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Short: | Comfortable GUI for the CDXL Toolkit |
Author: | Christian Effenberger |
Uploader: | Martin Schulze <schulze phil uni-sb de> |
Type: | gfx/misc |
Version: | 1.1 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1997-04-25 |
Requires: | OS 2.x, cdgsxl, XLAudio, XLClean, XLCopy, XLIff, XLInfo, XLJoin, XLMake, XLTrim |
Download: | gfx/misc/XLToolKitGUI.lha - View contents | Readme: | gfx/misc/XLToolKitGUI.readme |
Downloads: | 877 |
In order to use this, editing CDXL movies, you'll need
the player 'cdgsxl' from Wayne D. Lutz (AmiNetSet 2b - gfx/show)
and the 'CDXL Toolkit' from Pantaray Inc. (Amiga Developer CD-Rom) will see, a GUI makes the handling mutch more comfortable.
XLAudio 1.10 by Pantaray, Inc. Ukiah CA
USAGE: XLAUDIO [options] <IFFfile> <CDXLFile> [<CDXLFileOut>]
-p preserve audio compression
-a<n> allocate audio track in bytes/frame, Example: -a2048
-i insert audio into existing track (no output file)
-e ignore audio size errors when inserting
XLClean 1.10 by Pantaray, Inc. Ukiah CA
XLCopy 1.10 by Pantaray, Inc. Ukiah CA
USAGE: XLCOPY [options] <CDXLFileIn> <CDXLFileOut>
-f<n> first frame, Example: -f302
-l<n> last frame, Example: -l322
-n<n> number of frames to copy, Example: -n20
-s<n> copy only single frame, Example: -s10
(All use inclusive ranges)
XLIFF 1.10 by Pantaray, Inc. Ukiah CA
USAGE: XLIFF [options] <CDXLFile> [<IFFBaseFile>]
-u produce uncompressed ILBMs
-f<n> first frame, Example: -f302
-l<n> last frame, Example: -l322
-n<n> number of frames to copy, Example: -n20
(All use inclusive ranges)
XLInfo 1.10 by Pantaray, Inc. Ukiah CA
XLINFO: Must specify file
USAGE: XLINFO [options] <CDXLFile>
-w examine whole file
-e ignore size errors
-a produce table of audio size estimates
-a<n> estimate audio sizes for <n> only
-f<n> first frame to examine, Example: -f100
-l<n> last frame to examine, Example: -l322
XLJoin 1.10 by Pantaray, Inc. Ukiah CA
XLJOIN: Must specify files
USAGE: XLJOIN [options] <CDXLFileIn> [<CDXLFileIn>...] <CDXLFileOut>
-i<n> insert into first file at frame #, Example: -i100
XLMake 1.10 by Pantaray, Inc. Ukiah CA
XLMAKE: Must specify CDXL file
USAGE: XLMAKE [options] [<IFFFile> [<IFFFile>...]] <CDXLFile>
-f<n> frame number, Example: -f45
-a<n> allocate audio track in bytes/frame, Example: -a2048
-p<n> pad frame <n> bytes, Example: -p24
-b<f> use base file instead, Example: -bIFFFile.0001
-i store image data interleaved
-h IFFFiles are HAM
-d IFFFiles are Advanced Video Mode
XLTRIM 1.10 by Pantaray, Inc. Ukiah CA
XLTRIM: Must specify files
USAGE: XLTRIM [options] <CDXLFileIn> <CDXLFileOut>
-b<n> remove <n> frames from beginning, Example: -b20
-e<n> remove <n> frames from end, Example: -e30
-f<n> remove from frame number...
-l<n> to frame number, Example: -f80 -l90
-n<n> remove <n> frames, Example: -n10
-a remove audio
-d<n> delete every <n>th frame, Example: -d2
-m<n> max number of frames, Example: -m500
-t<n> max time of frames in seconds, Example: -t85
(All use inclusive ranges)
Christian Effenberger
Südstraße 2
41564 Kaarst
Tuesday and Thursday
from 5°° - 7°° PM
TEL: 0049-2131-63594
FAX: 0049-2131-63594
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1817 943 48.1% 13-Mar-97 16:21:28 xltoolkitgui/
1817 943 48.1% 13-Mar-97 16:21:28 xltoolkitgui/
2233 1181 47.1% 13-Mar-97 16:21:28 xltoolkitgui/
2123 731 65.5% 13-Mar-97 16:16:44 xltoolkitgui/Install
1263 865 31.5% 13-Mar-97 16:21:28 xltoolkitgui/
3407 1284 62.3% 13-Mar-97 16:16:44 xltoolkitgui/Installiere
1266 864 31.7% 13-Mar-97 16:21:28 xltoolkitgui/
1233 818 33.6% 13-Mar-97 16:21:28 xltoolkitgui/
1699 1196 29.6% 13-Mar-97 16:16:46 xltoolkitgui/libs/
61052 24244 60.2% 13-Mar-97 16:16:46 xltoolkitgui/libs/CanDoGfx.Library
1699 1199 29.4% 13-Mar-97 16:16:44 xltoolkitgui/libs/
34208 17472 48.9% 13-Mar-97 16:16:44 xltoolkitgui/libs/inovamusic.library
1699 1196 29.6% 13-Mar-97 16:16:44 xltoolkitgui/libs/
1233 733 40.5% 13-Mar-97 16:21:36
193684 117328 39.4% 13-Mar-97 16:16:46 xltoolkitgui/libs/cando.library
25270 7374 70.8% 17-Mar-97 16:42:58 xltoolkitgui/
18336 5624 69.3% 17-Mar-97 16:42:58 xltoolkitgui/
88208 83603 5.2% 28-Mar-97 19:01:40 xltoolkitgui/XLToolkitGUI
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
442247 267598 39.4% 28-Mar-97 19:08:08 18 files