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This is part 7/8 of the SuperView-IV distribution, which consists of
the following parts:
SvIV-1.lha Main program, Tools, SuperView-Library
SvIV-2.lha Documentation files
SvIV-3a.lha SVObjects (JPEG, PNG, PCX, BMP, ILBM)
SvIV-3b.lha SVObjects (other - OPTIONAL)
SvIV-4.lha SVDrivers
SvIV-5.lha SVOperators
SvIV-6.lha OPTIONAL SVOperators by SQ
SvIV-7.lha OPTIONAL 68020+ optimized SV modules
SvIV-8.lha OPTIONAL language localizations (except english/german)
All parts are (C) 1993-2002 by Andreas R. Kleinert. All rights reserved.
Parts only are allowed to be distributed together, not solely.
Distribution and other legal conditions are to be obtained from the
documentation as found in the second archive.
To get the complete distribution, un-archive each of the single
archives into the same directory:
LHA x [archive].lha RAM:
This will result in a directory called "SViewIV" from where the
installation script can be started. Note, that this won't work,
if you did not un-archive all of the (non-OPTIONAL) archives...
Contents of gfx/misc/SvIV-7.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 12421 23644 52.5% -lh5- e542 Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/superview.library
[generic] 8092 15576 52.0% -lh5- 749d Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/superviewsupport.library
[generic] 3756 6248 60.1% -lh5- 3250 Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svdrivers/AGA.svdriver
[generic] 3885 6704 58.0% -lh5- 299e Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svdrivers/CgxOverlay.svdriver
[generic] 3766 6328 59.5% -lh5- 45c0 Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svdrivers/CyberGraphics.svdriver
[generic] 3543 5896 60.1% -lh5- ee1f Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svdrivers/MERLIN.svdriver
[generic] 3814 6732 56.7% -lh5- 1f8a Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svdrivers/PicassoII.svdriver
[generic] 6517 11536 56.5% -lh5- 80bc Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svdrivers/Window.svdriver
[generic] 6723 12108 55.5% -lh5- 8327 Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svobjects/ILBM.svobject
[generic] 57807 100224 57.7% -lh5- 6059 Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svobjects/JPEG.svobject
[generic] 4060 7404 54.8% -lh5- 3a02 Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svobjects/PCD.svobject
[generic] 4255 7412 57.4% -lh5- 3b6e Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svoperators/24BitToHAM.svoperator
[generic] 6179 10464 59.1% -lh5- 755a Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svoperators/Dither24Bit.svoperator
[generic] 3105 5364 57.9% -lh5- 99c5 Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SuperViewLibrary/libs/68030/svoperators/Resize.svoperator
[generic] 671 1406 47.7% -lh5- 5362 Jul 24 2002 SViewIV/SvIV-7.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 15 files 128594 227046 56.6% Jul 25 2002
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