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Short:TVPaint Image-sequence transport scripts
Author: jojon at (Jonny Johansson)
Uploader:jojon jojon net (Jonny Johansson)
Download:gfx/misc/TVPAnimScripts.lha - View contents

This is a small set of simple scripts that provide rudimentary
image sequence transport control in TVPaint.

 By assigning these scripts to Function keys in TVPaint,
you gain DeluxePaint-like anim transport control, between
a series of TVPaint project files within a directory.

 Requires: RexxReqTools.library

Archive contents:

 AnimFile.rx		-  Here you open, close and export picture
			  sequences. Read more under "How it works" 

 AnimNextFrame.rx	-  Steps one frame forward.
			  If you try to move past the last frame,
			  the script will indicate this by locking
			  and unlocking the display a few times in

 AnimPreviousFrame.rx	-  Steps one frame back.
			  If you try to move past the first frame,
			  the script will indicate this by locking
			  and unlocking the display a few times in

 AnimGotoFrame.rx	-  Opens a number requester, where you
			  specify which frame to jump to.

 AnimPlay.rx		-  Loads all frames in succession.
			  When done, reloads the current frame.

 AnimAddFrames.rx	-  Adds as many frames as you specify.
			  The frames will be copies of the current
			  frame and follow it immediately.

 AnimDeleteFrames.rx	-  Deletes As many frames as you specify in
			  the numeric requester that pops up, starting
			  with the current one.

 TVPAnimRexxCommand.tvp	-  TVPaint Script settings, with these scripts
			  assigned to SHIFT+F1-F7 - load this file from
			  the TVPaint ARexx window.

How it works:

 A project here, is simply a directory, containing a handful of 
numbered TVPaint project files. When you open a project, three ARexx
clips will be set, holding the path to this directory, the number of
the currently shown picture and of the last one in the sequence, so
that the different scripts can fetch them, when run.
Closing a project, simply saves the current frame and clears these clips.
As you move between frames, the frame you leave will be automatically
saved, before the next one is loaded. The layer that is active on the
frame you leave wil be activated on the frame you go to.
 ...and that just about sums it up.

 Opening a project, new or old:

	·  First, if this is a new project, set up the page size and number
	  of layers, also pick the active layer you want to begin with. There
	  is nothing global about these things (you can have frames with
	  different sizes and numbers of layers) and changing each and
	  every picture in the sequence afterwards could be cumbersome. could, of course, write a new script that does this. :7

	·  Remember: One project = one directory containing 
	  one sequence of pictures, following a given naming scheme.

	·  Execute the AnimFile script and press the "Open project" 
	  button. A directory requester will pop up, asking you to pick
	  a project directory. If you enter a directory (project, remember?)
	  that does not exist, ReqTools will create it for you, after asking.

	   Alas the TVPaint Display screen is not a public screen,
	  so all ReqTools requesters, used by the scripts will pop up on
	  the default pubscreen. On the plus side, this means you can
	  drag and drop icons into the file requesters.

	·  If there is already a file named "" in the specified
	  directory, the pictures will be counted and off you go -- you have
	  now opened an existing project.

	·  If there is no such file, you will be asked whether you want to
	  begin by importing an existing sequence of pictures, maybe a series
	  of scanned cartoon frames that you have drawn and need to retouch,
	  or frames exported from MovieShop...

	   -  If you choose not to do this, you will find yourself at the 
	     first and only frame. Your new project has been started.

	   -  If you do import, you will get a multi-select file requester.
	     select ALL frames that are to be imported (hold down SHIFT to
	     multiselect, or simply press the "all" button" - they will be 
	     loaded in the order they appear in the requester. These pictures
	     will be loaded to the active layer and there will be no resizing
	     or any other adaptions.

 Importing Frames:

 This works like the procedure in the last step above. Again the pictures
will be loaded to the currently active layer. Import will start at the current
frame in the open project and end at the last one. If you try to import more
frames than there is room for, you will be asked whether you want to extend
the project to fit them all.

 Exporting a project:

	 Not a whole lot of applications can read the IFF DEEP based project
	files that TVPaint use, so you will, at some point, need to save your
	frames in some other format.

	·  Rexxecute the AnimFile script and press the Export button.

	·  You will be asked in which format the pictures should be saved.

	·  When the file requester pops up, pick a path and a name for the
	  files to be saved. The frame number will be appended to the name, 
	  padded with zeros to five characters. If you want a dot, or something
	  between the base name and the number, make that part of the name.

	·  The last requester asks you whether to also append an identifying
	  extension to the file name, i.e. '.iff', '.jpg', '.gif' - you get 
	  the picture...


 2006-02-23	Bugfix:	 When importing frames to a project too small 
			to hold them, so that it had to have frames added 
			at the end - the imported frames would load to the
			active layer of the last frame, rather than the
			current one. Fixed.

 Here's hoping someone finds use for the thing.

 Kind regards,
/The author

Contents of gfx/misc/TVPAnimScripts.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1693    2482  68.2% -lh5- 203d Feb 21 23:46
[generic]                  556    1361  40.9% -lh5- 41b0 Feb 21 00:33 TVPAnimScripts/Rexx/AnimAddFrames.rx
[generic]                  632    1734  36.4% -lh5- ef87 Feb 21 00:27 TVPAnimScripts/Rexx/AnimDeleteFrames.rx
[generic]                 2007    7578  26.5% -lh5- ad88 Feb 23 06:49 TVPAnimScripts/Rexx/AnimFile.rx
[generic]                  517    1229  42.1% -lh5- 90e3 Feb 22 21:29 TVPAnimScripts/Rexx/AnimGotoFrame.rx
[generic]                  494    1213  40.7% -lh5- 613c Feb 22 22:56 TVPAnimScripts/Rexx/AnimNextFrame.rx
[generic]                  393     850  46.2% -lh5- 7bbc Feb 21 00:31 TVPAnimScripts/Rexx/AnimPlay.rx
[generic]                  495    1176  42.1% -lh5- 6d5c Feb 22 22:56 TVPAnimScripts/Rexx/AnimPreviousFrame.rx
[generic]                  140     296  47.3% -lh5- 4e6c Feb 21 23:21 TVPAnimScripts/RexxCommand.tvp
[generic]                 2443    5924  41.2% -lh5- 64ab Feb 23 07:02 TVPAnimScripts/TVPAnimScripts.readme
[generic]                 1061    2066  51.4% -lh5- 9fb4 Feb 21 23:35 TVPAnimScripts/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        11 files   10431   25909  40.3%            Feb 23 13:47
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