nICkON Pack -5- on 26 Feb 2006
Abdoned Places, Back To The Future2, Breathless,
Breed 96, Bubble & Squake, D-Dy,
Darkmere, Exile, Katakis, Live And Let Die,
Puggsy; Pushover, Rambo 3, Risky Woods,
Sword Of Sodan, The Destiny Knight,
Warzone, Winzer
| `---.
| nICkON Pack -1- on 13 Aug 2002 |
: :
Armour Geddon, Atomix, Bad Company, Barbarian 2, Battle Isle,
Crazy Cars 3, Deliverance, Desert Strike, Dogs Of War, Global Gladiators,
Gobliins 2, Gods, Heimdall 2, Hero Quest, Life & Death, Magic Pockets,
Naughty Ones, No Second Prize, Prehistorik, Chambers of Shaolin,
Spherical, Sword of Honour, Terminator 2, Wings,
. .
Wolfenstein 3D and Xenon 2
. .
: :
| nICkON Pack -2- on 21 Oct 2002 |
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1000 Miglia, Alfred Chicken, B17, Barbarian, Hellraider, Micro Machines,
Pirates!, R-Type, Road Rash,Soccer Kid,
The Simspons (Bart VS. Space Mutants), Street Fighter 2, Thunder Hawk,
. .
Torvak the Warrior, Troddlers and WWF
: :
nICkON Pack Win98 on 13 Dez 2002
some PeeCee ico shit 4 your Amiga :(
: :
| nICkON Pack -3- on 18 Mrz 2003 |
. .
Aladin, Alien Breed 2, Ambermoon, Botics, Cadaver, Chuck Rock,
Dark Fusion, Dr. Mario, Fears, Flashback,Heimdall, Hugo, Last Ninja,
Nitro, Obliterator, Rock`n Roll, Silk Worm, Steel, Targhan,
The Admas Family, The Killing Game Show
nICkON Pack -4- on 04 Jan 2005
Amnios, Body Blows, Body Blows Galactic, Cabal, Disc, Fire Fore,
Hero Quest 2, Outzone, RoboCop3, Skeletown Krew, Speedball, Starlord,
Superfrog, The Hound Of Shadow, The Monsters, Top Gear2, VideoKid,
. .
Wolfchild, Wonderdog
. .
: :
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For the Future:
nICkON Pack-6
Hompage optimizing :)
drink some more beer
Look at my Side for new Icons []
For idees, questions, feedback, Screengrabs (iff or bmp plz!)
send a mail at: !