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Short:Demo RELEASED ProVector 3, StylusTracer, etc.
Author:Stylus, Inc.
Uploader:jblume bix com (Jeff Blume - stylus ezlink com - Stylus, Inc )
Download:gfx/misc/StylusDemo.lha - View contents

/************** Stylus Demonstration Archive ******************/

I. Copyright Notice

The Stylus Demonstration Archive and all files contained in it
(except where noted below) are copyright © 1989-1995 by Stylus,
Inc.  These files may not be distributed in any form other than
this archive.

II. About the Stylus Demo

The Stylus Demo demonstrates the programs included in the
Stylus Pro-Pak, a professional software bundle for graphic
artists.  The Stylus Pro-Pak includes ProVector® 3, a major
update of Stylus, Inc.'s structured-drawing program;
StylusTracer(tm), an autotracing and image-processing utility;
PSImport(tm), a PostScript® import utility for ProVector; and
RexxRequest(tm), an ARexx command host for designing
Intuition(tm) requesters for ARexx macros.

The principal programs included in this demo are the following:


PSImport(tm) and the other import and export drivers from the
full release are not included in this archive.

The ProVector version provided, ProVectorDEMO, will run on
68000 equipped, stock Amiga computers with OS 2.1 or greater
and at least two megs of RAM; however it will sense the
presence of 68020 or greater CPU chips, and take advantage of
the extended instruction set of these chips for increased

The full ProVector package also includes a Motorola 68881
version for faster and more accurate math operations.  The
greater math accuracy of the the '881 version permits page sizes
greater than 32 inches (up to over 15 x 15 miles), as well as
the ability to do exceptionally detailed work in high

For users who do not have a math coprocessor, a Fast Floating
Point (FFP) version is also included.  This version will
provide math accuracy nearly as high as the '881 version, but
will not be as fast, since the floating point math is done in

The full Stylus Pro-Pak also includes drivers to output
drawings as IFF-DR2D, Preferences, PostScript® (including
Encapsulated PostScript and Color Separations), IFF-ILBM
(including 24-bit-color, anti-aliased, super-bitmaps), Adobe
Illustrator(tm) and HP-GL compatible devices.  There is a
special HPGL_Tile driver that will support the maximum page
size of virtually all HP-GL compatible devices, as well as
tiling for pages larger than the device's maximum.  This driver
is particularly useful in sign-cutting applications.

The Stylus Pro-Pak also includes PSImport, a full PostScript
interpreter for importing, viewing, and editing any PostScript
graphic into ProVector.  HPGLImport provides similar
capabilities for HP-GL graphic files.

Certain features of ProVector are necessarily disabled in the
demo version.  The disabled features include all saving and
printing operations, and clipboard cutting and copying.
Disabled features are indicated by ghosting in the menus.  The
corresponding ARexx(tm) commands are also disabled.  The ARexx
interface to ProVector is also limited to operating on two
objects at a time.  Sample Arexx macros are included.  See
"Installing the ProVector Demo" at the end of this file.

III. Getting Started/Help

If you have ARexx loaded on your system, double-click on
RexxRequest.  Many of the ARexx macros included with the Stylus
Pro-Pak use this Rexx Command Host to build Graphic User
Interfaces for their operation.

Now double-click on the ProVectorDEMO icon.  The Display Prefs
requester will open.  If the use of this requester is unclear,
just select OK for now.

The Stylus Pro-Pak programs (including this demo) use the
standard AmigaGuide(tm) help system to provide on-line help.

To get started, choose the Misc/Help menu item or press the
Help key.  Then select the "Toolbox & Summary of Operations"
gadget.  This will give you an overview of the use of ProVector.

For information about a specific tool or menu operation, simply
position the Mouse Pointer over the tool, menu item, or
requester, then press the Help key.

The StylusTracer auto-tracing utility has similar on-line help.

The AmigaGuide files have been abridged for this demonstration
release.  Thus, some nodes are no longer linked to their
corresponding hyper-text nodes.  The commercial release
includes approximately 500K of AmigaGuide-based documentation.

IV. Installing the ProVector Demo

When you un-compressed this archive, a directory named
Stylus_Demo" along with sub-directories, should have been
created. All the programs should run properly, if launched from
this directory structure.

RexxRequest may be moved to "SYS:WBStartup" or left in the
Stylus_Demo directory..

The file, "textfield.gadget," may be copied to
"SYS:Classes/Gadgets" or left in the Stylus_Demo directory.

V.  Summary

ProVector comes with a clearly  organized, 300 page manual,
current to ProVector release 2.1.  The AmigaGuide help files
document the new features for ProVector 3, as well as virtually
every aspect of the Stylus Pro-Pak software.

VI. Notes

textfield.gadget is © 1994 Mark Thomas
"All rights reserved.  Used with permission."

ProVector is a registered trademark of Stylus, Inc. PSImport,
StylusTracer, and RexxRequest are trademarks of Stylus, Inc.
Amiga is a registered trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
Intuition, AmigaGuide and AGA are trademarks of
Commodore-Amiga, Inc.  PostScript is a registered trademark of
Adobe Systems, Inc. ARexx is a trademark of Wishful Thinking
Development Corp.

Contents of gfx/misc/StylusDemo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                  270     628  43.0% -lh5- 2fcd May  7  1995 Stylus_Demo/
[generic]                  270     628  43.0% -lh5- 4c3b May  6  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/
[generic]               211954  340894  62.2% -lh5- 8335 Sep  6  1994 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/Anti-Aliased_24Bit/PV3_logo.24ilbm
[generic]                 7484   20610  36.3% -lh5- 68c8 May  1  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/Bubbles.dr2d
[generic]                  543    1027  52.9% -lh5- 3605 May  6  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/
[generic]                 6308   36954  17.1% -lh5- 18de Apr 21  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/OFNT_Codes.dr2d
[generic]                  543    1027  52.9% -lh5- ea54 May  6  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/
[generic]                  833    1682  49.5% -lh5- 1f85 Apr 21  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/OFNT_Sample.dr2d
[generic]                  544    1027  53.0% -lh5- d271 May  6  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/
[generic]                 4803    9220  52.1% -lh5- 7f85 May  3  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/PV3_logo.dr2d
[generic]                  546    1031  53.0% -lh5- b3f6 May  6  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/
[generic]                16580   44342  37.4% -lh5- c4cd May  1  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/RainReport.dr2d
[generic]                  543    1027  52.9% -lh5- e9ed May  6  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/
[generic]                24377   62176  39.2% -lh5- 2c5d Oct  8  1994 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/TheEye.dr2d
[generic]                  549    1031  53.2% -lh5- 6d67 May  6  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/
[generic]                 6619   36962  17.9% -lh5- 7e68 Apr 21  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/Type1_Codes.dr2d
[generic]                  541    1027  52.7% -lh5- eef7 May  6  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/
[generic]                  834    1570  53.1% -lh5- 8485 May  3  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/Type1_Sample.dr2d
[generic]                  546    1027  53.2% -lh5- 2461 May  6  1995 Stylus_Demo/DR2D_Drawings/
[generic]               230907  503008  45.9% -lh5- 3035 Apr 25  1995 Stylus_Demo/ProVectorDEMO
[generic]                  753    1793  42.0% -lh5- 288d May  7  1995 Stylus_Demo/
[generic]                  271     628  43.2% -lh5- b4f9 May  7  1995 Stylus_Demo/
[generic]                24956   84839  29.4% -lh5- 525d May  7  1995 Stylus_Demo/PV_Help/
[generic]                  438    1095  40.0% -lh5- 55b6 May  2  1995 Stylus_Demo/PV_Help/
[generic]                13972   45918  30.4% -lh5- c5cb May  7  1995 Stylus_Demo/PV_Help/
[generic]                  448    1095  40.9% -lh5- 3ea6 May  2  1995 Stylus_Demo/PV_Help/
[generic]                  275     628  43.8% -lh5- 29b0 May  7  1995 Stylus_Demo/
[generic]                  258     421  61.3% -lh5- a38c May  2  1995 Stylus_Demo/PV_Type/Acknowledgement.txt
[generic]                   65     101  64.4% -lh5- afd0 May  3  1995 Stylus_Demo/PV_Type/PV_FontList
[generic]                  393    1047  37.5% -lh5- 434f Apr 11  1995 Stylus_Demo/PV_Type/
[generic]                12427   29214  42.5% -lh5- 38fd Sep 16  1994 Stylus_Demo/PV_Type/PV_Roman
[generic]                  398    1047  38.0% -lh5- a8dd Apr 11  1995 Stylus_Demo/PV_Type/
[generic]                 7850   19622  40.0% -lh5- e4bf Sep 16  1994 Stylus_Demo/PV_Type/PV_Sans
[generic]                  393    1047  37.5% -lh5- 3d71 Apr 11  1995 Stylus_Demo/PV_Type/
[generic]                 3106   12382  25.1% -lh5- dc9c Sep 16  1994 Stylus_Demo/PV_Type/Simple_Stroke
[generic]                  397    1047  37.9% -lh5- 2e8b May  2  1995 Stylus_Demo/PV_Type/
[generic]                  266     628  42.4% -lh5- 8b1b May  7  1995 Stylus_Demo/
[generic]                  451    1384  32.6% -lh5- fcb3 Aug 10  1994 Stylus_Demo/REXX/Cartesian_Coords.pvrx
[generic]                 1419    3059  46.4% -lh5- ccac Mar  4  1995 Stylus_Demo/REXX/Center.pvrx
[generic]                  804    1997  40.3% -lh5- dd23 Oct 19  1993 Stylus_Demo/REXX/Create.strx
[generic]                 1357    4139  32.8% -lh5- 5e6b Feb 28  1995 Stylus_Demo/REXX/CropMarks.pvrx
[generic]                 1770    5053  35.0% -lh5- 98a5 May  2  1994 Stylus_Demo/REXX/CutPath.pvrx
[generic]                 2086    5100  40.9% -lh5- 22d0 Aug 25  1992 Stylus_Demo/REXX/JoinPaths.pvrx
[generic]                  535     929  57.6% -lh5- e6d1 Jul 22  1993 Stylus_Demo/REXX/LayerSel.pvrx
[generic]                  902    1839  49.0% -lh5- 81d0 Jul 18  1991 Stylus_Demo/REXX/LockObj.pvrx
[generic]                 1450    3190  45.5% -lh5- e49b Mar 24  1992 Stylus_Demo/REXX/MovePts.pvrx
[generic]                  712    2141  33.3% -lh5- c965 May  3  1995 Stylus_Demo/REXX/ProVector.pvrx
[generic]                  351    1107  31.7% -lh5- cada Aug 10  1994 Stylus_Demo/REXX/PS_Coords.pvrx
[generic]                 2174    5855  37.1% -lh5- 86de Jan 26  1994 Stylus_Demo/REXX/Random.pvrx
[generic]                 1091    2736  39.9% -lh5- c36b Aug 18  1994 Stylus_Demo/REXX/RoundRect.pvrx
[generic]                  541    1514  35.7% -lh5- 933c Apr 16  1994 Stylus_Demo/REXX/SelectNOT.pvrx
[generic]                  895    1993  44.9% -lh5- d467 Apr 17  1995 Stylus_Demo/REXX/ShowCharSet.pvrx
[generic]                  650    1288  50.5% -lh5- 859f Aug 28  1991 Stylus_Demo/REXX/ShowMag.pvrx
[generic]                 2887   11158  25.9% -lh5- f4fb Feb 15  1995 Stylus_Demo/REXX/Status.pvrx
[generic]                  705    2171  32.5% -lh5- f94c Oct 14  1993 Stylus_Demo/REXX/Status.strx
[generic]                  386     739  52.2% -lh5- add0 May  3  1995 Stylus_Demo/REXX/StylusTracer.strx
[generic]                  239     367  65.1% -lh5- e161 Jul 16  1991 Stylus_Demo/REXX/ToggleFastEdit.pvrx
[generic]                  214     321  66.7% -lh5- 2fbf Jul 16  1991 Stylus_Demo/REXX/ToggleRulers.pvrx
[generic]                  239     372  64.2% -lh5- dbff Aug  9  1991 Stylus_Demo/REXX/ToggleToolsStay.pvrx
[generic]                  823    1721  47.8% -lh5- 3ed3 Apr 21  1992 Stylus_Demo/REXX/ToggleView.pvrx
[generic]                  563     988  57.0% -lh5- 35a8 Aug 12  1993 Stylus_Demo/REXX/ZoomNonProp.pvrx
[generic]                  621    1314  47.3% -lh5- 085b Jan 14  1993 Stylus_Demo/REXX/ZoomSel.pvrx
[generic]                 9538   16636  57.3% -lh5- a573 Feb 28  1995 Stylus_Demo/RexxRequest
[generic]                  259     486  53.3% -lh5- eafa May  7  1995 Stylus_Demo/
[generic]                 2405    5404  44.5% -lh5- 2074 May  7  1995 Stylus_Demo/Stylus_Demo.ReadMe
[generic]                  232     477  48.6% -lh5- ef60 May  7  1995 Stylus_Demo/
[generic]               106073  255580  41.5% -lh5- 24ae Apr 28  1995 Stylus_Demo/StylusTracerDEMO
[generic]                  678    1292  52.5% -lh5- fee5 May  7  1995 Stylus_Demo/
[generic]                10776   18948  56.9% -lh5- 3ed5 Nov 12  1994 Stylus_Demo/textfield.gadget
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        69 files  736086 1630748  45.1%            May  7  1995
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