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misc/emu/trdetz-mos.lha |
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Note from porting author: a few issues arised at compiling time, check if the output files
are working before deleting originals.
trdetz the .trd file rummager
ver 0.1b1 by boo_boo [boo_boo(^at^)inbox.ru]
USAGE: trdetz [flags] command [arguments]
Numeric args may be given as [dec], 0x[hex], or 0[oct]
-df[=del_file_marker] : handle deleted files (and optionally set deleted file marker, which is '?' by default)
-fs : use num_sectors*256 as file length
dinfo <trd> : print disc summary
cat <trd>, [fname] : print catalogue (or single file) info
secread <trd> <bin_fname> <track> <sector> <num_sectors> : copy sectors from trd to binary file
secwrite <trd> <bin_fname> <track> <sector> <num_sectors> : copy sectors from binary file to trd
fread <trd> <fname> [bin_fname] : copy file from trd to binary
fwrite <trd> <bin_fname> [fname] : copy binary file to trd
del <trd> <fname> : delete file from trd catalogue
ren <trd> <old_fname> <new_fname> : rename file in trd catalogue (use with -df to undelete file)
fprop <trd> <fname> <property name> <property value> : change file property
where property name is one of:
start -- for file start adress
flen -- for file length in bytes
nsec -- for file length in sectors
Contents of misc/emu/trdetz-mos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3749 10059 37.3% -lh5- 4259 Sep 27 21:03 trdetz/cexcept.h
[generic] 156 266 58.6% -lh5- d48b Mar 28 2007 trdetz/defines.h
[generic] 2278 4710 48.4% -lh5- 6d89 Oct 9 21:15 trdetz/doc/readme_rus.html
[generic] 94 115 81.7% -lh5- ba70 Sep 27 21:25 trdetz/exception_t.c
[generic] 163 284 57.4% -lh5- fe92 Sep 27 21:24 trdetz/exception_t.h
[generic] 2916 13087 22.3% -lh5- 7410 Oct 9 21:18 trdetz/main.c
[generic] 235 403 58.3% -lh5- be8c Oct 9 00:33 trdetz/Makefile
[generic] 1617 5433 29.8% -lh5- d192 Sep 30 14:35 trdetz/trd.c
[generic] 489 1396 35.0% -lh5- 7841 Sep 27 21:11 trdetz/trd.h
[generic] 9397 28992 32.4% -lh5- fd50 Oct 22 17:29 trdetz/trdetz
[generic] 732 1542 47.5% -lh5- 3d69 Oct 22 17:35 trdetz/trdetz-mos.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 11 files 21826 66287 32.9% Oct 22 18:51
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