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Short:PERSIDS #1 (SID-tunes from C64demos)
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Download:mods/chip/persids1.lha - View contents

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    2212    1632 26.2% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  avalon/SiD.Ascend
    1683    1344 20.1% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  avalon/SiD.Avalon
    2678    1713 36.0% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  avalon/SiD.But_Not_To_Night
    2398    1609 32.9% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  avalon/SiD.I_Want_You_Now
    2124    1587 25.2% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  avalon/SiD.Impressions
    2192    1629 25.6% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  avalon/SiD.Into_the_Night
    2090    1466 29.8% 28-Oct-96 16:26:12  avalon/SiD.Sweetest_Perfection
    1722    1325 23.0% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  avalon/SiD.Norma-City
    2053    1495 27.1% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  avalon/SiD.Nothing
    3542    2208 37.6% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  cyke/SiD.Music4Driven
    4171    2424 41.8% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  eclipse/SiD.Zak
    2855    1935 32.2% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  fanta/SiD.Speedroad
    2897    1947 32.7% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  moog/SiD.Operation_Proboszcz
    3084    2153 30.1% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  rayden/SiD.Captain_Future
    3890    2494 35.8% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  rayden/SiD.Outbursting
    6065    2601 57.1% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  roy/SiD.Children
    3176    2123 33.1% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  trident mc2/SiD.Anaesthetics
    3286    1996 39.2% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  trident mc2/SiD.Midnight Flower
    4175    2537 39.2% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  trident mc2/SiD.Modest
    2620    1692 35.4% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  trident mc2/SiD.Sptest07
    2854    1685 40.9% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  trident mc2/SiD.Tumbleweed
    4627    2726 41.0% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  trident mc2/SiD.Wastelands
     380     199 47.6% 09-Jan-78 09:10:45  file_id.diz
    4158    2602 37.4% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  trident mc2/SiD.Erastide
    3484    2331 33.0% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  trident mc2/SiD.Ocean of Time
    3545    2131 39.8% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  trident mc2/SiD.Pill-Box
    2947    2092 29.0% 09-Oct-96 00:00:00  zyron/SiD.Duck-Hunt
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
   80908   51676 36.1% 07-Jan-80 22:50:34   27 files

Contents of mods/chip/persids1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1632    2212  73.8% -lh1- d935 Oct  9  1996 avalon/SiD.Ascend
[generic]                 1344    1683  79.9% -lh1- ecf8 Oct  9  1996 avalon/SiD.Avalon
[generic]                 1587    2124  74.7% -lh1- fd66 Oct  9  1996 avalon/SiD.Impressions
[generic]                 1629    2192  74.3% -lh1- 9068 Oct  9  1996 avalon/SiD.Into_the_Night
[generic]                 1325    1722  76.9% -lh1- 75ed Oct  9  1996 avalon/SiD.Norma-City
[generic]                 1495    2053  72.8% -lh1- af2e Oct  9  1996 avalon/SiD.Nothing
[generic]                 1466    2090  70.1% -lh1- fe96 Oct 28  1996 avalon/SiD.Sweetest_Perfection
[generic]                 1713    2678  64.0% -lh1- 1abe Oct  9  1996 avalon/SiD.But_Not_To_Night
[generic]                 1609    2398  67.1% -lh1- 0b7f Oct  9  1996 avalon/SiD.I_Want_You_Now
[generic]                 2208    3542  62.3% -lh1- d931 Oct  9  1996 cyke/SiD.Music4Driven
[generic]                 2424    4171  58.1% -lh1- 41f7 Oct  9  1996 eclipse/SiD.Zak
[generic]                 1935    2855  67.8% -lh1- 5e26 Oct  9  1996 fanta/SiD.Speedroad
[generic]                 1947    2897  67.2% -lh1- 4406 Oct  9  1996 moog/SiD.Operation_Proboszcz
[generic]                 2494    3890  64.1% -lh1- 156a Oct  9  1996 rayden/SiD.Outbursting
[generic]                 2153    3084  69.8% -lh1- 9448 Oct  9  1996 rayden/SiD.Captain_Future
[generic]                 2601    6065  42.9% -lh1- 74c0 Oct  9  1996 roy/SiD.Children
[generic]                 2123    3176  66.8% -lh1- 2f7d Oct  9  1996 trident mc2/SiD.Anaesthetics
[generic]                 1996    3286  60.7% -lh1- 97b3 Oct  9  1996 trident mc2/SiD.Midnight Flower
[generic]                 2537    4175  60.8% -lh1- 0043 Oct  9  1996 trident mc2/SiD.Modest
[generic]                 2726    4627  58.9% -lh1- f6fb Oct  9  1996 trident mc2/SiD.Wastelands
[generic]                  199     380  52.4% -lh1- f395 Jan  9  1980 file_id.diz
[generic]                 2602    4158  62.6% -lh1- 6788 Oct  9  1996 trident mc2/SiD.Erastide
[generic]                 2331    3484  66.9% -lh1- b95d Oct  9  1996 trident mc2/SiD.Ocean of Time
[generic]                 2131    3545  60.1% -lh1- ef50 Oct  9  1996 trident mc2/SiD.Pill-Box
[generic]                 1692    2620  64.6% -lh1- 1573 Oct  9  1996 trident mc2/SiD.Sptest07
[generic]                 1685    2854  59.0% -lh1- 0ebb Oct  9  1996 trident mc2/SiD.Tumbleweed
[generic]                 2092    2947  71.0% -lh1- 6d89 Oct  9  1996 zyron/SiD.Duck-Hunt
[generic]                  874    2172  40.2% -lh1- a840 Jan  9  1980 persids1.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        28 files   52550   83080  63.3%            Jan 20  1997
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