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pix/icon/danm_futureMUI.lha |
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Stockholm, 97-Nov-11
*** WHAT'S NEW? -THIS IS! ***
Found the author of the Amiga pattern and I owe him some credits:
The Amigapattern is made by Daniel Nyberg:
Email: daniel@dalnet.se
WWW: http://www.dalnet.se/~daniel
If you use his pattern on a Webpage or just generally love it, I know he'd
appreciate you telling him about it!
There's also new arrowimages with rounded corners otherwise similar to the
original ones.
Also included up to date prefsfile and up to date snapshots.
The archive was originally put together as a quick response to several requests
on my previously uploaded WB snaps, like where did you get that pattern kind of
This archive contains some replacement MUI images and patterns.
The arrow buttons and the cyclegadget image is in the future/flat style found in
VisualPrefs (also found on Aminet) by Massimo Tantignone but use the Xen-alike
gradients as background (only the arrowbut's). Another thing is that the
arrowbuttons are really square (18x18) and not false square like 18x16 or
The checkmark and radiobutton images are an attempt to copy the only great thing
with Win95/NT(Ouch!), their checkmark and radiobuttons, that is! I have to say
though that I was inspired by that "shitlips" archive also found on Aminet, but
those images has no white background, as in Win95/NT. These images looks great
on webpages in IBrowse or VNG.
There's also a font in this archive called NewRecall and I use it as MUI group
label font and button font. I don't know where I got this font from but respect
to the author because I really love it. I hope the author doesn't mind me
including it in this archive.
You should know about the Xhelvetica by now, but in case not, I've included
it as well, just to make this package complete.
Pattern number 1 is the widely used Amigapattern found on numorous Webpages and
I've just made copies of it in different shades so it looks good both as button,
lister and group backdrops.
Pattern number 2 is originally some flames pattern I've found somewhere. I have
converted it to red in three different shades and I use it as Marker background
in the lister and as button background in the pressed state.
I have also included some snapshots of my MUIPrefs window to give you an idea of
how it looks like with my setup. (And yes, the fabulous "windowborder enhancment"
is VisualPrefs by Massimo Tantignone, up and running).
You may also want to have a look at my WB snapshots found on Aminet as:
or on the WWW with thumbnails at:
After unpacking the archive somewhere:
Copy the contents of the Images drawer to MUI:Images.
Copy the contents of the Patterns drawer to MUI:Patterns.
Copy the contents of the Presets drawer to MUI:Presets
Copy the contents of the Fonts drawer to your systems Fonts: drawer.
Start your MUI prefsprogram and reconfigure the images and patterns you want
replaced. I think the arrowbuttons looks best in cooperation with the
XEN-gradient images in the original MUI archive.
To test the whole package, danm stylee, load the danm.prefs preset from the
presets drawer!!!
You can find more information about my sytem and WB on my Website at:
Feedback and suggestions are welcome at: dan.muldin@solna.mail.telia.com
Dan Muldin
Contents of pix/icon/danm_futureMUI.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1748 3691 47.4% -lh5- 7a92 Nov 11 1997 danm_futuremui/danm_futureMUI.readme
[generic] 69 1564 4.4% -lh5- fab2 Feb 23 1995 danm_futuremui/fonts/NewRecall.font
[generic] 1860 3756 49.5% -lh5- fef8 Feb 23 1995 danm_futuremui/fonts/newrecall/13
[generic] 53 784 6.8% -lh5- 616b Aug 3 1997 danm_futuremui/fonts/XHelvetica.font
[generic] 2483 5104 48.6% -lh5- 4cf1 Feb 19 1995 danm_futuremui/fonts/xhelvetica/11
[generic] 2722 5780 47.1% -lh5- f102 Feb 19 1995 danm_futuremui/fonts/xhelvetica/13
[generic] 7453 7701 96.8% -lh5- 2897 Aug 26 1997 danm_futuremui/patterns/amigaback_dark_+-0.jpeg
[generic] 7454 7704 96.8% -lh5- 5eef Sep 2 1997 danm_futuremui/patterns/amigaback_dark_+25x2.jpeg
[generic] 7458 7710 96.7% -lh5- 6e45 Sep 8 1997 danm_futuremui/patterns/amigaback_dark_+25x3.jpeg
[generic] 166 248 66.9% -lh5- 477a Aug 15 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/CheckMark.mf0
[generic] 222 248 89.5% -lh5- 96aa Aug 15 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/CheckMark.mf1
[generic] 7450 7706 96.7% -lh5- 9fc8 Sep 2 1997 danm_futuremui/patterns/amigaback_dark_+25.jpeg
[generic] 7473 7713 96.9% -lh5- 9042 Sep 8 1997 danm_futuremui/patterns/amigaback_dark_+25x4.jpeg
[generic] 7465 7706 96.9% -lh5- fa64 Sep 8 1997 danm_futuremui/patterns/amigaback_dark_-25.jpeg
[generic] 5430 5616 96.7% -lh5- f251 Jun 17 1997 danm_futuremui/patterns/flames_Red.jpeg
[generic] 5426 5611 96.7% -lh5- 6046 Sep 1 1997 danm_futuremui/patterns/flames_Red_-30.jpeg
[generic] 5432 5610 96.8% -lh5- 3a9e Sep 1 1997 danm_futuremui/patterns/flames_Red_-50.jpeg
[generic] 235 432 54.4% -lh5- 8021 Sep 13 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowDown.mf1
[generic] 231 432 53.5% -lh5- 413f Sep 13 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowLeft.mf0
[generic] 235 432 54.4% -lh5- de0c Sep 13 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowLeft.mf1
[generic] 232 432 53.7% -lh5- 2744 Sep 13 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowRight.mf0
[generic] 235 432 54.4% -lh5- b877 Sep 13 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowRight.mf1
[generic] 230 432 53.2% -lh5- 9e7a Sep 13 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowUp.mf0
[generic] 184 248 74.2% -lh5- 36d4 Aug 15 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/Radio.mf0
[generic] 204 248 82.3% -lh5- 271b Aug 15 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/Radio.mf1
[generic] 234 432 54.2% -lh5- 1f12 Sep 13 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowDown.mf0
[generic] 233 432 53.9% -lh5- dbb8 Oct 14 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowDown2.mf0
[generic] 237 432 54.9% -lh5- 105f Oct 14 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowDown2.mf1
[generic] 234 432 54.2% -lh5- 4456 Oct 14 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowLeft2.mf0
[generic] 239 432 55.3% -lh5- 0b11 Oct 14 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowLeft2.mf1
[generic] 237 432 54.9% -lh5- 98b9 Oct 14 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowRight2.mf0
[generic] 234 432 54.2% -lh5- 0149 Sep 13 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowUp.mf1
[generic] 154 248 62.1% -lh5- 7c9d Sep 13 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/Cycle.mbr
[generic] 240 432 55.6% -lh5- d3a6 Oct 14 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowRight2.mf1
[generic] 238 432 55.1% -lh5- 3a00 Oct 14 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowUp2.mf0
[generic] 242 432 56.0% -lh5- 8635 Oct 14 1997 danm_futuremui/images/danm/future/ArrowUp2.mf1
[generic] 2341 9836 23.8% -lh5- dee1 Nov 11 1997 danm_futuremui/presets/danm.prefs
[generic] 52147 57445 90.8% -lh5- b6bc Nov 11 1997 danm_futuremui/snapshots/MUI_buttons.jpeg
[generic] 48631 54575 89.1% -lh5- 6801 Nov 11 1997 danm_futuremui/snapshots/MUI_cyclebuttons.jpeg
[generic] 52240 58674 89.0% -lh5- 35d0 Nov 11 1997 danm_futuremui/snapshots/MUI_groups.jpeg
[generic] 48199 53131 90.7% -lh5- e0d4 Nov 11 1997 danm_futuremui/snapshots/MUI_scrollbars.jpeg
[generic] 57350 61993 92.5% -lh5- 9301 Nov 11 1997 danm_futuremui/snapshots/MUI_window.jpeg
[generic] 863 1636 52.8% -lh5- f352 Oct 11 1997 danm_futureMUI.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 43 files 336443 389198 86.4% Nov 11 1997
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