This Archive contains 6 Icons for use with Toolmanager or a similar program:
Cinema 4D - Standard 8 MWB-colours
Photogenics - Standard 8 MWB-colours
PPaint - NewIcon <- not yet finished [a little bit ugly :-( ]
ZIP-Disk - Standard 8 MWB-colours
ScanQuix - Standard 8 MWB-colours
PhotoCopy - Standard 8 MWB-colours
Use them for whatever you want, but don't say you made them!
Thanx to Roman Patzner for the handyscanner image (ScanQuix and PhotoCopy)
(Hope you don't mind I used it, but I couldn't reach you via EMail, Roman!)
Feel free to send me an EMail (adress see above, if it does not work,
try "") and/or visit my homepage at:
You can send me some banknotes or some gold bars via EMail, too. (or maybe not?)