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..................djnick /dee.tronic/ presents:..............................
filename : djnick-mad.lha
songname : djnick - madness (never stop).med
music style : breakbeat techno
format : OctaMED's 8 channel .MED
samples quality : 8 bits
production d8 : 1995.
author : djnick
author URL(s) : www.djnick.org
contact: : djnick@ptt.yu
sindjeliceva 11/8
14000 valjevo
serbia / YUgoslavia
icq: 13794052
tel: +381 (0) 14 223 655
mob: +381 (0) 63 864 22 96
song created w/ : OctaMED & Amiga 1200 w/ 8MB ram at that time.
message : this is one of my first songs I made using OctaMED and its
8 channel facility. it has anti-drugz message. Words:
"muzika me samo moze podici na noge, jer
ja sam onaj koji voli
dobar ritam da ga svari
dosta! meni nikada nije dosta!
nemoj stati, nemoj stati, nemoj stati...
check it out!"
it appeared on "RaveTheBrain" tape album released in 1996.
to play it on a PC, you'd need WinAMP MED plugin:
IN_MED.EXE (check www.octamed.com or .co.uk or google 4 it)
and just copy it into WinAMP PlugINS directory.
1 it's not allowed to use this music for a commercial product
2 editing this text is not allowed.
3 remixing this song is allowed ;)
..................copyright (c) 1993.-2003. by djnick/d-tronic...............
Contents of mods/8voic/djnick-mad.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 850 2158 39.4% -lh5- 5f7d Aug 12 2003 madness/.readme
[generic] 1905 3001 63.5% -lh5- 82a1 Aug 12 2003 madness/.readme.info
[generic] 501276 934694 53.6% -lh5- 04b4 Aug 6 2003 madness/djnick - madness.med
[generic] 221 495 44.6% -lh5- 50ac Aug 7 2003 madness/FILE_ID.DIZ
[generic] 1901 2997 63.4% -lh5- 8823 Aug 7 2003 madness/FILE_ID.DIZ.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 506153 943345 53.7% Aug 16 2003
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