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Short:Snapshot of dbalster\'s WB (NO MagicWB)
Author: dbalster at (Daniel Balster)
Uploader:dbalster uni-paderborn de (Daniel Balster)
Download:pix/wb/OneStepAhead.gif - View contents

Subject: olympia olympic game internet windows sex demo cdrom multimedia sound microsoft WWW card bios update drive president online doom quake duke nukem apple macintosh 

Yet another workbench picture...
Format : GIF (1280x1024, 256 colors)

Explanation of image content follows:

- The funny drive icons are pictures of well known C64 games;
  but these icons will be deleted in the near future. I'll
  install brand & product logos on all drives, you can see
  a partially result on the removables (SQ0:,CD0:,CD1:)

- "White and Grey"; If you drive your monitor with 9500-10000K
  color temperature you'll going to like it bright :-)
  However, pictures in the background are nice - but "white"
  looks more nice...

- I'm using newicons. I've watched MWB once too often!

- The "Windows 95" Gadgets in some windows are not painted,
  have a look at aminet:game/gag/workbench95.lha

- You can drag/move/size/close/zoom the "Macintosh Copland"
  style windows in the top-right corner. They consist of BOOPSI
  objects and maybe I'll implement them in the Workbench95 hack :-)
- The large and heavy toolbar at the bottom is my AMITOOLBAR,
  some kind of a tool launcher. available from aminet..

- If you want to have such colorful shells, just play with
  ESC sequences. the colors were locked using a pen lock utility

- If you wonder about the "different" system gadgets, just take
  a look at MCP

- The "fat window borders" can be made with aminet:util/wb/forceborder.lha

- The Netscape(TM) icon is nonsense. I'm using only real amiga browsers.

- If you are wondering what MuPAD could be, just follow this link
  "" (or so...) Unfortunately,
  I have no time to finish the port.. I hope this will change after
  this summer (terms)

- The couple of windows entitled with "ATB" are TWO different versions
  of the generic toolbar creation system, or "TOTAL TOOLBAR". It is the
  successor of AmiToolBar, but a totally new concept. This project runs
  currently at low priority, as everything this summer (terms)

And now the hardware section:

- I'm using screenmode resolutions of 1024x768 - 1280x1024
  depending of what I'm doing (if you're a developer, you
  like it to have guides, texts, shells and editors open all
  at once). My graphic cards are AGA and CyberVision.
  (connected to a (old) 14" and a 17" monitor)

- A4000/040/30Mhz/24MB/1GB+500MB+CDROMx2+CDROMx4+SQ270MB+TAPE
  SCSI:Warpengine, Audio-Out:AGA, Audio-In:Quasar, ...

P.S. : don't wonder about the Subject: line... just to confuse
WWW search engines. do you know/have a complete "frequently
used keywords" list ? please tell me ! :-)

Contents of pix/wb/OneStepAhead.gif
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