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..................djnick /dee.tronic/ presents:..............................
filename : djnick-han.lha
songname : djnick - hands of fate.med
music style : techno
format : OctaMED's 8 channel .MED
samples quality : 8 bits
production d8 : 1994.
author : djnick
author URL(s) : www.djnick.org
contact: : djnick@ptt.yu
sindjeliceva 11/8
14000 valjevo
serbia / YUgoslavia
icq: 13794052
tel: +381 (0) 14 223 655
mob: +381 (0) 63 864 22 96
song created w/ : OctaMED & Amiga 1200 w/ 8MB ram at that time.
message : this is one of my first songs I made using OctaMED and its
8 channel facility. it has anti-drugz message. Words:
"osecas li sudbinu, koja je pred tobom,
vidis li put kojim ljudi nestaju..."
it appeared on "RaveTheBrain" tape album released in 1996.
to play it on a PC, you'd need WinAMP MED plugin:
IN_MED.EXE (check www.octamed.com or .co.uk or google 4 it)
and just copy it into WinAMP PlugINS directory.
1 it's not allowed to use this music for a commercial product
2 editing this text is not allowed.
3 remixing this song is allowed ;)
..................copyright (c) 1993.-2003. by djnick/d-tronic...............
Contents of mods/8voic/djnick-han.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 789 1986 39.7% -lh5- f176 Aug 12 2003 hands of fate/.readme
[generic] 1904 3001 63.4% -lh5- 94ff Aug 12 2003 hands of fate/.readme.info
[generic] 528992 843594 62.7% -lh5- 3132 Aug 6 2003 hands of fate/djnick - hands of fate.med
[generic] 221 495 44.6% -lh5- d83d Aug 7 2003 hands of fate/FILE_ID.DIZ
[generic] 1900 2997 63.4% -lh5- eafa Aug 7 2003 hands of fate/FILE_ID.DIZ.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 533806 852073 62.6% Aug 16 2003
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