84781 packages online
pix/clip/AuthorAmiga.lha |
No screenshot available
Amiga Technologies logo with text "Authored on Amiga".
A small image you can add to your webpage (only if "Authored on Amiga"!)
in order to show that the Amiga is still alive and kicking and in regular
use on the internet.
Image format: interlaced, transparent GIF, 72x40.
This image contains pixels based on those of the Amiga Technologies logo.
Apparently AT do not object to the use of the logo in this way as long as
an appropriate copyright notice is attached.
The Amiga Technologies logo is © Amiga Technologies/Escom.
David Marsh. dmarsh@pobox.co.uk, dmarsh@spuddy.mew.co.uk //
Glasgow/Glaschu *Please phone if urgent message: 0141 636.6084.* \X/
CYCLEWAY, UK cycle activism index: http://home.ml.org/squelch/cycleway/
>::::::::::::::::::: Please note new Cycleway URL! :::::::::::::::::::<
:::---- Call Spuddy on 01268 515441 for FREE email and news access ----:::
Contents of pix/clip/AuthorAmiga.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 623 1160 53.7% -lh5- b5a1 Nov 11 1996 AuthorAmiga.readme
[generic] 1172 1172 100.0% -lh0- 0ca3 Nov 11 1996 authamiga.gif
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 1795 2332 77.0% Nov 12 1996
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