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Copyright notice: this picture is (c) copyright by Goran Krajnovic. It
may be freely distributed or published in electronic, printed or video
form, but only if it is distributed free of charge. Magazines and other
publishers (such as CD ROMs) are required to send a free copy of the
publication to the author. Distribution through Aminet and Fred Fish
archives (on disk, CD ROM or ftp sites) is hereby granted.
Rendered using Real 3D 1.4 (yes, the old one) on an Amiga 1200.
The idea for this image came from the famous works of a guy called Escher.
This time, the cube is rendered, and pay special attention to the
reflection in the sphere. Of course, this image required some editing
after the rendering was complete. The painting and fading was done using
Photogenics in full 24 bit colour.
Contact me:
Goran Krajnovic
Bartolici 19
10000 Zagreb
IRC: UnreaL (#croatia, #amiga)
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