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Short:HyRax WB. Winner Wildbench Compo AAG\'97.
Author: hyrax at (Jeff Sereno)
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This is a snapshot of my Workbench that won first place in the "Wildbench
Competition" at the Australian Amiga Gathering show held at the Sydney
Showgrounds in Sydney, Australia on the 28-29th of June, 1997.

What's in it?
Here's what you see in the pic:

    - 1280x1024x16-bit resolution.
    - Directory Opus Magellan (5.61) used as a Workbench replacement(TM)
    - IBrowse 1.12 browsing the official Namco website.
    - Homer 1.6 at the bottom left (also showing the dictionary definition).
    - MAME 0.24.3 in the window playing my second-most favourite classic
      arcade game "Pengo"! (My favourite classic arcade is Pacman :-)
    - Below that are two pics being shown with CyberWindow. One is a pic
      from "The Party'96" called "Colony" and the other is a froggy from a
      PhotoCD original. Both images are scaled to fit the window.
    - To the left of that is Gloom Deluxe playing in a window. :-)
    - Below that is "GroovyPlayer", the most fun little CD player I have
      ever come across.
    - The graphic buttons on the far right and the boring-looking text
      buttons are courtesy of Directory Opus. The graphics used in the gfx
      buttons are drawn by myself and fire off all my Internet related
      proggies - in order left-to-right: IBrowse, AmFTP, AmIRC, YAM 1.3,
      New York (Usenet reader), Term 4.7, Start AmiTCP, Stop AmiTCP.
    - The background picture is Windjana Gorge in Western Australia taken
      from a PhotoCD original.
    - Magic Workbench 2.0 does a lot of my icons.
    - Lots of shortcuts on my Workbench to various drawers and proggies,
      again courtesy of Directory Opus.

Other system software I use but you can't see in the pic:

    - MCP (which does the funky 3D window gadgets and the clock at the
      top-right amongst bucket loads of other cool functions)
    - Commodore Spliner screensaver (yes, the original!)
    - NewMode for screen promotion.
    - Magic Menu 2.15
    - Squirrel ZIP/Jaz Tools (the commercial one)
    - AmiTCP/IP 4.3 Registered
    - CyberGrab did the snapshot (original IFF grab was just over 1.5Mb!)

What beastly Amiga belongs to this Workbench?
This is the hardware that comprises my little Amiga:

    - Amiga 4000 in GSoft tower case (provides me with two video slots and
      7 x Zorro III slots - it's an ugly case, though)
    - 66Mb RAM (2Mb Chip, 64Mb Fast)
    - Apollo 68060 acellerator card
    - Kickstart and Workbench 3.1
    - CyberVision64 (not the 3D one) with 4Mb video RAM
    - Sony Trinitron 20se monitor to gawk at it all on
    - 60W Sanyo M901SR portable stereo system to blast my Amy's sound though
    - "Green" 2-button mouse (I had an Alfa Data 3-button optical mouse until
      the left button got stuck - not bad for 3 years of continual use)
    - 1xHD floppy drive (A4000 original)
    - 3xDD floppy drives (CBM A1011 external, an internal Power Computing
      model and a slimline external Roctec model)
    - SCSI IoMega ZIP 100 drive and gigabytes worth of ZIP disks
    - IBM 2Gb SCSI2 hard-disk
    - Digital 1Gb SCSI2 hard-disk
    - Original Seagate 120Mb IDE hard-disk
    - Canon BJ200 bubblejet printer (black and white only)
    - Power Computing 64-greyscale hand scanner (very old)
    - Maestro 33.6K external modem
    - DblScan 4000 scandoubler card
    - Multiface III multi-I/O card
    - Ariadne Ethernet card (linked to my A1200 and 2 PC's via RJ45 UTP
      Ethernet network with an 8-port 10-Base-T hub with provision to mix
      in a coax "cheapernet" network in too)
    - Emplant card (not currently used because the software won't run on
      on a 68060 system)
    - CBM A4091 SCSI2 controller
    - SecureKey power-on password protection card
    - MacroSystem's VLab non-linear video editing card (Realtime JPEG board)
    - 1 x Quad speed Sony CD-ROM drive (CDU76S)
    - 1 x Double-speed Sony CD-ROM drive (CDU55S)
    - 1 x Bart Simpson "Click on someone your own size, man!" mousepad :-)

I also have an A1200 with Kickstart 3.0 and a DKB Cobra 68030/33 with
10Mb RAM on a Microvitec 1438 monitor, but that's primarily for my brothers
to use so they stay off my A4000, but I occasionally use it for playing with
networking and running various software items that won't run on my A4000.

So with all this incredible hardware, what on earth do I do for a living?
    - I do PC Administration and support for Lotus Notes (ergh....)

I sometimes pop in on #amiga, but given my job with PC's, I don't usually
have that much time to myself except for weekends to spend on IRC as I'm
forever fixing problems with the damn things, but you can always get me on
email. :-)

Cheers people - keep the Amiga alive!

Jeff Sereno
(aka the HyRax!)

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