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Short:Aristotelis` second Workbench snapshot
Author: arigr at (Aristotelis Grammatikakis)
Uploader:arigr lm com (Aristotelis Grammatikakis)
Download:pix/wb/AristWB.jpg - View contents

This is the lastest grab of my Workbench.

Because people started asking, I`ll go into more detail about
the Workbench grab here.

My hardware consists of an A4000/060 and a Picasso IV (along with lots
of memory and hard disk space).

The resolution is 1152x900 at 16bit.

The ship you see in the background is Nikolaos, one of some I scanned
from a collection of paintings of last century`s greek ships from
Galaxidi. That collection is part of the museum of Galaxidi and I found
them in the very nice book of "Ships of Galaxidi" published by the museum.

Starting from the top we have Tinymeter, the system meters and launcher
which I prefer to use from Toolmanager. Too bad that Urou has dropped the
Amiga and none has picked up the sources.

The missing toolbar is courtesy of CGWBPattern and so is the remaining
depth gadget (which unfortunately is not vector resizable).
The little xeyes clone is BlueEyes (just because MagicEye uses too much
of CPU at the moment).

The imagedrawer and hard disk icons you see are my own creations,
called AristIcons.They are uploaded to Aminet at pix/icon.

The window gadgets are a set of my own put there with Urouhack.
Unfortunately the hack is not perfect and Urou like I said
before has gone "byebye".
I have to say that I don`t use it anymore apart for the purpose of this
screenshot because it locks MUI windows some times.

The shell console is VincED and excellent CON replacement.
And I also use ZShell.

I have Mame running, the Arcade emulator with 1942 playing its demo
(and sucking up all my CPU power).

On the top right corner is the mailbox icon of YAM that announces e-mail
arriving. Part of the AristIcon collection.

YAM is also open to show my MUI set up.

I have CyberWindow displaying a robot I did for the 3D Studio MAX class
at school.

I also have to mention the greek language on my WB which is offered
by Tsaousis Kostas` great Greek Workbench package which includes -much-
more than just locale catalogs (some of which are also modified :-).

On the bottom we have Dashboard, which is part of the
excellent Executive. Dashboard is incredibly configurable and can display
many useful system stasts and info. Even the "AmigaOS" box is made with
Dahsboard. What everything shows I think its pretty self-explenatory.

The titles are centered with CenterTitles.

The menus were done with MagicMenu V2.15. Great, great utility.

And ofcourse MCP is doing some aesthetic changes as well
(like the scrollers and the "fill bar")

And for those who are interested in WB enhancements, on my WBStartup I have:
CyberPatcher, CenterTitles, Tinymeter, GreekMagic, AristosMeter (my dashboard
creation), MagicMenu, SwazInfo, BlueEyes, IconAppearer, MultiReset, MCP,
Viruz and NozyBench.

For a final word, apart from waiting impatiently for a WB replacement like
Scalos, WorkbenchNG, and a bug-fixed MBench, I would love an Intuition replacement,
especially one with the window manager features of XWindow System.
Offcourse, a new AmigaOS would change all that (or maybe not).


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