This is my mate Gavin O' Brien's latest musical masterpiece. It's the first
piece that he`s put on the AMINET and personally I think it's
bloody brilliant!
This is the title music for our latest game, WARHEAD which is a highly
original comic adventure game soon to be released.
Look out for a demo on the AMINET pretty soon now.
For more info on Gav, check out his home page (which is a good read)
Mail him at:
And let him know what you think of this mod!
Our coding group's homepage is maintained by me (Chris Gregan) and there you
can find out more info about other games we've made (such as M*A*S*H a demo
of which can be found on AMINET in games/shoot/mash.lha) and info about
the group with downloadable demos. It's at
Mail me at:
Chris Gregan.
P.S. Here's hoping PC's get a haemorrage and die painfully.