84782 packages online
mus/midi/organ_09a_wos.lha |
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D e s c r i p t i o n :
Organ plugin is a software synth which attempts to simulate the sound
of electric draw bar organs. Organ sound consists of 9 harmonics,
which can be controlled with GUI or MIDI.
R e q u i r e m e n t s :
To be able to use this plugin, you need AmigaOS >= 3.x and a fast 680x0 CPU
(real or emulated) with a graphics board (either CyberGfx or Picasso96).
16 bit (or higher) screen mode is required for the GUI. PPC processor is
required for the MOS & WOS versions. And you also need HD-Rec installed :)
Software synths eat lot of CPU time, so 68060 or PPC are highly recommended.
I n s t a l l a t i o n :
Copy the whole Organ drawer to .../HD-Rec/Plugins/
U s a g e :
To start the plugin, select "Plugins/Organ/Start" from HD-Rec's menu and
you should see an organ icon. Double clicking the icon brings up the GUI,
where you should first select correct MIDI port & channel. Pressing 'About'
followed by 'Help' displays short help text.
For more info about HD-Rec (MIDI & Audio sequencer (c) Thilo Koehler),
please visit: http://www.hd-rec.de
P L E A S E N O T E :
You run this plugin at your own risk. If it somehow causes any damage to
your computer or MIDI setup, I'm not responsible.
V e r s i o n s :
0.9a (03.01.2006) Third aminet release (68k & WOS & MOS)
- GUI fixes (drawing of knobs, lost of focus to nearby control)
- huge increase of the version number
0.2a (01.01.2006)
- rotator mixing level can be adjusted (included in presets)
- bright mode setting is included in presets
- problems with restoring song settings fixed
- opening organplugin.library fixed
- noise on low notes fixed
- GUI fixes (drawing of released buttons, filling clip regions)
0.1d (26.12.2005) Second aminet release (WOS)
- some of the GUI controls send now MIDI messages which can be
recorded by HD-Rec (volume, preset, rotator, overdrive and reverb)
- rotator speed can be controlled with foot-type controller (toggle mode)
- lot of code changes (mainly for WarpOS support)
0.1c (06.12.2005) First aminet release (68k & MOS)
Contents of mus/midi/organ_09a_wos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 58 58 100.0% -lh0- a6d0 Jan 4 00:11 Organ/.def
[generic] 982 1762 55.7% -lh5- 3acd Jan 4 00:11 Organ/docicon
[generic] 38698 102224 37.9% -lh5- e0d1 Jan 4 00:11 Organ/libs/organplugin.library
[generic] 53928 120276 44.8% -lh5- e17a Jan 4 00:11 Organ/Organ
[generic] 1274 2929 43.5% -lh5- f791 Jan 4 00:11 Organ/Organ.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 94940 227249 41.8% Jan 4 00:21
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