Another good production from FReDiuS DaRDe music. All the music,
lyrics and noises are made by FReDiuS DaRDe. This material is intellectual
property of FReDiuS DaRDe !!!
If you like this please send me any words to, thx!
/_ _\
// \_/ \\ aMiGa 4000T / 68060-50Mhz
! _ _ ! 34Mb Ram - 3Gb HD - CD x4
C-(o)-(O)-D VLab Motion - Toccata
! C ! Iomega Zip - Mdm.14k4 bps
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\/H\/ F R e D i u S D a R D e
V -->oDRuSBa CoRPoRaTion<--