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Short:VTech Creativision and clones
Author:"@username@", MorphOS port by uploader
Uploader:polluks sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Requires:PowerSDL2, BIOS
Download:misc/emu/creatiVision.lha - View contents

# The creatiVision Emulator #

This is an emulator of the VTech Creativision, Funvision, Disk Smith Wizzard and Hanimex Rameses consoles.

## Binaries 15.01.20  ##

* Windows x86 / x86-64
* linux x86 / x86-64
* Rapsberry Pi ARMv6

## What's New in 15.01.20 ##

* Salora Manager and Laser 2001 support
* Snapshot files gzipped


Your operating system **MUST** support SDL 2.0.3.

This project is developed with CodeBlocks and SDL 2.0.3.

##Available options##

Option | Detail
------ | ------
**-b** | Load alternative BIOS rom. Default is BIOS/BIOSCV.ROM
       | By default the emulator will look in a BIOS subfolder for bioscv.rom
**-r** | Load alternative ROM binary. Default is ROMS/CART.BIN
       | Any game renamed to CART.BIN in the ROMS subfolder will be loaded. Use the -r option so select another.
**-g** | Load ROM in linear mode. Useful for developers.
**-m** | Magnify. 2=512x384(Default) 1x to 4x zoom
       | SDL enables scaling up to 4x windowed.
**-f** | Fullscreen 4:3 Aspect
       | Use the entire desktop area.
**-v** | VDP Debug mode enabled. Use F12 stop/step. F11 continue.
       | This option is for developers, and dumps the contents of VDP registers 0 through 7 and the Status Register.
**-t** | Trace debugger enabled.
       | This enable EMUlibs built in 6502 debugger. Very useful for tracing through your own code.
**-s** | Use Low Quality sound.
       | Instead of 44100 Hz, use 22500 Hz.
**-l** | Load CAS files at double speed. CLOAD / CRUN.
       | This is currently unique to this emulator, in that it enables loading and loading of raw BASIC cassette files.  The double speed option should only be used with BASIC83.
**-c** | Set CLOAD/CSAVE filename. Default CSAVE.CAS
       | The name of the cassette you wish to save to or load from.
**-p** | Set LLIST/LPRINT filename. Default PRINTER.TXT
       | An output file name for BASIC. Useful for getting straight ASCII text files.
**-d** | Demo recording
       | This enable recording to AVI of the game / demo you are running. It is uncompressed, and will create huge files!.
**-2** | Run in CSL Cartridge mode. Pretend to be a Salora Manager or Laser 2001
**-3** | Run in Salora Manager or Laser 2001 mode.
**-k** | Patch unverified TMS9929 addressing for Salora Manager or Laser 2001

## Emulator Keys ##

* ESC     Terminate emulation
* F2      Pause game play
* F3      Reset
* F4      Rewind cassette tape
* F5      Take BMP picture
* F7      Take snapshot
* F8      Load snapshot
* F10     Dump RAM and VRAM
* F11     VDP Debug
* F12     VDP Debug

For keyboard programs, you can also use the letters and numbers of the keyboard. Note though, that same are not direct translations.

For normal games, on loading, you will observe a demonstration mode of the game. Pressing F3 (RESET to the creatiVision) will place you in game select mode. Use the fire buttons(CTRL/SHIFT) to select the game mode number you require, then press any alphabetic key on the lower row. Enjoy your game!

Contents of misc/emu/creatiVision.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                 4592   10588  43.4% -lh5- 1780 Jul  1 17:42 creatiVision/bas2cas
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul  3 15:39 creatiVision/bios/
[generic]                 3736    8736  42.8% -lh5- c278 Jul  1 17:42 creatiVision/cas2wav
[generic]                 2455    8670  28.3% -lh5- 14bc Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/cassette.c
[generic]                  180     330  54.5% -lh5- 65f0 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/cmake/platform-mingw.cmake
[generic]                  947    2655  35.7% -lh5- 9eb6 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/CMakeLists.txt
[generic]                 2158   11428  18.9% -lh5- b0a8 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/Codes.h
[generic]                 2029    7740  26.2% -lh5- 2e86 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/cpu_intrf.c
[generic]                94366  206288  45.7% -lh5- b459 Jul  1 17:42 creatiVision/creatiVision
[generic]                  738    3240  22.8% -lh5- fd39 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/creatiVision.cbp
[generic]                 1307   10516  12.4% -lh5- 431c Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/creatiVision.depend
[generic]                  679     679 100.0% -lh0- bcef Jun 28 08:52 creatiVision/
[generic]                  648    4817  13.5% -lh5- 9863 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/creatiVision.layout
[generic]                   63      63 100.0% -lh0- e70e Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/creatiVision.rc
[generic]                 2089    5969  35.0% -lh5- c15c Jul  1 16:59 creatiVision/crvision.h
[generic]                 3738    8928  41.9% -lh5- 4cec Jul  1 17:42 creatiVision/cvgfx
[generic]                 3317   11744  28.2% -lh5- f6b3 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/Debug.c
[generic]                 1291    4015  32.2% -lh5- 675e Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/demorec.c
[generic]                 2714   13256  20.5% -lh5- d85d Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/DRV9918.c
[generic]                   80      85  94.1% -lh5- 6114 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/
[generic]                  661    2307  28.7% -lh5- 863a Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/joystick.c
[generic]                49095   94986  51.7% -lh5- 68f2 Jun 28 08:59 creatiVision/libz.a
[generic]                31272   43676  71.6% -lh5- 261e Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/logo.ico
[generic]                 3043   11512  26.4% -lh5- 7a14 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/M6502.c
[generic]                 2171    7425  29.2% -lh5- 7fd3 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/M6502.h
[generic]                 3112   10063  30.9% -lh5- 662e Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/main.c
[generic]                  696    2106  33.0% -lh5- aff9 Jul  3 15:39 creatiVision/Makefile
[generic]                 2332   10618  22.0% -lh5- 2d01 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/memory.c
[generic]                 5952   38777  15.3% -lh5- e9d1 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/pia_intf.c
[generic]                 1049    2909  36.1% -lh5- 483e Jun 28 09:01 creatiVision/png.c
[generic]                 1047    2907  36.0% -lh5- 6488 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/png.c.bak
[generic]                    9       9 100.0% -lh0- 588e Jun 27 21:09 creatiVision/pngconf.h
[generic]                  761    2077  36.6% -lh5- c983 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/printer.c
[generic]                 1514    3007  50.3% -lh5- 8e4e Jun 28 09:22 creatiVision/
[generic]                 7157    7290  98.2% -lh5- 1d22 Mar  1  2013 creatiVision/
[generic]                  655    2845  23.0% -lh5- 058f Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/riff.h
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jun 28 09:35 creatiVision/roms/
[generic]                 9065   21696  41.8% -lh5- 33bb Jul  1 17:42 creatiVision/smbloader
[generic]                 2368    9827  24.1% -lh5- 3d73 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/sn76496sp.c
[generic]                  299     782  38.2% -lh5- 9bfe Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/sn76496sp.h
[generic]                 1143    4643  24.6% -lh5- 5250 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/snapshot.c
[generic]                  863    2035  42.4% -lh5- 5100 Jul  1 17:00 creatiVision/snd_intrf.c
[generic]                  480    2841  16.9% -lh5- 6224 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/Tables.h
[generic]                 4158   17419  23.9% -lh5- 7b1b Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/TMS9918.c
[generic]                 2644   10176  26.0% -lh5- 685d Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/TMS9918.h
[generic]                 3712    8968  41.4% -lh5- 3db7 Jul  1 17:42 creatiVision/txt2cas
[generic]                 1837    5528  33.2% -lh5- adb7 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/utils/bas2cas/main.c
[generic]                 1385    3917  35.4% -lh5- 94eb Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/utils/cas2wav/main.c
[generic]                  366    1016  36.0% -lh5- 4322 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/utils/cas2wav/wavheader.h
[generic]                 1233    3502  35.2% -lh5- 1ef3 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/utils/cvgfx/cvgfx.c
[generic]                 3839   12355  31.1% -lh5- f4da Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/utils/smbloader/smbloader.c
[generic]                 1341    4039  33.2% -lh5- 5e82 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/utils/txt2cas/main.c
[generic]                 2606    8210  31.7% -lh5- 4939 Jun 28 08:50 creatiVision/vdp_intrf.c
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        53 files  274992  679215  40.5%            Jul  3 20:21
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