84799 packages online
No screenshot available
ImageFX through ForgeFX or Photoshop both use common mathematical
formulas for special effects. These formulas can be easily modified
and collected. Collecting them is easy, but finding out what they do
can be time consuming if you have a large collection. There is web
pages with these image collections, but I never could find the one I
wanted when I wanted it, so I've rendered a few for myself. I'm only
half done... but here's part of my collection to date. Most of the
image names should match up with with names of filters that are
currently available. If you've got better, more useful filters or
tips... pass them along.
This is a Collector V3.5 index file of some 600+ thumbnails of one
image. The original image was handy, when I started
(created with Qbist) and is included. I originally used a 1600X1200X8
screen to view these, so I've saved the index off as 640X480X8 to make
the index a little practable for more users.
URL'S to find more photoshop filters (some ready to load)
P.S. I kinda wish that Collector was 24 bit....htm
Readme created with ARC 2.6 - Copyright (c)1996-98 by Jens Weyer.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
84942 66663 21.5% 20-Apr-99 19:39:42 AAorg.iff
2050 841 58.9% 24-May-99 02:44:58 AAorg.iff.info
2954748 2115226 28.4% 23-May-99 23:30:10 forgefx.Idx
1739 1265 27.2% 23-May-99 23:43:04 forgefx.Idx.info
787 472 40.0% 24-May-99 02:44:34 readme
2050 841 58.9% 24-May-99 02:45:12 readme.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
3046316 2185308 28.2% 24-May-99 02:58:08 6 files
Operation successful.
Contents of gfx/misc/filtcat.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 66663 84942 78.5% -lh5- 4bfe Apr 20 1999 AAorg.iff
[generic] 841 2050 41.0% -lh5- d8e7 May 24 1999 AAorg.iff.info
[generic] 2115226 2954748 71.6% -lh5- 19ea May 23 1999 forgefx.Idx
[generic] 1265 1739 72.7% -lh5- 87f3 May 23 1999 forgefx.Idx.info
[generic] 472 787 60.0% -lh5- 4920 May 24 1999 readme
[generic] 841 2050 41.0% -lh5- d8e7 May 24 1999 readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 6 files 2185308 3046316 71.7% May 24 1999
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