
- Once started push HELP key twice, to reset the screen.
- For some instant effect:
   - Push BackSpace, choose Effects tab, open Space folder icon.
   - Double click on one of the three icons listed.
- These Icons you can move in the upper part of the Screen and save
  them as a project.


- The release thread on EAB forum with some images:

- A guide to compile the binaries from the VideoToaster source code:


- Who knows. I may try to compile the remaining parts of the VT package too.


- Use at your own risk. No warranty expressed or implied, etc.

Leagal Notice:

- All product names, logos and brands are property of their respective owners.

- Product and service names used in this release are for identification
  purposes only. All trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of
  their respective owners.

Contents of gfx/edit/VT42-Toasterless-0.1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]               172953  352704  49.0% -lh5- d495 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/Toasterless/edit
[generic]               198664  611256  32.5% -lh5- 6136 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/Toasterless/Switcher.main
[generic]               189890  574880  33.0% -lh5- 2fe3 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/Toasterless/Switcher.main.3.0
[generic]               201037  633120  31.8% -lh5- 3c41 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/Toasterless/Switcher.main.AA
[generic]               201823  636368  31.7% -lh5- a230 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/Toasterless/Switcher.main.Master
[generic]               201904  636400  31.7% -lh5- 2d1d Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/Toasterless/Switcher.main.Slave
[generic]                  266    1850  14.4% -lh5- 198a Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/Toasterless/Switcher_Support/HS
[generic]                  266    1850  14.4% -lh5- 198a Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/Toasterless/Switcher_Support/HS.Default
[generic]                 9478   28508  33.2% -lh5- 9486 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/Toasterless/VideoToaster
[generic]                39598   74492  53.2% -lh5- 40f9 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/Toasterless/VideoToaster.AA
[generic]               172953  352704  49.0% -lh5- d495 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/VideoToaster/edit
[generic]               199393  612800  32.5% -lh5- 4af7 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/VideoToaster/Switcher.main
[generic]               190298  575800  33.0% -lh5- 1899 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/VideoToaster/Switcher.main.3.0
[generic]               201794  634636  31.8% -lh5- 6f47 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/VideoToaster/Switcher.main.AA
[generic]               202721  637832  31.8% -lh5- bd63 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/VideoToaster/Switcher.main.Master
[generic]               201897  636380  31.7% -lh5- 5347 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/VideoToaster/Switcher.main.Slave
[generic]                  266    1850  14.4% -lh5- 198a Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/VideoToaster/Switcher_Support/HS
[generic]                  266    1850  14.4% -lh5- 198a Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/VideoToaster/Switcher_Support/HS.Default
[generic]                 9478   28508  33.2% -lh5- 9486 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/VideoToaster/VideoToaster
[generic]                39598   74492  53.2% -lh5- 40f9 Feb  1  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/VideoToaster/VideoToaster.AA
[generic]                 1953    4426  44.1% -lh5- 6368 Feb  3  1980 VT42-Toasterless-0.1/VT42-Toasterless-0.1.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        21 files 2436496 7112706  34.3%            Feb  3 20:32
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