A soundtracker mod from the boing/audio/music/st-nt/ directory.
Hi there :)...
This mod is an oldie, actually. It had a short life on ab20, and then all
but disappeared from the Internet, so it's not in the big-time mega
ab20-archive. I did find it on a rather obscure site in Denmark (don't
ask me how it got there; not my doing), so I'm gonna put it on.... hmm...
I guess wuarchive won't mind. Again, this is an old mod, and really not
up to my current "style." I haven't bothered making it efficient, for one
thing, and it still sounds pretty awful in places (like the part after the
beginning, and some at the end, and some in the middle, etc etc blah blah
So what "style" is this one? Not any style. The closest approximation
would be to describe it as a pseudo-Tangerine Dream mod. It has its upbeat
parts, its slow "cosmic" parts... I'm not suggesting that it's any good.
However, until I release one of my current projects, it's the best I've
done (a shame, since it's about half-a-year old).
Current projects include:
o Another mod along the "Testink" type of style...
o A Techno-type piece, kinda industrial. No vocals.
o A space mod. Haven't started it, actually, because I'm still looking
for a certain sample I need... This mod is for the little competition
I'm in (hi U4ia!! :)... Too bad he accepts OktaMed; this could be
some serious competition. Speaking of which, who else has heard
about the upcoming 16-voice ProTracker? Let's see the IBMers pull
THAT one off! ;)
As usual, I have talked a bit too much. Furtunately, nobody ever seems to
hate me for it, heheh. Let's see... That's about it. Later.Z !!
-Maruku of Megawatts
E-mail me some comments this time around, please? Like... "When do we
get that Techno-type mod!?" ;)