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Don't freak out at the title--it's an acronym for "the
end of the world as we know it." It refers to Y2K (you
know, that computer date problem thingy set to bite us
in the nether regions come December 31, 1999).
There are those who believe (okay, I know, Battlestar
Galactica did it better) that the Y2K crisis will set
off a chain of events that
will lead to TEOTWAWKI (pronounced "tay-oh-tuh-WAH-
kee"), and there's nothing we can do to stop it.
Still others believe Y2K will be the equivalent of a
mosquito bite--a mere nuisance.
I'm somewhere in the middle (a place I do not often
frequent--I'm usually at the extremes. In fact, my
friends call me "Mr. Binary" due to my "on/off",
"black/white" way of looking
at things.)
You decide for yourself. Research the data and come up
with your own conclusions. To get you started, why not
check out my "Y2K links" page at
< < http://www.ovnet.com/~voltz/y2klinks.htm >
For now, though, just enjoy the song! (Who knows?
tomorrow might be TEOTWAWKI!)
Note: After much discussion with Chris (and the
Clones) and Steve (aka Rebel Riffs) over the "metal"
quality of "TEOTWAWKI", I took their suggestions to
heart and after another 5 solid hours of tinkering
around, I think I may have come up with a version of
the song that I was originally shooting for. Thanks
Chris & Steve for your help!
Web: http://listen.to/PiratePete (frames)
http://www.ovnet.com/~voltz/music.htm (no frames)
Contents of mods/pete/teotwak1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 485201 542760 89.4% -lh5- 6d4d Nov 2 1998 teotwak1.it
[generic] 954 1634 58.4% -lh5- ace4 Nov 8 1998 teotwa~1.rea
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 486155 544394 89.3% Nov 10 1998
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