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pix/illu/Amiga-Z_BBS_1996.jpg |
This is a picture of my Amiga CNet BBS circa 1996.
What you see in the pic:
*Amiga 500 w/ a Bodega Bay Expansion
*Commodore 1084 Monitor
*External dual bay SCSI case
*Zoom 14.4 v42bis modem
*Azden PCS-4000 2mtr amatuer radio w/ Powersupply
*Kantronics KPC-3 Radio Packet modem
*Star NX-1040 Color Dot Matrix Printer
*Assorted comics and Floppies
*A bottle of beer..
Actually this is kinda like a "Where's Waldo Pic". What can you find?
From the current Amiga-Z BBS -=- telnet://amigazbbs.dyndns.org
The Amiga-Z BBS was originally running the following configuration....
<*> Amiga 500 w/ 1M Chip Ram 6M Fast Ram
<*> DataFlyer 500 SCSI Card w/ 80M HD (Sys), 340M (Ext. HD), CD-ROM
<*> Bodega Bay Expansion Case
<*> Zoom Telephonics 14.4Kbps v.42(bis) External Modem
<*> A1010 3.5" Floppy Drive
<*> Amiga OS 3.1
<*> CNet BBS v3.05 from Presepctive Software
<*> Weekly 6 pack of Honey Brown Ale
In it's time, Amiga-Z offered it's users, almost 400Megs of recipies, online
games, message bases, Amiga Report E-zine, Aminet downloads and much more. It
was then taken offline due to a burnout in the Bodega Bay's zorro card slots
and a short on the SCSI card which stopped it from seeing the add-on memory
The current configuration is....
<*> PC w/ Intel 550 PIII w/ 256M RAM, 20G HD
<*> Windows 2000 running WinUAE
<*> CNet Professional BBS v5.07 from Storm's Edge Software
The current setup used in WinUAE is closer to what Amiga-Z was meant to be if
it had stayed alive. An A4000 loaded to the "max". Sadly, that never came to
be. But now with the resurgance of BBSs, and also the new life the Amiga is
seeing, Amiga-Z BBS has finally come back, to the great pleasure of it's owner
and hopefully it new and old userbase.
Feel free to send feedback to the SysOp about this BBS, as well as visit the
BBS's home page on the web at http://www.amigaz.org. |
Contents of pix/illu/Amiga-Z_BBS_1996.jpg
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